Colorado is after this guy.

[Once again for the brain dead a wedding is a PRIVATE event, the baker sells all of his publicly sold goods to everybody. Let me know the next time a wedding is a public event that everyone can come too, m'kay...
You can double down if you want, but that does not help your argument. The private wedding event does not relieve the baker from conforming to the PA law. You know that, right, westwall?
It's you who are doubling down on stupid, stoopid. Conrtracted Services are not Public Accomodations or does that simple legal terminology escape you?
So you admit you do not know PA law in CO? OK. That is a start.
The law shouldn't be applied to him in the first place.

This is a guy who won't even do Halloween cakes because of his Religion.

And that's perfectly fine, since he doesn't do Halloween cakes for anyone. It's not a service he orders.

but if he makes wedding cakes but "just for straights" or "Just for White People', that's discrimination... get it?

And if your best part of the day is being a dick on a message board, seek help.

Didn't say it was the best part of my day... but making you crazy is always fun.

Do you think that restaurant in Virginia should have served Sarah Sanders?

Nope. Fat lying Nazi cows aren't covered under Public Accommodation Laws.

For that level of "discrimination" the result shouldn't be "bake or die"

Of course a fascist fuck like you jerks off with your micropenis at the thought of people you don't like being ruined.

The only crazy is on your part, you Maoist little twat.
Make up your mind, is he a Fascist or a Communist?

The two are almost the same. They are both anti capitalist, and anti individual freedom.
[Once again for the brain dead a wedding is a PRIVATE event, the baker sells all of his publicly sold goods to everybody. Let me know the next time a wedding is a public event that everyone can come too, m'kay...
You can double down if you want, but that does not help your argument. The private wedding event does not relieve the baker from conforming to the PA law. You know that, right, westwall?
It's you who are doubling down on stupid, stoopid. Conrtracted Services are not Public Accomodations or does that simple legal terminology escape you?
So you admit you do not know PA law in CO? OK. That is a start.
[Once again for the brain dead a wedding is a PRIVATE event, the baker sells all of his publicly sold goods to everybody. Let me know the next time a wedding is a public event that everyone can come too, m'kay...
You can double down if you want, but that does not help your argument. The private wedding event does not relieve the baker from conforming to the PA law. You know that, right, westwall?
It's you who are doubling down on stupid, stoopid. Conrtracted Services are not Public Accomodations or does that simple legal terminology escape you?
So you admit you do not know PA law in CO? OK. That is a start.

Wrong again, I stated that PA law doesn't take precedence over the Bill Of Rights.
westwall's arguments are specious, as are his idea that fascism and communism are almost the same.

He is caught up in "truth is not truth."

Since you can't resurrect the all so obvious errors in your argument, you will simply double down on being wrong, westwall.

Go for it.
Or he could just take the money and bake the cake. That always works.

Not sure how he stays in business refusing to take customer's money. Oh, maybe he just collects money from wingnuts for these fake legal battles because his cakes taste like ass.

He is breaking the law

Bake the cake or find a new business

B-b-b-but it's a PRIVATE business!!!! You know, like Facebook?

Tell me guys, with no consistent principles, how do you keep track of which side you're on in any given argument? I guess it just depends on which party is pushing which argument that day. Or maybe which way the wind is blowing? :dunno:
Lets be consistent. Even private entities have to obey the law. FB also states it's ToS up front.
yes. If it is something he normally provides the identity of the customer is irrelevent.
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.

So, a muslim baker can be forced to make Matzo for a Jew? Just wondering....

No, it is not. A special wedding cake is a CONTRACTED SERVICE. It is NOT a public accomodation. It's called a law Coyote, CO is violating the COTUS by demanding he make a cake in violation of his religious views. I don't agree with him in the slightest, but the COTUS demands that the State abide by HIS decision.
westwall's arguments are specious, as are his idea that fascism and communism are almost the same.

He is caught up in "truth is not truth."

Since you can' resurrect the all so obvious errors in your argument, you will simply double down on being wrong.

Go for it.

Explain to the class the difference between Soviet Russia and Fascist Germany to the citizens living (but mainly dying) within their borders. I'll wait.
yes. If it is something he normally provides the identity of the customer is irrelevent.
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.

So, a muslim baker can be forced to make Matzo for a Jew? Just wondering....

No, it is not. A special wedding cake is a CONTRACTED SERVICE. It is NOT a public accomodation. It's called a law Coyote, CO is violating the COTUS by demanding he make a cake in violation of his religious views. I don't agree with him in the slightest, but the COTUS demands that the State abide by HIS decision.
But Colirado has nondiscrimmination laws and he serves the public.
This PA CO law is not violating the COTUS until SCOTUS says so, and guess what?

Talk about a specious argument. Do you have anything more than infantile "I know you are but what am I" arguments? I doubt it.
yes. If it is something he normally provides the identity of the customer is irrelevent.
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.

So, a muslim baker can be forced to make Matzo for a Jew? Just wondering....

No, it is not. A special wedding cake is a CONTRACTED SERVICE. It is NOT a public accomodation. It's called a law Coyote, CO is violating the COTUS by demanding he make a cake in violation of his religious views. I don't agree with him in the slightest, but the COTUS demands that the State abide by HIS decision.
But Colirado has nondiscrimmination laws and he serves the public.

It doesn't matter. It is a PRIVATE CONTRACTED SERVICE. How plain does it have to be made to you? PA laws do NOT EVER APPLY to private contracted services. EVER!
The CO law governs the contracting of the service, westwall.

That's how it works. Yes, you disagree, but the law does not care what you or I think.
yes. If it is something he normally provides the identity of the customer is irrelevent.
The baker believes that baking professionally is part of his protected religious practice.

It is not.

So, a muslim baker can be forced to make Matzo for a Jew? Just wondering....

No, it is not. A special wedding cake is a CONTRACTED SERVICE. It is NOT a public accomodation. It's called a law Coyote, CO is violating the COTUS by demanding he make a cake in violation of his religious views. I don't agree with him in the slightest, but the COTUS demands that the State abide by HIS decision.
But Colirado has nondiscrimmination laws and he serves the public.

It doesn't matter. It is a PRIVATE CONTRACTED SERVICE. How plain does it have to be made to you? PA laws do NOT EVER APPLY to private contracted services. EVER!
He has a storefront and he sells readymade cakes as well
The CO law governs the contracting of the service, westwall.

That's how it works. Yes, you disagree, but the law does not care what you or I think.

Wrong. You can't interfere in a contracted service. It ain't public where those laws would apply.
yes. If it is something he normally provides the identity of the customer is irrelevent.
So, a muslim baker can be forced to make Matzo for a Jew? Just wondering....

No, it is not. A special wedding cake is a CONTRACTED SERVICE. It is NOT a public accomodation. It's called a law Coyote, CO is violating the COTUS by demanding he make a cake in violation of his religious views. I don't agree with him in the slightest, but the COTUS demands that the State abide by HIS decision.
But Colirado has nondiscrimmination laws and he serves the public.

It doesn't matter. It is a PRIVATE CONTRACTED SERVICE. How plain does it have to be made to you? PA laws do NOT EVER APPLY to private contracted services. EVER!
He has a storefront and he sells readymade cakes as well

Indeed, and those he sells to EVERYONE. Why is this so hard for you to understand? He is absolutely abiding by the PA laws. He denies his regular product to no one. It is only the special contracted service (which is miles out of the scope of public law) where he draws a line.
yes. If it is something he normally provides the identity of the customer is irrelevent.
So, a muslim baker can be forced to make Matzo for a Jew? Just wondering....

No, it is not. A special wedding cake is a CONTRACTED SERVICE. It is NOT a public accomodation. It's called a law Coyote, CO is violating the COTUS by demanding he make a cake in violation of his religious views. I don't agree with him in the slightest, but the COTUS demands that the State abide by HIS decision.
But Colirado has nondiscrimmination laws and he serves the public.

It doesn't matter. It is a PRIVATE CONTRACTED SERVICE. How plain does it have to be made to you? PA laws do NOT EVER APPLY to private contracted services. EVER!
He has a storefront and he sells readymade cakes as well

And for point of sale items he doesn't refuse anyone.

Only for specific contracted specialty items does he say what he wants to do, and what he doesn't want to do.
yes. If it is something he normally provides the identity of the customer is irrelevent.

No, it is not. A special wedding cake is a CONTRACTED SERVICE. It is NOT a public accomodation. It's called a law Coyote, CO is violating the COTUS by demanding he make a cake in violation of his religious views. I don't agree with him in the slightest, but the COTUS demands that the State abide by HIS decision.
But Colirado has nondiscrimmination laws and he serves the public.

It doesn't matter. It is a PRIVATE CONTRACTED SERVICE. How plain does it have to be made to you? PA laws do NOT EVER APPLY to private contracted services. EVER!
He has a storefront and he sells readymade cakes as well

Indeed, and those he sells to EVERYONE. Why is this so hard for you to understand? He is absolutely abiding by the PA laws. He denies his regular product to no one. It is only the special contracted service (which is miles out of the scope of public law) where he draws a line.

Plus this guy is far more consistent than most. No Halloween special cakes, not bachelor party special cakes.
Nope, the attempt to put the wedding cake "on the side" does not work when he advertises publicly.

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