Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend

The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.
that's why you are s [sic] subhuman piece of shit

That from someone whose very name means what he is trying to call me; and whose very character fits that name.

guano ‎(countable and uncountable, plural guanos)
Dung from a sea bird or from a bat.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

Please provide "credible" proof that he is "a transgendered person". Maybe you could also ask his ex-wife. Regardless of what he is - he was shouting "No More Baby Parts"...

Ex-Wife Says Robert Dear, Suspect in Colorado Rampage, Showed Few Signs of Obsession - The New York Times
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

There isn't any definitive evidence at this point to support that this man is transgendered.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

There isn't any definitive evidence at this point to support that this man is transgendered.

He's a nut. That's it, call it for what it is.

Is this the next stage of anti-abortion violence in America?

Attacks on clinics are not always violent, though they are often threatening, designed to sow fear and to make it harder for abortion providers and clinic workers to do their jobs. In Living in the Crosshairs: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism, David S. Cohen and Krysten Connen detail the many ways in which clinics have been attacked or threatened in the last several decades:

Extremists have also thrown butyric acid into clinics, glued clinic locks shut, locked themselves into clinic property using items such as bicycle locks or chains, drilled holes into clinic roofs so that the clinic floods, invaded clinics, vandalized clinics, made threatening phone calls, tried to persuade patients to go to fake clinics, put spikes in driveways, talked outside clinics about bomb-making chemicals, laid down on sidewalks, jumped on cars, camped out in front of clinics for multiple-day stretches, and sent decoy patients into clinics to disrupt business.​

More: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend

Anti-choice abortion zealots have clearly escalated to outright violent terrorism.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

There isn't any definitive evidence at this point to support that this man is transgendered.

He's a nut. That's it, call it for what it is.

No doubt. Thus far that is one of the few things surrounding this case I know for sure.
Is this the next stage of anti-abortion violence in America?

Murder often begets murder.

That said, the guy is obviously a flake. But the bed belongs to you.

How is it "murder" for a woman to exercise her LEGAL right to an abortion?

Aside from self-defense or voluntary medical assistance, ending a human life is murder.

Murder? Only in the minds of anti-choice abortion terrorists. In the eyes of SCOTUS and our Constitution - abortion is legal.
In other news...

25-year sentence in Family Research Council shooting

Floyd Corkins has said he disagreed with the Family Research Council's stance against gay marriage.

25-year sentence in Family Research Council shooting -

It's good to see some of those terrorized fighting back.

Yeah......notice how little attention this killer got.....didn't fit the meme....

Killer? I thought he shot a guy in the arm and was evaluated as mentally ill.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut".

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

Oh, so you're trying to spin this anti-choice terrorist act into an LGBT terrorist act? Interesting spin. Sick, but interesting.

Well he was a transgender who IDd as a woman. And Roof was a homo w a black bf.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut".

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

Oh, so you're trying to spin this anti-choice terrorist act into an LGBT terrorist act? Interesting spin. Sick, but interesting.

Well he was a transgender who IDd as a woman. And Roof was a homo w a black bf.

How do you know he is "transgender". Where's your "credible" proof? Have you asked his ex-wife? He has a pretty healthy beard to be "transgender"...
Is this the next stage of anti-abortion violence in America?

Murder often begets murder.

That said, the guy is obviously a flake. But the bed belongs to you.

How is it "murder" for a woman to exercise her LEGAL right to an abortion?

Aside from self-defense or voluntary medical assistance, ending a human life is murder.

Murder? Only in the minds of anti-choice abortion terrorists. In the eyes of SCOTUS and our Constitution - abortion is legal.

Dred Scott v. Sandford, Plessy v. Ferguson, Korematsu v. United States, Kelo v. New London, Griswold v. Connecticut, etc.
Lakooka is hilarious when she gets all hysterical. Probably has war paint on and dancing around the ole totem poll
In other news...

25-year sentence in Family Research Council shooting

Floyd Corkins has said he disagreed with the Family Research Council's stance against gay marriage.

25-year sentence in Family Research Council shooting -

It's good to see some of those terrorized fighting back.

Yeah......notice how little attention this killer got.....didn't fit the meme....

Killer? I thought he shot a guy in the arm and was evaluated as mentally ill.

Yes....he shot the guy out of love.......and then the guy tackled him....I am sure he would have just left after shooting the security guard in the arm....

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