Colorado is after this guy.

How many, westwall? The numbers, please. The percentages that try to stay.

I hope they all would. We have too many lazy Americans on right, left, and center.

A Goldman Sachs Group analyst and I own some property (separately) in the same condo property group. She emigrated from Harbin (?), and her understanding of finance and property boggles the mind.

I wish everyone who is like her would emigrate to the US.

Ask and ye shall receive.

"Beginning in the mid-1960s, significant policy changes in the United States and China opened a new chapter of Chinese migration. These shifts included the 1965 Immigration Act in the United States that re-opened migration pathways for non-European immigrants and created temporary worker programs for skilled workers, as well as China’s loosening of its emigration controls in 1978, and the normalization of U.S.-China relations in 1979. The number of immigrants from mainland China in the United States nearly doubled from 299,000 in 1980 to 536,000 in 1990, and again to 989,000 in 2000, reaching 2.1 million in 2016."

Chinese Immigrants in the United States
They are? Then why do so many Chinese come here for their education? Why do they then try and STAY here?

Wow, so missed my point, again.

Heck, even your Orange Fuhrer says the Chinese are eating our lunch.

Of course he does. And he is correct. He is of course talking about the insane trade deals that our former leaders have foisted off on us. In that he is absolutely correct. How about taking things in context you prevaricating piece of poo.
Colorado Is Ordering Jack Phillips To Bake A Pro-LGBT Cake, Again

Masterpiece Cakeshop’s Jack Phillips, who won a Supreme Court case in June, is once again being harangued by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a cake with a pro-LGBTQ message. Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit late Tuesday nightagainst the commission on his behalf, over the state’s second attempt to compel him to bake a cake with a message that violates his religious beliefs.

Two months ago, the Supreme Court ruled that Phillips ought not to have been forced to bake a cake with a pro-LGBT message for a same-sex couple’s wedding, because the court found that the commission was overtly hostile to the baker’s religious beliefs.

Now, the commission is once again going after Phillips, this time to compel him to bake a cake celebrating a “gender transition.”

On June 26, 2017 — the same day the Supreme Court announced it would take up the cake baking case — an attorney, who is identified in the court filings as Autumn Scardina, asked Phillips to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate his decision to live as if he were a woman. When Phillips declined, Scardina filed a complaint with the commission that July, alleging that he was unlawfully discriminated against.

This is just total harassment. Period. No other word for it. And it's all being plotted by LGBT folks. Otherwise, why wouldn't this transgender guy go to a LGBT baker that probably WANTS the business?
He is a small businessman and should have the right to serve who he wants. Don’t like him...don’t do business with him.
Nope. The city licenses on behalf of the entire taxpaying population. He must comply or shut down his business.
Colorado Is Ordering Jack Phillips To Bake A Pro-LGBT Cake, Again

Masterpiece Cakeshop’s Jack Phillips, who won a Supreme Court case in June, is once again being harangued by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission for refusing to bake a cake with a pro-LGBTQ message. Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit late Tuesday nightagainst the commission on his behalf, over the state’s second attempt to compel him to bake a cake with a message that violates his religious beliefs.

Two months ago, the Supreme Court ruled that Phillips ought not to have been forced to bake a cake with a pro-LGBT message for a same-sex couple’s wedding, because the court found that the commission was overtly hostile to the baker’s religious beliefs.

Now, the commission is once again going after Phillips, this time to compel him to bake a cake celebrating a “gender transition.”

On June 26, 2017 — the same day the Supreme Court announced it would take up the cake baking case — an attorney, who is identified in the court filings as Autumn Scardina, asked Phillips to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate his decision to live as if he were a woman. When Phillips declined, Scardina filed a complaint with the commission that July, alleging that he was unlawfully discriminated against.

This is just total harassment. Period. No other word for it. And it's all being plotted by LGBT folks. Otherwise, why wouldn't this transgender guy go to a LGBT baker that probably WANTS the business?
He is a small businessman and should have the right to serve who he wants. Don’t like him...don’t do business with him.
Nope. The city licenses on behalf of the entire taxpaying population. He must comply or shut down his business.

Funny how you ignore the fact that COTUS takes precedence. You need to take a Civics class.
Of course he does. And he is correct. He is of course talking about the insane trade deals that our former leaders have foisted off on us. In that he is absolutely correct. How about taking things in context you prevaricating piece of poo.

Uh, guy, the trade deals aren't insane. The problem is, Chinese people work harder for less money... that's why they are eating our lunch.

Now, if we invested in infrastructure and education like they did, we probably wouldn't be in this mess, but we invested in dressage horsies for the rich... and we see how that turned out.
Of course he does. And he is correct. He is of course talking about the insane trade deals that our former leaders have foisted off on us. In that he is absolutely correct. How about taking things in context you prevaricating piece of poo.

Uh, guy, the trade deals aren't insane. The problem is, Chinese people work harder for less money... that's why they are eating our lunch.

Now, if we invested in infrastructure and education like they did, we probably wouldn't be in this mess, but we invested in dressage horsies for the rich... and we see how that turned out.

Yes, they are. They favor the chinese extremely heavily. They are far from even reasonable. They are batshit crazy deals that enrich them, and impoverish us. So, if your goal is to destroy the USA as Spain was destroyed through its trade deals back when it was the wealthiest nation on the planet, then yes, your point is correct. On the other hand, if you want this country to remain strong, then you and your claims are moronic.
Yes, they are. They favor the chinese extremely heavily. They are far from even reasonable. They are batshit crazy deals that enrich them, and impoverish us. So, if your goal is to destroy the USA as Spain was destroyed through its trade deals back when it was the wealthiest nation on the planet, then yes, your point is correct. On the other hand, if you want this country to remain strong, then you and your claims are moronic.

Um, no, they aren't.

Americans were losing the trade wars long before the Chinese showed up.

That's what happens when your corporations become more focused on quick profits than quality.

So what's Trumpenfuhrer's solution? Making consumer goods more expensive for Americans!
Yes, they are. They favor the chinese extremely heavily. They are far from even reasonable. They are batshit crazy deals that enrich them, and impoverish us. So, if your goal is to destroy the USA as Spain was destroyed through its trade deals back when it was the wealthiest nation on the planet, then yes, your point is correct. On the other hand, if you want this country to remain strong, then you and your claims are moronic.

Um, no, they aren't.

Americans were losing the trade wars long before the Chinese showed up.

That's what happens when your corporations become more focused on quick profits than quality.

So what's Trumpenfuhrer's solution? Making consumer goods more expensive for Americans!

No, we weren't. Up until the 1970's the USA enjoyed a trade surplus, since then our politicians have engineered us into the largest trade deficit the world has ever seen. Get your money for education back, because you don't know squat.
No, we weren't. Up until the 1970's the USA enjoyed a trade surplus, since then our politicians have engineered us into the largest trade deficit the world has ever seen. Get your money for education back, because you don't know squat.

Exactly... up until 1970... (actually, 1976) which is when we started posting trade deficits with Japan and Europe. Because they focused on quality and we didn't.

Here's the thing... it's not the trade deals that is the problem, it's our lack of competitiveness. In a lot of industries, we failed to compete in terms of quality or pricing. That certainly wasn't China's fault, it was the fault of the executives who run our biggest companies.

For instance, when I grew up in the 1960's and 1970's... people of my Dad's generation wouldn't buy a Toyota because they were still pissed off about Pearl Harbor and Volkswagen was the company Hitler started.

Then Detroit put out crap like the Pinto and the Gremlin and the Edsel and the Chevette, and people of my generation came to see Japanese and German as quality. Same thing with electronics... Motorola and Zenith got beaten out by Toshiba and Sony.

Where we should be putting out focus is making our corporations more competitive. Tariffs just make consumer goods more expensive for working folks, which is why they always fail.
No, we weren't. Up until the 1970's the USA enjoyed a trade surplus, since then our politicians have engineered us into the largest trade deficit the world has ever seen. Get your money for education back, because you don't know squat.

Exactly... up until 1970... (actually, 1976) which is when we started posting trade deficits with Japan and Europe. Because they focused on quality and we didn't.

Here's the thing... it's not the trade deals that is the problem, it's our lack of competitiveness. In a lot of industries, we failed to compete in terms of quality or pricing. That certainly wasn't China's fault, it was the fault of the executives who run our biggest companies.

For instance, when I grew up in the 1960's and 1970's... people of my Dad's generation wouldn't buy a Toyota because they were still pissed off about Pearl Harbor and Volkswagen was the company Hitler started.

Then Detroit put out crap like the Pinto and the Gremlin and the Edsel and the Chevette, and people of my generation came to see Japanese and German as quality. Same thing with electronics... Motorola and Zenith got beaten out by Toshiba and Sony.

Where we should be putting out focus is making our corporations more competitive. Tariffs just make consumer goods more expensive for working folks, which is why they always fail.

Part of what you say is factual, but you ignore the elephant in the room which is the favorable trade deals that were worked out to get china out of the Dark Ages. They no longer need those deals, but our politicians wanted to double down on them, as in the TPP.
No, we weren't. Up until the 1970's the USA enjoyed a trade surplus, since then our politicians have engineered us into the largest trade deficit the world has ever seen. Get your money for education back, because you don't know squat.

Exactly... up until 1970... (actually, 1976) which is when we started posting trade deficits with Japan and Europe. Because they focused on quality and we didn't.

Here's the thing... it's not the trade deals that is the problem, it's our lack of competitiveness. In a lot of industries, we failed to compete in terms of quality or pricing. That certainly wasn't China's fault, it was the fault of the executives who run our biggest companies.

For instance, when I grew up in the 1960's and 1970's... people of my Dad's generation wouldn't buy a Toyota because they were still pissed off about Pearl Harbor and Volkswagen was the company Hitler started.

Then Detroit put out crap like the Pinto and the Gremlin and the Edsel and the Chevette, and people of my generation came to see Japanese and German as quality. Same thing with electronics... Motorola and Zenith got beaten out by Toshiba and Sony.

Where we should be putting out focus is making our corporations more competitive. Tariffs just make consumer goods more expensive for working folks, which is why they always fail.

Part of what you say is factual, but you ignore the elephant in the room which is the favorable trade deals that were worked out to get china out of the Dark Ages. They no longer need those deals, but our politicians wanted to double down on them, as in the TPP.
Part of what you say is factual, but you ignore the elephant in the room which is the favorable trade deals that were worked out to get china out of the Dark Ages. They no longer need those deals, but our politicians wanted to double down on them, as in the TPP.

TPP didn't include China, and would have opened other markets to American products.

Here's the thing. Free trade is the key to peace. Countries that trade don't go to war. We've never gone to war with a country that has a McDonald's in it.
Part of what you say is factual, but you ignore the elephant in the room which is the favorable trade deals that were worked out to get china out of the Dark Ages. They no longer need those deals, but our politicians wanted to double down on them, as in the TPP.

TPP didn't include China, and would have opened other markets to American products.

Here's the thing. Free trade is the key to peace. Countries that trade don't go to war. We've never gone to war with a country that has a McDonald's in it.

Republicans used to support free trade
This time it's a very innocuous cake. I think the baker is going to far in a bid to get attention because he is targeting the customer, not the service.

It's a birthday cake. Not a wedding cake. A BIRTHDAY cake that was also celebrating the day she transgendered.

Oh...and the pro-LGBT message? The cake had a pink interior and blue exterior.

That Bigoted Cake Bakery Is Now Discriminating Against a Trans Woman | Care2 Causes
Autumn Scardina, an attorney in Colorado, called the shop last year to order a birthday cake. She requested a cake that was pink on the inside with blue icing on the outside in a nod to her previous gender transition. It was at that point that the bakery declined to make the cake.

“The woman on the phone did not object to my request for a birthday cake until I told her I was [also] celebrating my transition from male to female,” said Scardina. “I believe other people who request birthday cakes get to select the color and theme of the cake.”
This time it's a very innocuous cake. I think the baker is going to far in a bid to get attention because he is targeting the customer, not the service.

It's a birthday cake. Not a wedding cake. A BIRTHDAY cake that was also celebrating the day she transgendered.

Oh...and the pro-LGBT message? The cake had a pink interior and blue exterior.

That Bigoted Cake Bakery Is Now Discriminating Against a Trans Woman | Care2 Causes
Autumn Scardina, an attorney in Colorado, called the shop last year to order a birthday cake. She requested a cake that was pink on the inside with blue icing on the outside in a nod to her previous gender transition. It was at that point that the bakery declined to make the cake.

“The woman on the phone did not object to my request for a birthday cake until I told her I was [also] celebrating my transition from male to female,” said Scardina. “I believe other people who request birthday cakes get to select the color and theme of the cake.”

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