Colorado is after this guy.

This is just total harassment. Period. No other word for it. And it's all being plotted by LGBT folks. Otherwise, why wouldn't this transgender guy go to a LGBT baker that probably WANTS the business?

Or he could just take the money and bake the cake. That always works.

Not sure how he stays in business refusing to take customer's money. Oh, maybe he just collects money from wingnuts for these fake legal battles because his cakes taste like ass.
Do you think that restaurant in Virginia should have served Sarah Sanders?
As a matter of proper policy, I believed the Sanders party should have been seated and served.

I agree and I think the bakers should be required to serve everybody. IMO, if you choose to own a business then you choose to be fair to all regardless of religion, sexual orientation or politics.
When the government starts to pay my overhead, rent, etc...then they have a say in how I conduct MY business. Until then...they have no say. Period.
Tough, guys. The governmental bodies (and that includes SCOTUS and the Colorado Commission) do what they do. No amount of yelling or posturing here will change any of that.
The law shouldn't be applied to him in the first place.

This is a guy who won't even do Halloween cakes because of his Religion.

And that's perfectly fine, since he doesn't do Halloween cakes for anyone. It's not a service he orders.

but if he makes wedding cakes but "just for straights" or "Just for White People', that's discrimination... get it?

And if your best part of the day is being a dick on a message board, seek help.

Didn't say it was the best part of my day... but making you crazy is always fun.

Do you think that restaurant in Virginia should have served Sarah Sanders?

Nope. Fat lying Nazi cows aren't covered under Public Accommodation Laws.
That is NOT the debate. You are deliberately BEARING FALSE WITNESS.

I don't care what somel liberal sects say about homosexuality. The Word of God is my anchor, not something liberal minister.

So are you going out stoning all the teenage girls who aren't virgins like the Bible says you should?

Wait... you aren't? But God totally said to do that. Oh, wait, you are obeying the laws of man over the laws of God.

That's awesome. the laws of man say bake the fucking cake.
That is NOT the debate. You are deliberately BEARING FALSE WITNESS.

I don't care what somel liberal sects say about homosexuality. The Word of God is my anchor, not something liberal minister.

So are you going out stoning all the teenage girls who aren't virgins like the Bible says you should?

Wait... you aren't? But God totally said to do that. Oh, wait, you are obeying the laws of man over the laws of God.

That's awesome. the laws of man say bake the fucking cake.

No, but apparently you...would. Funny how that works. Remember joe, violence by the government, is even worse than violence from a person. Why? Because the government rarely has consequences for its evil acts. Remember that.
No, but apparently you...would. Funny how that works. Remember joe, violence by the government, is even worse than violence from a person. Why? Because the government rarely has consequences for its evil acts. Remember that.

Government isn't the boogeyman. Government just does what the majority wants done.

Now, the thing is, the no government solution is that the guy refuses to bake the cake, and some angry gay folks come back and burn down his shop. I don't think you'd be too keen on that.

I want the government to protect both the baker's property and the customer's access to services... It means that not everyone will go back happy, but hey, it's an imperfect world.

What you want is a government that protects the bigot's property, but not the customer's right to service.
That is NOT the debate. You are deliberately BEARING FALSE WITNESS.

I don't care what somel liberal sects say about homosexuality. The Word of God is my anchor, not something liberal minister.

So are you going out stoning all the teenage girls who aren't virgins like the Bible says you should?

Wait... you aren't? But God totally said to do that. Oh, wait, you are obeying the laws of man over the laws of God.

That's awesome. the laws of man say bake the fucking cake.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Adultery is a capital offence in ancient Israel, not fornication, although there were cultural pressures that minimized that.

But we don't live in ancient Israel, and this Baker has the right to NOT take part in a ceremony that violates his conscience. Our Constitution, the FINAL law of the land, allows for that. A State, violating his rights, is a tyrannical regime that must be opposed.
No, but apparently you...would. Funny how that works. Remember joe, violence by the government, is even worse than violence from a person. Why? Because the government rarely has consequences for its evil acts. Remember that.

Government isn't the boogeyman. Government just does what the majority wants done.

Now, the thing is, the no government solution is that the guy refuses to bake the cake, and some angry gay folks come back and burn down his shop. I don't think you'd be too keen on that.

I want the government to protect both the baker's property and the customer's access to services... It means that not everyone will go back happy, but hey, it's an imperfect world.

What you want is a government that protects the bigot's property, but not the customer's right to service.

Government is ALWAYS the boogeyman. Remember joe, anybody can murder someone....but to do it on an industrial scale, requires a socialist government. Just the sort of government you seem to like.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Adultery is a capital offence in ancient Israel, not fornication, although there were cultural pressures that minimized that.

But that's the point, we don't live in ancient Israel anymore, so we don't stone teenage girls to death when they lose their virginity to the guy who scares them the least.

But we don't live in ancient Israel, and this Baker has the right to NOT take part in a ceremony that violates his conscience. Our Constitution, the FINAL law of the land, allows for that. A State, violating his rights, is a tyrannical regime that must be opposed.

Okay, except that he really doesn't. What if his conscience says that he wants to refuse black folks service? Does it still remain "okay". Because I'm sure there's someone who can take the Big Book of Bronze Age Bullshit (AKA the Bible) and justify that position.

(By the way, this was argued in the 1960's, and the racists lost.)

The founders support this. Deal with it.

I don't think we should be locked into the limited thinking of slave rapists who shit into chamberpots... do you?
Government is ALWAYS the boogeyman. Remember joe, anybody can murder someone....but to do it on an industrial scale, requires a socialist government. Just the sort of government you seem to like.

Or a capitalist government, but I'm sure that when we murder a million Iraqis or 3 million Vietnamese, you are out there screaming "USA! USA! USA!" We could also talk about the millions killed in holy wars, crusades and inquisitions...

Let's talk about the English and the genocide they committed in Ireland because they starved those people out in 1849...

So let's cut to the chase. People are shitty to each other in general. Doesn't matter what kind of government they have or what form of economics they follow, does it?

So here we have a government agency balancing

People's right to access goods and services.


Someone's right to use a business to please his imaginary friend in the sky.

Seems pretty clear that if he doesn't want to follow the laws of commerce in his state, he should maybe find something else to do for a living that won't offend his imaginary friend in the sky.

Ever notice that everyone's impression of God is that God has all the same bigotries they have?
Do you think that restaurant in Virginia should have served Sarah Sanders?
As a matter of proper policy, I believed the Sanders party should have been seated and served.

I agree and I think the bakers should be required to serve everybody. IMO, if you choose to own a business then you choose to be fair to all regardless of religion, sexual orientation or politics.

And that is JUST in your opinion.

In MY opinion, you do not have the right to require diddly shit from me, just because you want it. And in the opinion of US Constitutional law and precedent, I have a right to tell you to piss off with your demands if I don't want to accommodate them.

Thanks for reminding me it was my opinion on a forum full of opinions and after I said "In my opinion". Just brilliant. lol

If owned a gas station and I was the only gas station for miles and miles and miles, I'd deny you service and make you walk if you came in to buy gas. My right...

Point isn't that it's your opinion, Literacy Lad. The point is that it's ONLY your opinion, because the law doesn't agree with you.

If you owned the only gas station for miles around, I'd buy a horse. And let it shit on your porch.

Something tells me I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between you and the horse shit.
The law shouldn't be applied to him in the first place.

This is a guy who won't even do Halloween cakes because of his Religion.

And that's perfectly fine, since he doesn't do Halloween cakes for anyone. It's not a service he orders.

but if he makes wedding cakes but "just for straights" or "Just for White People', that's discrimination... get it?

And if your best part of the day is being a dick on a message board, seek help.

Didn't say it was the best part of my day... but making you crazy is always fun.

Do you think that restaurant in Virginia should have served Sarah Sanders?

Nope. Fat lying Nazi cows aren't covered under Public Accommodation Laws.

That makes you a bigot, and the worst kind since you justify it.
Colorado Is Ordering Jack Phillips To Bake A Pro-LGBT Cake, Again

Masterpiece Cakeshop’s Jack Phillips, who won a Supreme Court case in June, is once again being harangued by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a cake with a pro-LGBTQ message. Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit late Tuesday nightagainst the commission on his behalf, over the state’s second attempt to compel him to bake a cake with a message that violates his religious beliefs.

Two months ago, the Supreme Court ruled that Phillips ought not to have been forced to bake a cake with a pro-LGBT message for a same-sex couple’s wedding, because the court found that the commission was overtly hostile to the baker’s religious beliefs.

Now, the commission is once again going after Phillips, this time to compel him to bake a cake celebrating a “gender transition.”

On June 26, 2017 — the same day the Supreme Court announced it would take up the cake baking case — an attorney, who is identified in the court filings as Autumn Scardina, asked Phillips to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate his decision to live as if he were a woman. When Phillips declined, Scardina filed a complaint with the commission that July, alleging that he was unlawfully discriminated against.

This is just total harassment. Period. No other word for it. And it's all being plotted by LGBT folks. Otherwise, why wouldn't this transgender guy go to a LGBT baker that probably WANTS the business?

I'd say FK U!!!
But that's the point, we don't live in ancient Israel anymore, so we don't stone teenage girls to death when they lose their virginity to the guy who scares them the least
The POiNT is, you are either UNINFORMED, or LIED.

You brought up religion, and LIED.
The CONSTITUTION is with this man.
Colorado Is Ordering Jack Phillips To Bake A Pro-LGBT Cake, Again

Masterpiece Cakeshop’s Jack Phillips, who won a Supreme Court case in June, is once again being harangued by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a cake with a pro-LGBTQ message. Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit late Tuesday nightagainst the commission on his behalf, over the state’s second attempt to compel him to bake a cake with a message that violates his religious beliefs.

Two months ago, the Supreme Court ruled that Phillips ought not to have been forced to bake a cake with a pro-LGBT message for a same-sex couple’s wedding, because the court found that the commission was overtly hostile to the baker’s religious beliefs.

Now, the commission is once again going after Phillips, this time to compel him to bake a cake celebrating a “gender transition.”

On June 26, 2017 — the same day the Supreme Court announced it would take up the cake baking case — an attorney, who is identified in the court filings as Autumn Scardina, asked Phillips to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate his decision to live as if he were a woman. When Phillips declined, Scardina filed a complaint with the commission that July, alleging that he was unlawfully discriminated against.

This is just total harassment. Period. No other word for it. And it's all being plotted by LGBT folks. Otherwise, why wouldn't this transgender guy go to a LGBT baker that probably WANTS the business?

What is so, so gawd dam pathetic about these pos puke bag prick losers, they aren't doing this because the no cake bake really and treuly bothers them it's cun....s like this who go around doing it for the hell of it and getting rich while they do it.

They want to make a point and they are tourmenting these Christian cake bakers on purpose, I can't wait until KARMA find these parasites and these pricks go down . YOU ARE THE SCUM OF THE EARTH gawd dam losers.


and that's why PEOPEL CAN'T STAND YOUR FKN ASSES...... ( those who act like these assholes).

Nobody gives. a chit if your are gay but this is your agenda and where in the hell is this FAIR OR EQUAL pricks. ...
Colorado Is Ordering Jack Phillips To Bake A Pro-LGBT Cake, Again

Masterpiece Cakeshop’s Jack Phillips, who won a Supreme Court case in June, is once again being harangued by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a cake with a pro-LGBTQ message. Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit late Tuesday nightagainst the commission on his behalf, over the state’s second attempt to compel him to bake a cake with a message that violates his religious beliefs.

Two months ago, the Supreme Court ruled that Phillips ought not to have been forced to bake a cake with a pro-LGBT message for a same-sex couple’s wedding, because the court found that the commission was overtly hostile to the baker’s religious beliefs.

Now, the commission is once again going after Phillips, this time to compel him to bake a cake celebrating a “gender transition.”

On June 26, 2017 — the same day the Supreme Court announced it would take up the cake baking case — an attorney, who is identified in the court filings as Autumn Scardina, asked Phillips to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate his decision to live as if he were a woman. When Phillips declined, Scardina filed a complaint with the commission that July, alleging that he was unlawfully discriminated against.

This is just total harassment. Period. No other word for it. And it's all being plotted by LGBT folks. Otherwise, why wouldn't this transgender guy go to a LGBT baker that probably WANTS the business?

I'd say FK U!!!
He has, and will.
Government is ALWAYS the boogeyman. Remember joe, anybody can murder someone....but to do it on an industrial scale, requires a socialist government. Just the sort of government you seem to like.

Or a capitalist government, but I'm sure that when we murder a million Iraqis or 3 million Vietnamese, you are out there screaming "USA! USA! USA!" We could also talk about the millions killed in holy wars, crusades and inquisitions...

Let's talk about the English and the genocide they committed in Ireland because they starved those people out in 1849...

So let's cut to the chase. People are shitty to each other in general. Doesn't matter what kind of government they have or what form of economics they follow, does it?

So here we have a government agency balancing

People's right to access goods and services.


Someone's right to use a business to please his imaginary friend in the sky.

Seems pretty clear that if he doesn't want to follow the laws of commerce in his state, he should maybe find something else to do for a living that won't offend his imaginary friend in the sky.

Ever notice that everyone's impression of God is that God has all the same bigotries they have?

What is funny is you pull these numbers out of your ass. The reality is far fewer people were killed in those terrible wars than your chief propagandist zinn, claims. However, what is NOT arguable is the 150 million or so that your socialist utopias have murdered.....and they weren't at war, they were butchering their own people. Fine group of people you have hitched your wagon to joe. Fine group....
So many posts trying to push a false narrative. The baker sells cakes to everyone, regardless of your sexual preferences. He chooses what kind of customized work he will do on the cake. The left just can't stop lying.
That makes you a bigot, and the worst kind since you justify it.

Sarah Sanders decided she wanted to justify putting kids in concentration camps... can't get upset when someone refuses to serve her.

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