Colorado is after this guy.

The law shouldn't be applied to him in the first place.

This is a guy who won't even do Halloween cakes because of his Religion.

And that's perfectly fine, since he doesn't do Halloween cakes for anyone. It's not a service he orders.

but if he makes wedding cakes but "just for straights" or "Just for White People', that's discrimination... get it?

And if your best part of the day is being a dick on a message board, seek help.

Didn't say it was the best part of my day... but making you crazy is always fun.

Do you think that restaurant in Virginia should have served Sarah Sanders?

Nope. Fat lying Nazi cows aren't covered under Public Accommodation Laws.

For that level of "discrimination" the result shouldn't be "bake or die"

Of course a fascist fuck like you jerks off with your micropenis at the thought of people you don't like being ruined.

The only crazy is on your part, you Maoist little twat.
The law shouldn't be applied to him in the first place.

This is a guy who won't even do Halloween cakes because of his Religion.

And that's perfectly fine, since he doesn't do Halloween cakes for anyone. It's not a service he orders.

but if he makes wedding cakes but "just for straights" or "Just for White People', that's discrimination... get it?

And if your best part of the day is being a dick on a message board, seek help.

Didn't say it was the best part of my day... but making you crazy is always fun.

Do you think that restaurant in Virginia should have served Sarah Sanders?

Nope. Fat lying Nazi cows aren't covered under Public Accommodation Laws.

That makes you a bigot, and the worst kind since you justify it.

He's a sad little man. A person who upon his departure from this life will make the rest of our lives better.
So he should have to sell any cake decorated with vile hate speech as well?

Bet if he did a KKK or Nazi themed cake, because he was forced to supply decorated cake to everyone that wanted one, you would be vilifying him as well?

That is your argument. You have much to explain.

Not at all. Common sense.

Nazis are evil. Gay people aren't.

That was easy, wasn't it?

Yet, according to your interpretation of the law, the baker would be forced to bake a KKK or Nazi cake.

How interesting
Part of what you say is factual, but you ignore the elephant in the room which is the favorable trade deals that were worked out to get china out of the Dark Ages. They no longer need those deals, but our politicians wanted to double down on them, as in the TPP.

TPP didn't include China, and would have opened other markets to American products.

Here's the thing. Free trade is the key to peace. Countries that trade don't go to war. We've never gone to war with a country that has a McDonald's in it.
You're adorable.
This time it's a very innocuous cake. I think the baker is going to far in a bid to get attention because he is targeting the customer, not the service.

It's a birthday cake. Not a wedding cake. A BIRTHDAY cake that was also celebrating the day she transgendered.

Oh...and the pro-LGBT message? The cake had a pink interior and blue exterior.

That Bigoted Cake Bakery Is Now Discriminating Against a Trans Woman | Care2 Causes
Autumn Scardina, an attorney in Colorado, called the shop last year to order a birthday cake. She requested a cake that was pink on the inside with blue icing on the outside in a nod to her previous gender transition. It was at that point that the bakery declined to make the cake.

“The woman on the phone did not object to my request for a birthday cake until I told her I was [also] celebrating my transition from male to female,” said Scardina. “I believe other people who request birthday cakes get to select the color and theme of the cake.”

The BAKER is trying to get attention? I think it's clear he just wants to be left alone. He is still talking about the service, not the customer, because the customer make a point of stating the purpose of the cake. If that same customer had asked for a pink cake with blue frosting because, for example, he/she just got approved to adopt a baby and wanted to celebrate, but didn't know yet what sex baby he/she was going to be offered, he'd have done it.
Or he could just take the money and bake the cake. That always works.

Not sure how he stays in business refusing to take customer's money. Oh, maybe he just collects money from wingnuts for these fake legal battles because his cakes taste like ass.

He is breaking the law

Bake the cake or find a new business

B-b-b-but it's a PRIVATE business!!!! You know, like Facebook?

Tell me guys, with no consistent principles, how do you keep track of which side you're on in any given argument? I guess it just depends on which party is pushing which argument that day. Or maybe which way the wind is blowing? :dunno:
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.

So, a muslim baker can be forced to make Matzo for a Jew? Just wondering....
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.

based on what? Luckily the 1st amendment protects free exercise, unless of course the government can come up with a compelling reason to deny it.

And even then it has to rectify the situation using the least intrusive means possible.

In a shorter version, It's none of your fucking business.
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.

based on what? Luckily the 1st amendment protects free exercise, unless of course the government can come up with a compelling reason to deny it.

And even then it has to rectify the situation using the least intrusive means possible.

In a shorter version, It's none of your fucking business.

Yep, fakey mcfakerson has a hard time with the COTUS. Most statist dictator lovers do. The baker SERVES everyone with his regular product. it is only the artistic side that he refuses, if the asshole trying to force him to use his art for something he doesn't believe in is not a violation of the mans First Amendment Right, then there IS no First Amendment.
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.

based on what? Luckily the 1st amendment protects free exercise, unless of course the government can come up with a compelling reason to deny it.

And even then it has to rectify the situation using the least intrusive means possible.

In a shorter version, It's none of your fucking business.

Yep, fakey mcfakerson has a hard time with the COTUS. Most statist dictator lovers do. The baker SERVES everyone with his regular product. it is only the artistic side that he refuses, if the asshole trying to force him to use his art for something he doesn't believe in is not a violation of the mans First Amendment Right, then there IS no First Amendment.

The funny thing is they don't realize they are being the assholes here. They have to win 100%, no compromise.
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.

based on what? Luckily the 1st amendment protects free exercise, unless of course the government can come up with a compelling reason to deny it.

And even then it has to rectify the situation using the least intrusive means possible.

In a shorter version, It's none of your fucking business.

Yep, fakey mcfakerson has a hard time with the COTUS. Most statist dictator lovers do. The baker SERVES everyone with his regular product. it is only the artistic side that he refuses, if the asshole trying to force him to use his art for something he doesn't believe in is not a violation of the mans First Amendment Right, then there IS no First Amendment.

The funny thing is they don't realize they are being the assholes here. They have to win 100%, no compromise.

Well, c'mon. That is the way of the dictator isn't it? "You accept my way...or I kill you!" Fakey mcfakerson is a true believer when it comes to loving him his dictators.
Do Muslims make Matzos as part of the professional product publicly?

westwall and marty are having trouble with PA laws.
Do Muslims make Matzos as part of the professional product publicly?

westwall and marty are having trouble with PA laws.

What is public about baking a cake for a PRIVATE EVENT?

Seems like it is you who don't know fuckall from anything. Dipshit.
The poor, vulgar language only reveal the haters of the 1st Amendment are worried that the baker is going to have to bake what he holds out publicly as his wares.

The law pertains to the vendor not the buyers, westwall. You know that, right?

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