Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting Is Part Of A Frightening Trend

I see I went over your head.

It's pure bullshit. Abortions are legal.

And if the abortion is for anything other than the life of the is murder....

Tell your terrorist lies to SCOTUS.

The guys who locked up Americans during World War 2 and said Separate was equal....those guys....?

Yeah, those guys. You know - the ones who have the highest legal authority in America. Those guys...

Those guys....who locked up Americans without due process......and said that separate was equal.....yeah....a bunch of geniuses..........
It's pure bullshit. Abortions are legal.

And if the abortion is for anything other than the life of the is murder....

Tell your terrorist lies to SCOTUS.

The guys who locked up Americans during World War 2 and said Separate was equal....those guys....?

Yeah, those guys. You know - the ones who have the highest legal authority in America. Those guys...
No, actually they don't.

Whatever you say...

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS[1]) is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article III of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate (and largely discretionary) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of federal constitutional law, although it may only act within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction.

Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And if the abortion is for anything other than the life of the is murder....

Tell your terrorist lies to SCOTUS.

The guys who locked up Americans during World War 2 and said Separate was equal....those guys....?

Yeah, those guys. You know - the ones who have the highest legal authority in America. Those guys...
No, actually they don't.

Whatever you say...

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS[1]) is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article III of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate (and largely discretionary) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of federal constitutional law, although it may only act within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction.

Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes....they made these decisions as well...they are nothing more than 9 lawyers......

Ten Worst Supreme Court Decisions in History - New Hampshire Watchdog

5) Kelo v. New London 2005

Easily the least popular Supreme Court decision of its era, Kelo saw the Court extend the government ability to seize private property under eminent domain, even when the only public purpose was to enrich the Treasury. The Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause prohibits the taking of private property for public use without just compensation. City of New London argued that by condemning a number of privately held lots and transferring them to the New London Development Corporation, the city would be better off an be able to collect much more in property taxes.

The public saw the Court’s decision in favor of New London as upholding the government’s right to take anyone’s private property if it feels that someone else can make better use of it. Kelo prompted dozens of states to pass laws prohibiting the use of eminent domain for economic development. The case remains a high water mark for the Court’s support for unlimited government power, finding that “public use” need only serve a “public purpose” and that “public purpose” could mean anything the government wanted.

4) Wickard v. Filburn 1942

Roscoe Filburn was a farmer who grew wheat to feed to his livestock. The Court determined that Filburn’s self-sufficiency caused him to buy less wheat from outside suppliers. They decided this marginal impact was enough to subject him to federal regulation under the Commerce Clause

It should be noted that Chief Justice Roberts opinion in NFIB v Sebelius seems to reverse Wickard, or at least greatly limit future use of the Commerce Clause by Congress. This may be the most far reaching aspect of the ObamaCare legal battle. The Court has overturned 70 years of nearly unlimited federal power under the Commerce Clause. Roberts certainly gave Congress broad authority to do much of the same things under the Taxing power, but from now on, politicians will have to impose their will through taxes rather than regulation.

3) Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

The Court upheld a Louisiana law requiring forced segregation by train car on the East Louisiana Railroad. This protected racial discrimination in state laws under the “separate but equal” doctrine, which would remain in place until Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. Keep in mind, Plessy didn’t just allow for self-segregation or discrimination by private individuals. It expressly upheld the right of states to force segregation upon others.

It is only because the Court upheld the notion of equality, as silly as that seems, in the segregated South that Plessy doesn’t fall further in our rankings. But I’m comfortable putting it ahead of the next two legal abominations.

2) Korematsu v. U.S. 1944

Chief Justice Hugo Black wrote for the Court that the government’s need to protect itself from spies outweighed the civil rights of Fred Korematsu and other innocent Americans of Japanese ancestry. The Court also ducked the chance to address the myriad other civil rights violations that marked the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Solicitor General Charles Fahy was later found to have withheld evidence from the Supreme Court that led to this shameful ruling.

1) Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857

In perhaps the Court’s most infamous case, Dred Scott, who was born a slave but brought to live in several states where slavery was illegal, was not only returned to slavery by the Court, but held to have no rights as he and all Americans of African descent were not citizens, contrary to the laws of several states and the federal Missouri Compromise. I think the Court’s ineptitude speaks for itself in this case.

Dishonorable Mentions- Any of Sandra Day O’Connor’s convoluted redistricting decisions, or any of her opinions containing multipart “balancing tests”, and any of the Court’s capitulations to the New Deal following FDR’s Court Packing Scheme.

- See more at: Ten Worst Supreme Court Decisions in History - New Hampshire Watchdog
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

There isn't any definitive evidence at this point to support that this man is transgendered.
Neither is there that he is a christian, but that doesn't stop the op. His voter card has him as a female.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

There isn't any definitive evidence at this point to support that this man is transgendered.
There is definitive evidence many on the right are desperately trying to deflect the motive should Planned Parenthood be the intended target of the attack.
And if the abortion is for anything other than the life of the is murder....

Tell your terrorist lies to SCOTUS.

The guys who locked up Americans during World War 2 and said Separate was equal....those guys....?

Yeah, those guys. You know - the ones who have the highest legal authority in America. Those guys...
No, actually they don't.

Whatever you say...

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS[1]) is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article III of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate (and largely discretionary) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of federal constitutional law, although it may only act within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction.

Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3 co-equal branches of federal government.
Tell your terrorist lies to SCOTUS.

The guys who locked up Americans during World War 2 and said Separate was equal....those guys....?

Yeah, those guys. You know - the ones who have the highest legal authority in America. Those guys...
No, actually they don't.

Whatever you say...

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS[1]) is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article III of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate (and largely discretionary) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of federal constitutional law, although it may only act within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction.

Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3 co-equal branches of federal government.

And your point is...?
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.
He is a transgendered person, more than likely he is queer. I don't put the entire queer population at blame. Like the op is trying to tie all Christians into this tradegy.

There isn't any definitive evidence at this point to support that this man is transgendered.
There is definitive evidence many on the right are desperately trying to deflect the motive should Planned Parenthood be the intended target of the attack.

And since he didn't actually shoot anyone in the clinic there is room to doubt that assertion.....and the fact that he said a bunch of incoherent things when he was arrested......

Usually people who cross the line and go to a planned parenthood/murder facility and actually plan on killing people.....actually kill people.......
The guys who locked up Americans during World War 2 and said Separate was equal....those guys....?

Yeah, those guys. You know - the ones who have the highest legal authority in America. Those guys...
No, actually they don't.

Whatever you say...

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS[1]) is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article III of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate (and largely discretionary) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of federal constitutional law, although it may only act within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction.

Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3 co-equal branches of federal government.

And your point is...?
That the SC isn't the highest authority in the country.

The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.

Fuck! I stubbed my toe. Fuckin' faggots! :mad:
Who had access to a gun.

The Fort Hood shooter was loon who was ON GOVT lists. He had access to a Gun on Federal property. "They" could not (or would not in that case) stop this loon.

But if the GOVT constantly scours the countryside looking for people who go crazy in cabins who have access to a gun? Say what? you don't know where or how he got any gun. I don't.

I only wish the GUARDS had guns at PP and shot him before he got cover to shoot COP.
Tell your terrorist lies to SCOTUS.

The guys who locked up Americans during World War 2 and said Separate was equal....those guys....?

Yeah, those guys. You know - the ones who have the highest legal authority in America. Those guys...
No, actually they don't.

Whatever you say...

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS[1]) is the highest federal court of the United States. Established pursuant to Article III of the United States Constitution in 1789, it has ultimate (and largely discretionary) appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of the United States, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of federal constitutional law, although it may only act within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction.

Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes....they made these decisions as well...they are nothing more than 9 lawyers......

Ten Worst Supreme Court Decisions in History - New Hampshire Watchdog

5) Kelo v. New London 2005

Easily the least popular Supreme Court decision of its era, Kelo saw the Court extend the government ability to seize private property under eminent domain, even when the only public purpose was to enrich the Treasury. The Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause prohibits the taking of private property for public use without just compensation. City of New London argued that by condemning a number of privately held lots and transferring them to the New London Development Corporation, the city would be better off an be able to collect much more in property taxes.

The public saw the Court’s decision in favor of New London as upholding the government’s right to take anyone’s private property if it feels that someone else can make better use of it. Kelo prompted dozens of states to pass laws prohibiting the use of eminent domain for economic development. The case remains a high water mark for the Court’s support for unlimited government power, finding that “public use” need only serve a “public purpose” and that “public purpose” could mean anything the government wanted.

4) Wickard v. Filburn 1942

Roscoe Filburn was a farmer who grew wheat to feed to his livestock. The Court determined that Filburn’s self-sufficiency caused him to buy less wheat from outside suppliers. They decided this marginal impact was enough to subject him to federal regulation under the Commerce Clause

It should be noted that Chief Justice Roberts opinion in NFIB v Sebelius seems to reverse Wickard, or at least greatly limit future use of the Commerce Clause by Congress. This may be the most far reaching aspect of the ObamaCare legal battle. The Court has overturned 70 years of nearly unlimited federal power under the Commerce Clause. Roberts certainly gave Congress broad authority to do much of the same things under the Taxing power, but from now on, politicians will have to impose their will through taxes rather than regulation.

3) Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

The Court upheld a Louisiana law requiring forced segregation by train car on the East Louisiana Railroad. This protected racial discrimination in state laws under the “separate but equal” doctrine, which would remain in place until Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. Keep in mind, Plessy didn’t just allow for self-segregation or discrimination by private individuals. It expressly upheld the right of states to force segregation upon others.

It is only because the Court upheld the notion of equality, as silly as that seems, in the segregated South that Plessy doesn’t fall further in our rankings. But I’m comfortable putting it ahead of the next two legal abominations.

2) Korematsu v. U.S. 1944

Chief Justice Hugo Black wrote for the Court that the government’s need to protect itself from spies outweighed the civil rights of Fred Korematsu and other innocent Americans of Japanese ancestry. The Court also ducked the chance to address the myriad other civil rights violations that marked the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Solicitor General Charles Fahy was later found to have withheld evidence from the Supreme Court that led to this shameful ruling.

1) Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857

In perhaps the Court’s most infamous case, Dred Scott, who was born a slave but brought to live in several states where slavery was illegal, was not only returned to slavery by the Court, but held to have no rights as he and all Americans of African descent were not citizens, contrary to the laws of several states and the federal Missouri Compromise. I think the Court’s ineptitude speaks for itself in this case.

Dishonorable Mentions- Any of Sandra Day O’Connor’s convoluted redistricting decisions, or any of her opinions containing multipart “balancing tests”, and any of the Court’s capitulations to the New Deal following FDR’s Court Packing Scheme.

- See more at: Ten Worst Supreme Court Decisions in History - New Hampshire Watchdog
The “Supreme Court is sometimes wrong” 'argument' fails as a false comparison fallacy, it also exhibits your ignorance of the law, Constitutional jurisprudence, and the doctrine of judicial review.

Moreover, Wickard has been consistently upheld by the Court as settled and accepted Commerce Clause jurisprudence, the ruling was a wise, appropriate, and correct decision reflecting the original intent of the Framers and the role of Congress to regulate markets; and Kelo is the progeny of settled and accepted Takings Clause jurisprudence, further evidence of your ignorance.
The OP is trying to gaslight people into believing that this man who identified as a woman publicly (part of the LGBT cult) is "your typical right wing religious nut". Just like the limp-wristed Dylann Roof, who shot up 9 Christians at Bible study and who had a black boyfriend.

It's odd though that the LGBT, which is famous also for being into a woman's right to choose, puts one of its own in the role of "radical Christian nut" and then the OP posts this post as if this news hadn't come out to the world:

A voter registration file indicates that the shooter who allegedly killed three in Colorado Springs on Friday identifies as a woman with no party affiliation.

The file indicates that Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. of Hartsel, Colo., registered to vote in Park County on Oct. 17, 2014. Dear's party affiliation is UAF, which is used to mean unaffiliated or independent, and selected "female" for gender. Colorado shooter identifies as woman in voter registration

One would almost think this was an LGBT out to try to make it look like "Christians suck!"

I'd say, test him for HIV. He was probably on the brink of the downhill with AIDS and figured he'd "take one for the team" since he might have been on his way out anyway. Their avid goal now as it is obvious in media, is to smear Christians with full vigor. As one famous LGBT anchor said "this is a culture war". And as you know, "all's fair in love and war"..

I was wondering when you were going to lay the blame for this shooting on gays. Why should this tragedy be any different? Too funny.

Fuck! I stubbed my toe. Fuckin' faggots! :mad:

Did you stub it inside another man's ass? lol

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