Colorado Police Officer Body Slams a 22-Year Old Woman Face First

One. She deserved it.
Two. This happened in Colorado. The girl was probably so doped up she didn't feel it and won't remember it.
One. She deserved it.
Two. This happened in Colorado. The girl was probably so doped up she didn't feel it and won't remember it.

Drunk. Ft. Collins is such a beautiful town. Dry clean and a great place to raise kids anywhere the CSU shits aren't. What happened to that stupid broad happens about a thousand times every weekend.
One. She deserved it.
Two. This happened in Colorado. The girl was probably so doped up she didn't feel it and won't remember it.

Drunk. Ft. Collins is such a beautiful town. Dry clean and a great place to raise kids anywhere the CSU shits aren't. What happened to that stupid broad happens about a thousand times every weekend.
High on pot AND drunk.
I'm actually very torn here. All my life, I've been strictly on the side of law and order.
I still am, but not necessarily on the side of cops anymore.
I tend to look at and consider a lot more closely these days and not automatically jump to pro-cop con-cop.
I still believe the majority of cops are good people doing a good job. Sad to saythere is a percentage of them who are just plain bad cops either through iignorance or character.
A few years ago I was challenged on my stance and I started to watch a LOT of videos. Bad cops, indifferent cops, bully cops, cops not knowing the very laws they are sworn to uphold..... I could go on for more years and not watch the same video twice.
It enrages me and makes. me terribly sad.
They are allowed to use enough force to get the situation under control. Reasonable people understand this was way excessive
I'll ask you again... what makes you think she was high or drunk?
He looked a bit surprised at her face splat. Maybe he didn't realize just how fragile she was? Still...he is a man. She is a skinny little thing. And stupid. Slap a cop, get shoved to the ground. But again..he used too much force for an unarmed woman.
But you know what, Gracie? If that same cop had witnessed an incident where a woman had spit on a man, and the man threw her down to the ground, the cop would have beaten the shit out of the man, on the basis that he's a man hitting a woman.

Did she spit on the cop? I was wearing my dress uniform coming back from Vietnam and in Los Angeles International Airport where the hippies spat on me. I did not kick their asses but spit back with accuracy aiming for their eyes like a spitting cobra. They found out in short order that I was a better spitter. When I got home immediately washed, starched and ironed my dress uniform.
Cool story, bro.
The officers actions were brutal and looked bad, but this is the same thing we tell Blacks that get shot! Bad things happen when you argue and fight with the police.

If she would have just realize OK I am getting arrested and turn around. She would have been OK.

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okay i am now just calling bullshit on xband and his claims of service....
I dare you to call me out on my military service. That is a dare and I dare you to double dare me. Do it if you have the balls and I will draw the line in the sand with my big toe and triple dare to cross it. : )

ya gonna claim a purple heart for hurting your toe drawing lines in the sand?

I refused a Bronze Star with the V device in a combat zone because I did something bad by usurping power from the Captain which can result a summary court martial. When I refused the medal the Captain did not get his medal. Two years later on shore duty I refused an Good Conduct Medal because I did not deserve it but at threat of Court Martial I accepted it with everyone standing at attention except for me. I got paid to do my job and don't need a medal to prove it. Combat Action Ribbon or Medal is the highest that my DD-214 shows.
Another cool story, bro.
Why is that guy who's filming laughing? She could have died.

That girl was zero threat. Unbelievable. Fire that cop.

Happens every Friday night in that town. The bitch got what she had coming for being retarded.
That cop is going to prison.

Looks like you need some more affluent kids to clean up the crooked cops in that town. Affluent kids know cops aren't meant to act that way.
Why is that guy who's filming laughing? She could have died.

That girl was zero threat. Unbelievable. Fire that cop.

Happens every Friday night in that town. The bitch got what she had coming for being retarded.
That cop is going to prison.

Looks like you need some more affluent kids to clean up the crooked cops in that town. Affluent kids know cops aren't meant to act that way.

Na, at best those cops will have to work the jail a few days until it all blows over. The cops in that town are pretty cool to those who are not stupid as the young lady found out.
Sorry, but you lie. You have no proof of what happened, you don't know what led up to the event, and you don't care. All you want to do is spread discontent. The woman should not have touched the cop. End of story. Now, lie and smoke some more, it's what you and your kind always do.

There's no context where what that cop did was okay. There's something seriously wrong with you if you think there was.

Lived in Ft. Collins on and off since 1989. The trash that comes off the CSU campus typically are handled this way. This is because their affluent parents fail to teach these stupid blond whores that if you act a certain way, you will be handled a certain way. Really, the stupidid ho is lucky. For all her stupidity she will likely only have to go stack doors at habitat for humanity or something for a weekend or two. Also bet the moron complies with law enforcement next time to.

Besides you obvious misogyny, here's how this is going to play out.

The cop involved will be FIRED.
The city will pay this girl a large enough settlement to finish college and maybe do Grad School.
The officers actions were brutal and looked bad, but this is the same thing we tell Blacks that get shot! Bad things happen when you argue and fight with the police.

If she would have just realize OK I am getting arrested and turn around. She would have been OK.

Well, besides the obvious disparity of black people getting shot and white people just getting roughed up.

NOBODY should be abused by law enforcement like that.

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