Colorado is after this guy.

This shit is giving queer people a bad name. They should take up the fight for the baker. Ones religious beliefs are more important than a fucked up transvestite wanting a cake he can get anywhere. SCOTUS needs to fix this. It is tearing our country apart. This is what the Left wants.

We're talking about mentally- and morally-defective sexual perverts. They already have a bad name.
I think this fruitcake lawyer who thought it was his/her/its personal mission in life to harass Mr. Phillips is going to end up regretting it. If and when this case gets back to the Supreme Court, it's going to be a court with Kavanaugh on it, not Kennedy, and he/she/it may find his/her/its name becoming synonymous with the decision that sets the LGBTQ agenda waaaayy back. Don't think that's make him/her/it very popular with friends.

If it's the same lawyer, he may even find himself getting disbarred over this.
I am a sixty one year old straight man who is also an American and a life long Christian. In my sixty one years of Christian worship, I have never heard my minister admonish the congregation to avoid Commerce with homosexuals.

Engaging in commerce with sinners is one thing. Engaging in activities that uphold, celebrate, and promote sin, is something else entirely. That you have a minister who thinks that it is OK to engage in the latter is not at all surprising; this was predicted in 2 Timothy 4:3-4

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
I am a sixty one year old straight man who is also an American and a life long Christian. In my sixty one years of Christian worship, I have never heard my minister admonish the congregation to avoid Commerce with homosexuals.

Engaging in commerce with sinners is one thing. Engaging in activities that uphold, celebrate, and promote sin, is something else entirely. That you have a minister who thinks that it is OK to engage in the latter is not at all surprising; this was predicted in 2 Timothy 4:3-4

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
I have a problem. My mother planted green peppers alongside tomatoes. Should the family perform a modest ceremony before we stone her to death outside the city gates? I accidentally bought a shirt that is a cotton/poly blend, two different cloths. What should my penance be?

The St. Alfonzo high school football team is practicing for the upcoming season. Are they unclean because they are using a pigskin?

Or should my every action be dictated by the morals of 2,000 years ago?

Who is righteous enough to be the arbiter? The Amish? The Roman Catholics? The Orthodox Jews?

Who can be held pious enough to call the shots in 21 st century America?
The Bible says that eating Shrimp is an abomination.

Leviticus 11:9-12 says:
9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.
10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:
11 They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.
12 Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

So did God change his mind? Someone needs to tell the Seventh Day Adventists, because they think that rule is still in force.

God did change his mind, as is his prerogative. See Acts 10:10-15. The Mosaic dietary restrictions are deprecated as of this revelation to Peter.
Why defend this dumb bitch Phillips? He's a phony who should be stripped of his business license since he can't do his job.

Because it's NOT his job to do whatever he's ordered to do by whoever wants to issue a command. Because it's not YOUR business, and you have no right to decide how it should be run. Because YOU might think the only people who deserve freedom of conscience are yourself and those who agree with you, but WE think everyone should have it, even if they're so gauche as to think something you don't approve of.

He is required to live up to the standards of having a business license.

This doesn't involve issuing of a "command" anymore than anything else does.If he gets away with this "freedom of conscience" thing regarding cooked-up nonsense about LGBTs, then everybody gets a free pass on whatever their "conscience" guides them to do. This sanctimonious jerk started us down a very slippery slope, and all for his 15 minutes of fame. There are many other beliefs in this world besides his, and all must now be acknowledged and catered to.

There is nothing like destroying both the rule of law and America's Main Street market places. Forget the "melting pot," which has been one of the U.S.'s major accomplishments. I guess that we're all off to our little villages now.
I adore gay folks. I just don't like the assholey ones...same as hetero assholes. An asshole is an asshole.
I am a sixty one year old straight man who is also an American and a life long Christian. In my sixty one years of Christian worship, I have never heard my minister admonish the congregation to avoid Commerce with homosexuals.

Engaging in commerce with sinners is one thing. Engaging in activities that uphold, celebrate, and promote sin, is something else entirely. That you have a minister who thinks that it is OK to engage in the latter is not at all surprising; this was predicted in 2 Timothy 4:3-4

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
I have a problem. My mother planted green peppers alongside tomatoes. Should the family perform a modest ceremony before we stone her to death outside the city gates? I accidentally bought a shirt that is a cotton/poly blend, two different cloths. What should my penance be?

The St. Alfonzo high school football team is practicing for the upcoming season. Are they unclean because they are using a pigskin?

Or should my every action be dictated by the morals of 2,000 years ago?

Who is righteous enough to be the arbiter? The Amish? The Roman Catholics? The Orthodox Jews?

Who can be held pious enough to call the shots in 21 st century America?
You are a fool. You have no idea what you're talking about.

You keep arguing this on religious grounds. Will the lawyers?

There is no political harassment and terrorism against the Christian faith.

I am a sixty one year old straight man who is also an American and a life long Christian. In my sixty one years of Christian worship, I have never heard my minister admonish the congregation to avoid Commerce with homosexuals.
You are a sixty-one year old fool. Yes there is a concerted harassment of Christians.
There is no political harassment and terrorism against the Christian faith.

I am a sixty one year old straight man who is also an American and a life long Christian. In my sixty one years of Christian worship, I have never heard my minister admonish the congregation to avoid Commerce with homosexuals.
You are a sixty-one year old fool. Yes there is a concerted harassment of Christians.
There is a concerted effort to harass non-Christian as well.
There is a concerted effort to harass non-Christian as well
Nope. The baker is just running a business. The mentally ill tranny is targeting him for harassment.
The baker is targeting gays by refusing service. Yes, certain Christians are harassing non-Christians. I was listening to some judge carry on in adult Sunday school class yesterday about how Muslims living here are a threat to American values. Stupid stuff.
Yes. It is disgusting. Might as well eat spiders

Wow, you are brainwashed.

Shrimp is delicious.

It is. There was no expiration date on God's Command on what is fit for human consumption.

Another poster on this thread says there is... maybe you Sky Fairy Worshipers need to get your story straight.

The ban on shellfish was Mosaic dietary law, done away with by the New Covenant that replaced the Old Covenant. Done so to bring the Jews and the Gentiles together.

Furthermore the ban never applied to Gentiles it being Jewish law.

Okay, a couple of issues, Fat Irish Sow.

First, the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says that the Kosher laws are still in effect. (Matthew 5:17-18). so right there, you have a contradiction.

Second, the seventh day Adventists interpret the law on shrimp as still being in effect. Do they have it wrong? (Again, why can't you guys get your story straight?)

Third, why is God so willing to dispose of such an important law? Much like the law on circumcission, it seems he imposes these rules on his original followers, but then he wants a bunch of new friends and lightens up? That's kind of silly.
No person of faith ever should be concerned with the postings of atheists.

Let them post. Pat them on the head. Pass on by.
We're talking about mentally- and morally-defective sexual perverts. They already have a bad name.

again, coming from a guy whose Cult Founders were banging 14 year old girls. "Come on, honey, I'll totally get your family into the Celestial Heaven!"

God did change his mind, as is his prerogative. See Acts 10:10-15. The Mosaic dietary restrictions are deprecated as of this revelation to Peter.

How could a perfect God change his mind? Wouldn't he have gotten that dead on right the first time, being perfect and all?

What about Matthew 5:17 where Jesus (who has more authority than Peter, who was kind of a shifty character) said the Kosher Law is in effect for all time?

Now, it's obvious why that law is in the books. Someone at a shrimp and had a shellfish allergy, and hilarity ensued, and because these were dumb people who attributed everything they didn't understand to "God", they assumed it was cursed.
Another poster on this thread says there is... maybe you Sky Fairy Worshipers need to get your story straight
Like you ((though not as often as you), people get it wrong.

The clean and unclean laws are eternal for MANKIND, not the Jew only.

But God says, Work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling.
Like you ((though not as often as you), people get it wrong.

The clean and unclean laws are eternal for MANKIND, not the Jew only.

But God says, Work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling.

except most Christians are totally okay with eating Shrimp.

It would seem to me if the rules are that flexible, it's almost like not having rules at all.

Or we can just assume that these rules were made up by ignorant bronze age sheep herders and come up with sensible laws for our own time.

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