Colorado Police Officer Body Slams a 22-Year Old Woman Face First

She hit an officer, too fucking bad.

Besides, the sexes are equal now, if that was a man hitting an officer no one would care.

But it was such a hard core body slam though. Was that really necessary? That could've caused permanent dental damage or even a skull fracture, or worse. I realize you need to smack a bitch up now and then, but that seemed a bit excessive, especially considering she weighs about 90 pounds and posed exactly zero threat to the pig.
He just flinched. She was so skinny he probably had no idea so little force could create that much impact.

Stop making bullshit excuses for pigs.
...says the pig who advocates beating women.

My comment was sarcasm, you mental midget. I notice you've got nothing to say about the pig. Interesting, that.
My IQ = 158, you stupid jackass. And you are also a fucking liar. The perp was not slammed on her face.

Evidently the IQ test you took does not test for the ability to understand sarcasm.
He just flinched. She was so skinny he probably had no idea so little force could create that much impact.

Stop making bullshit excuses for pigs.
...says the pig who advocates beating women.

My comment was sarcasm, you mental midget. I notice you've got nothing to say about the pig. Interesting, that.
My IQ = 158, you stupid jackass. And you are also a fucking liar. The perp was not slammed on her face.

Evidently the IQ test you took does not test for the ability to understand sarcasm.
Could you explain how you came to that conclusion?
The cop gave her more than a bitch slap and was judge and jury on the spot. She must have said something bad about the cop to get him so enraged to slam her face on the concrete. Even cops have a sense of civility but when pushed too hard can and will become unglued.

We don't need unglued cops. They should be fired immediately.
Sorry, but you lie. You have no proof of what happened, you don't know what led up to the event, and you don't care. All you want to do is spread discontent. The woman should not have touched the cop. End of story. Now, lie and smoke some more, it's what you and your kind always do.

There's no context where what that cop did was okay. There's something seriously wrong with you if you think there was.

Lived in Ft. Collins on and off since 1989. The trash that comes off the CSU campus typically are handled this way. This is because their affluent parents fail to teach these stupid blond whores that if you act a certain way, you will be handled a certain way. Really, the stupidid ho is lucky. For all her stupidity she will likely only have to go stack doors at habitat for humanity or something for a weekend or two. Also bet the moron complies with law enforcement next time to.

Besides you obvious misogyny, here's how this is going to play out.

The cop involved will be FIRED.
The city will pay this girl a large enough settlement to finish college and maybe do Grad School.

No context other then what's typical in a collage town where almost every business that serves alchohol is loaceted right by the dorms on the campus, all the way to old town. And that the collage students lead in that area in DUI and public nuicsance. That and even the skinny dumbbell blond white gals gotta understand, comply with the police and you will be fine. Instead, little Miss thing did not and ate the side walk which is what happens when you don't listen to the cops. I'm with the dude shooting video, it was funny.
She hit an officer, too fucking bad.

Besides, the sexes are equal now, if that was a man hitting an officer no one would care.

No video of the 110 pound beast hitting the cop.

Gotta remember, this is a town where drunk collage kids run amok. They pass out at buss stops, shit on side walks puke all over not to mention they are just dicks. Ft. Collins CO was rated one of the best towns as well as one of the safest in the us. That's mostly because the cops don't take any shit from drunk children.

Text under video:

"Shocking video shows Colorado police officers body slamming a sorority girl, 22, outside a bar after she 'assaulted' one of the officers Michaella Surat, 22, was thrown to the ground by a police officer on Thursday Cell phone footage captured her arrest outside Bondi Beach Bar in Fort Collins Police had been called to break up a fight involving Surat's boyfriend She allegedly struck an officer before she was thrown to the ground and arrested Video of the incident has been viewed thousands of times on social media Shocked viewers accused the police officers of being too rough with Surat."

I'm sorry for that girl but hitting a police officer is never a good idea :(
You know they represent the law so you have to be very careful with policemen
She hit an officer, too fucking bad.

Besides, the sexes are equal now, if that was a man hitting an officer no one would care.

No video of the 110 pound beast hitting the cop.

Gotta remember, this is a town where drunk collage kids run amok. They pass out at buss stops, shit on side walks puke all over not to mention they are just dicks. Ft. Collins CO was rated one of the best towns as well as one of the safest in the us. That's mostly because the cops don't take any shit from drunk children.

Both of my kids go to CSU, my daughter knows the girl who was body slammed. Your characterization of FC is way overblown. It is really is no different than any "collage" town. I'll ask my kids how often they see kids passed out at "buss" stops and shitting on sidewalks. We talk a lot and they have never mentioned seeing any of those things.
She hit an officer, too fucking bad.

Besides, the sexes are equal now, if that was a man hitting an officer no one would care.

No video of the 110 pound beast hitting the cop.

Gotta remember, this is a town where drunk collage kids run amok. They pass out at buss stops, shit on side walks puke all over not to mention they are just dicks. Ft. Collins CO was rated one of the best towns as well as one of the safest in the us. That's mostly because the cops don't take any shit from drunk children.

Both of my kids go to CSU, my daughter knows the girl who was body slammed. Your characterization of FC is way overblown. It is really is no different than any "collage" town. I'll ask my kids how often they see kids passed out at "buss" stops and shitting on sidewalks. We talk a lot and they have never mentioned seeing any of those things.

Friday night start at Washington's just after 5, or did they finally shut that shit shack down? In my many years I have seen many a collage brat spanked right in old town square. That was back in the days before the Louie Armstrong bronze statue went missing. To a T, if you ask anyone on FCPD or Lardner county sheriff's dept what makes for the crappiest days at work and they will say collage brats and tweakers in equal measures. This has always been the case in art. Collins. Even at he fireworks show in city park on the Fourth of July the collage brats are there in force making it suck because they are to drunk. That said, if my daughter knew this stupid broad I would ask her to pass on some advice, that would be that she should not drink in public until she is all grown up because the cops will roll her skinny ass up and stuff it in jail.

Text under video:

"Shocking video shows Colorado police officers body slamming a sorority girl, 22, outside a bar after she 'assaulted' one of the officers Michaella Surat, 22, was thrown to the ground by a police officer on Thursday Cell phone footage captured her arrest outside Bondi Beach Bar in Fort Collins Police had been called to break up a fight involving Surat's boyfriend She allegedly struck an officer before she was thrown to the ground and arrested Video of the incident has been viewed thousands of times on social media Shocked viewers accused the police officers of being too rough with Surat."

I think they should have just cuffed her until the incident was over.
She hit an officer, too fucking bad.

Besides, the sexes are equal now, if that was a man hitting an officer no one would care.

No video of the 110 pound beast hitting the cop.

Gotta remember, this is a town where drunk collage kids run amok. They pass out at buss stops, shit on side walks puke all over not to mention they are just dicks. Ft. Collins CO was rated one of the best towns as well as one of the safest in the us. That's mostly because the cops don't take any shit from drunk children.

Both of my kids go to CSU, my daughter knows the girl who was body slammed. Your characterization of FC is way overblown. It is really is no different than any "collage" town. I'll ask my kids how often they see kids passed out at "buss" stops and shitting on sidewalks. We talk a lot and they have never mentioned seeing any of those things.

Friday night start at Washington's just after 5, or did they finally shut that shit shack down? In my many years I have seen many a collage brat spanked right in old town square. That was back in the days before the Louie Armstrong bronze statue went missing. To a T, if you ask anyone on FCPD or Lardner county sheriff's dept what makes for the crappiest days at work and they will say collage brats and tweakers in equal measures. This has always been the case in art. Collins. Even at he fireworks show in city park on the Fourth of July the collage brats are there in force making it suck because they are to drunk. That said, if my daughter knew this stupid broad I would ask her to pass on some advice, that would be that she should not drink in public until she is all grown up because the cops will roll her skinny ass up and stuff it in jail.

You obviously know what you're talking about, just a few minor corrections- They are college brats, not collage brats, and it's in Larimer County, not Lardner County. Sounds like you've spent time there partying, and not reading or writing.

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