Colorado is after this guy.

What is funny is you pull these numbers out of your ass. The reality is far fewer people were killed in those terrible wars than your chief propagandist zinn, claims. However, what is NOT arguable is the 150 million or so that your socialist utopias have murdered.....and they weren't at war, they were butchering their own people. Fine group of people you have hitched your wagon to joe. Fine group....

Actually, I would argue the whole crazy "150 million" number is crap. You only get that number if you count every famine and war that happened around it.

But if you want to go there... then everyone who died in the Pacific War in WWII, died because of capitalism, since Imperial Japan was a capitalist state run by the Zaibatsu. The millions killed by the Belgians in the Congo... Capitalism. The genocide of Native Americans in the quest for Gold and resources by Europe. Capitalism. Millions killed in the slave trade. Capitalism.


Incidentally, the numbers I used aren't pulled out of anywhere. They are documented.


Vietnam War | Facts, Summary, Casualties, & Combatants

The human costs of the long conflict were harsh for all involved. Not until 1995 did Vietnam release its official estimate of war dead: as many as 2 million civilians on both sides and some 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters. The U.S. military has estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers died in the war.


Iraq conflict has killed a million Iraqis: survey

LONDON (Reuters) - More than one million Iraqis have died as a result of the conflict in their country since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, according to research conducted by one of Britain’s leading polling groups.

The margin of error in the survey, conducted in August and September 2007, was 1.7 percent, giving a range of deaths of 946,258 to 1.12 million.

Those are LOW estimates based on painstaking demographic research. The higher end estimates are that Mao alone murdered 150 million. What is not arguable is your preferred government system has murdered more people than any other cause in all of mans history. Like I said, you have hitched your wagon to the worst people, and the worst governments ever.
And yet people still go to him for cakes....

But we all know JoeBitch is a fan of fucking with people he doesn't like. Oh wait, nah, he uses government to do it, like a gutless coward.

Naw, I fuck with people I dislike with no government help all the time...

I can make you crazy as batshit with no help from the government at all.

But here... sorry, you don't get to ignore the law because your imaginary friend in the sky says so.

The law shouldn't be applied to him in the first place.

This is a guy who won't even do Halloween cakes because of his Religion.

And if your best part of the day is being a dick on a message board, seek help.
Joey is beyond help. There are two possibilities: one, he is a pathetic troll with no life, living in Mom's basement. Two, he is a revolutionary new type of spambot. Joey is a Stupidbot.
That is NOT the debate. You are deliberately BEARING FALSE WITNESS.

I don't care what somel liberal sects say about homosexuality. The Word of God is my anchor, not something liberal minister.

So are you going out stoning all the teenage girls who aren't virgins like the Bible says you should?

Wait... you aren't? But God totally said to do that. Oh, wait, you are obeying the laws of man over the laws of God.

That's awesome. the laws of man say bake the fucking cake.

No, but apparently you...would. Funny how that works. Remember joe, violence by the government, is even worse than violence from a person. Why? Because the government rarely has consequences for its evil acts. Remember that.
Don't bother. Joey worships The State with religious fervor, and believes The State can do no wrong.
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The baker never offered a “I’m not transitioning cake”, so he is not violating the statute by not baking a “transitioning” cake.

No, he offered custom cakes decorated in any color frosting or texture the person wanted.

still discrimination.

and frankly, I'm all for bankrupting this guy, if that's how he wants to play it.
Those are LOW estimates based on painstaking demographic research. The higher end estimates are that Mao alone murdered 150 million.

Yeah, all those numbers are crap... Look, I realized that is what you learned in whatever Bircher club you belonged to... but the fact is, Chinese still revere Mao to this very day, even if they aren't even practicing communism anymore. The Russians are still kind of fond of Stalin, and he wasn't even Russian.

What is not arguable is your preferred government system has murdered more people than any other cause in all of mans history.

Again, it is arguable, because the Genocide of the Native Americans and Australians for good old Capitalism was probably just as bad or worse.

Like I said, you have hitched your wagon to the worst people, and the worst governments ever.

I haven't hitched my wagon to anyone, bud. It's just that if you best argument is, "Lots of people died in a war the Communists won", you really don't have much of an argument. All those people would have died no matter who won.

You think that if Chiang Kai-Shek (or as the American OSS called him, "Cash my Check") had won in China, that this guy wouldn't have been just as brutal to his enemies?
The baker never offered a “I’m not transitioning cake”, so he is not violating the statute by not baking a “transitioning” cake.

No, he offered custom cakes decorated in any color frosting or texture the person wanted.

still discrimination.

and frankly, I'm all for bankrupting this guy, if that's how he wants to play it.

And, in your next breath you will say, if he does not want to make same sex wedding cakes, he should not make any wedding cakes.

He is doing exactly what you preach. He makes no transitioning or gender retention cakes.

And no, he simply does not make cakes for any and all occasions. There are other cakes he refuses to make, Halloween cakes for an example.

For that, and those of other situations, he happily supplies generic cake so the individual can decorate them themselves.
And, in your next breath you will say, if he does not want to make same sex wedding cakes, he should not make any wedding cakes.

He is doing exactly what you preach. He makes no transitioning or gender retention cakes.

And no, he simply does not make cakes for any and all occasions. There are other cakes he refuses to make, Halloween cakes for an example.

For that, and those of other situations, he happily supplies generic cake so the individual can decorate them themselves.

Hey, you know what, I shouldn't have to try to figure out what religious superstitions the owner of a business has in order to get service... or in other words.

Those are LOW estimates based on painstaking demographic research. The higher end estimates are that Mao alone murdered 150 million.

Yeah, all those numbers are crap... Look, I realized that is what you learned in whatever Bircher club you belonged to... but the fact is, Chinese still revere Mao to this very day, even if they aren't even practicing communism anymore. The Russians are still kind of fond of Stalin, and he wasn't even Russian.

What is not arguable is your preferred government system has murdered more people than any other cause in all of mans history.

Again, it is arguable, because the Genocide of the Native Americans and Australians for good old Capitalism was probably just as bad or worse.

Like I said, you have hitched your wagon to the worst people, and the worst governments ever.

I haven't hitched my wagon to anyone, bud. It's just that if you best argument is, "Lots of people died in a war the Communists won", you really don't have much of an argument. All those people would have died no matter who won.

You think that if Chiang Kai-Shek (or as the American OSS called him, "Cash my Check") had won in China, that this guy wouldn't have been just as brutal to his enemies?

Yeah, it's pretty easy to "revere" someone when you are propagandized from birth, and those who took a dim view of him were killed. Funny how that works. You aren't helping your cause dude, just showing what blind belief gets you....which is dead.
Colorado Is Ordering Jack Phillips To Bake A Pro-LGBT Cake, Again

Masterpiece Cakeshop’s Jack Phillips, who won a Supreme Court case in June, is once again being harangued by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a cake with a pro-LGBTQ message. Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit late Tuesday nightagainst the commission on his behalf, over the state’s second attempt to compel him to bake a cake with a message that violates his religious beliefs.

Two months ago, the Supreme Court ruled that Phillips ought not to have been forced to bake a cake with a pro-LGBT message for a same-sex couple’s wedding, because the court found that the commission was overtly hostile to the baker’s religious beliefs.

Now, the commission is once again going after Phillips, this time to compel him to bake a cake celebrating a “gender transition.”

On June 26, 2017 — the same day the Supreme Court announced it would take up the cake baking case — an attorney, who is identified in the court filings as Autumn Scardina, asked Phillips to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate his decision to live as if he were a woman. When Phillips declined, Scardina filed a complaint with the commission that July, alleging that he was unlawfully discriminated against.

This is just total harassment. Period. No other word for it. And it's all being plotted by LGBT folks. Otherwise, why wouldn't this transgender guy go to a LGBT baker that probably WANTS the business?
This is what happens when Progressive are incharge and running the Government. They will force you with threats and anything they can find to put you in the position of losing money, a Grand Jury needs to look into this. Please note that the Commission is not a elected body and could be named as a Shadow Government>.
And, in your next breath you will say, if he does not want to make same sex wedding cakes, he should not make any wedding cakes.

He is doing exactly what you preach. He makes no transitioning or gender retention cakes.

And no, he simply does not make cakes for any and all occasions. There are other cakes he refuses to make, Halloween cakes for an example.

For that, and those of other situations, he happily supplies generic cake so the individual can decorate them themselves.

Hey, you know what, I shouldn't have to try to figure out what religious superstitions the owner of a business has in order to get service... or in other words.


So he should have to sell any cake decorated with vile hate speech as well?

Bet if he did a KKK or Nazi themed cake, because he was forced to supply decorated cake to everyone that wanted one, you would be vilifying him as well?

That is your argument. You have much to explain.
As a matter of proper policy, I believed the Sanders party should have been seated and served.

I agree and I think the bakers should be required to serve everybody. IMO, if you choose to own a business then you choose to be fair to all regardless of religion, sexual orientation or politics.

And that is JUST in your opinion.

In MY opinion, you do not have the right to require diddly shit from me, just because you want it. And in the opinion of US Constitutional law and precedent, I have a right to tell you to piss off with your demands if I don't want to accommodate them.

Thanks for reminding me it was my opinion on a forum full of opinions and after I said "In my opinion". Just brilliant. lol

If owned a gas station and I was the only gas station for miles and miles and miles, I'd deny you service and make you walk if you came in to buy gas. My right...

Point isn't that it's your opinion, Literacy Lad. The point is that it's ONLY your opinion, because the law doesn't agree with you.

If you owned the only gas station for miles around, I'd buy a horse. And let it shit on your porch.

Something tells me I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between you and the horse shit.

The horse shit would look just like what you see in the mirror, twerp.
Why defend this dumb bitch Phillips? He's a phony who should be stripped of his business license since he can't do his job.

Because it's NOT his job to do whatever he's ordered to do by whoever wants to issue a command. Because it's not YOUR business, and you have no right to decide how it should be run. Because YOU might think the only people who deserve freedom of conscience are yourself and those who agree with you, but WE think everyone should have it, even if they're so gauche as to think something you don't approve of.
Many of the Christian right think no such thing as freedom of conscience for those who disagree with them.
Yeah, it's pretty easy to "revere" someone when you are propagandized from birth, and those who took a dim view of him were killed. Funny how that works. You aren't helping your cause dude, just showing what blind belief gets you....which is dead.

Yawn.... seems to me the Chinese are eating our lunch these days... and yet they still embrace Mao even though they aren't so keen on the Communism thing anymore.

Here's the reason why the Chinese revere Mao. before Mao, China was everyone's bitch. Pretty much from the Opium Wars to the end of WWII.
So he should have to sell any cake decorated with vile hate speech as well?

Bet if he did a KKK or Nazi themed cake, because he was forced to supply decorated cake to everyone that wanted one, you would be vilifying him as well?

That is your argument. You have much to explain.

Not at all. Common sense.

Nazis are evil. Gay people aren't.

That was easy, wasn't it?
Nah, that is a Death Angel lie BS. We all know that. You will obey the law, D A, on this, as we all will.
Yeah, it's pretty easy to "revere" someone when you are propagandized from birth, and those who took a dim view of him were killed. Funny how that works. You aren't helping your cause dude, just showing what blind belief gets you....which is dead.

Yawn.... seems to me the Chinese are eating our lunch these days... and yet they still embrace Mao even though they aren't so keen on the Communism thing anymore.

Here's the reason why the Chinese revere Mao. before Mao, China was everyone's bitch. Pretty much from the Opium Wars to the end of WWII.

They are? Then why do so many Chinese come here for their education? Why do they then try and STAY here?
How many, westwall? The numbers, please. The percentages that try to stay.

I hope they all would. We have too many lazy Americans on right, left, and center.

A Goldman Sachs Group analyst and I own some property (separately) in the same condo property group. She emigrated from Harbin (?), and her understanding of finance and property boggles the mind.

I wish everyone who is like her would emigrate to the US.

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