Colorado Police Officer Body Slams a 22-Year Old Woman Face First

Cop should be charged with use of excessive force. I hope she is physically ok. He could have easily just overpowered her & put her in cuffs.
And for the record I did not see her hitting the cop & I looked close.

I'm going to guess she challenged his ego. Some people shouldn't be cops.
Cop should be charged with use of excessive force. I hope she is physically ok. He could have easily just overpowered her & put her in cuffs.
And for the record I did not see her hitting the cop & I looked close.

I'm going to guess she challenged his ego. Some people shouldn't be cops.

There is body cam footage. If it was Thad bad the cop would be home on the couch. Trust me, Ft. Collins Colorado aka, "Vanilla Valley" and the citizens there of would have that cop drawn and quartered if there really was any brutality. Honestly, if the stupid tart would have listened from the start none of this would have happened.
The body slamming was completely unnecessary, and shows the emotional immaturity of that police officer.
If Police management don't filter out idiots in their police force training programs, they will continue giving the police black eyes in the public forums.
Bozos like you would have crime so far out of control society would end up like Chicago.
Cop should be charged with use of excessive force. I hope she is physically ok. He could have easily just overpowered her & put her in cuffs.
And for the record I did not see her hitting the cop & I looked close.

I'm going to guess she challenged his ego. Some people shouldn't be cops.

No, basically it was the same thing stupid drunk prissy chicks and their douche at boyfriends get roughed up to every time they make the news. The cops respond to the boyfriend being drunk and they go to wrap his ass up and take him to Greely to sober up. The stupid bitch tries to be all coal miners daughter and the cop say "get out of my face or you are going to jail". Stupid bitch doesn't get out of said cops face after being told twenty times so when the cop says " okay I told you to get out of my face now your going to jail", if said stupid bitch tries to walk away then they get tossed on the ground and cuffed up. If folks don't like that then,

1. Teach your kids how to handle alchohol.
2. Teach them to not be stupid around cops.

Simple. Yay cops.
Cop should be charged with use of excessive force. I hope she is physically ok. He could have easily just overpowered her & put her in cuffs.
And for the record I did not see her hitting the cop & I looked close.

I'm going to guess she challenged his ego. Some people shouldn't be cops.

What would be a better guess is that her boyfriend got into a drunken brawl, then a police officer stepped in and the dude's drunk girlfriend who was trying to walk around on 6 inch stilts assaulted the cop and was arrested.
Not really joe. Most folks just remember your anti Mormon/christion rants, your canonization of Kermit Gosnell and your fake Vietnam war stories. Bout it. You stoped before not anything when they stopped using rep.

Okay, never said anything about being in Vietnam. (That would have been about 10 years before I was in the service.)

Not sure what a "chirstion" is exactly. I do remember making a point that when you belong to a cult started by a con man who had sex with teenage girls, that was pretty fucked up.

Oh, yeah. Gosnell. I had some funny idea that you shouldn't convict someone of murder of something the law doesn't consider a person. The thing was, the court mostly agreed with me, as they went from 100 counts of murder down to three dead fetuses. Then they quickly cut a sentencing deal with him to keep him from appealing.

A complete waste of money, given they already had him dead to rights on drug dealing and killing an adult women through his incompetence. But the anti-choice nuts just wanted someone somewhere to say, "Fetuses are people, too."

If only they showed as much concern for poor children AFTER they are born.
There is body cam footage. If it was Thad bad the cop would be home on the couch. Trust me, Ft. Collins Colorado aka, "Vanilla Valley" and the citizens there of would have that cop drawn and quartered if there really was any brutality. Honestly, if the stupid tart would have listened from the start none of this would have happened.

If there was exculpatory body cam footage, they'd have released it by now.

the reality- when the cops aren't releasing footage, they are hiding something.

It took nearly a year to get the footage of Jason van Dyke shooting LaQuan McDonald released. When you see it, you know why.

My guess, the Ft. Collins PD is just hoping this whole thing blows over because nobody died.
Knowing nothing about the case, or about decisions made over video evidence, express it for all to see.

You know what, we HAVE video evidence. It shows a thug with a badge slamming a 90 pound girl into the concrete face first.

what we don't have is a rebuttal by the PD in this town where they prove the things they are claiming about "shoulder checking".
I'm sorry for that girl but hitting a police officer is never a good idea :(
You know they represent the law so you have to be very careful with policemen

No, a badge is not a license to abuse civil rights of citizens, and there's no evidence she hit him.
No evidence? I thought there was a videotape :shock:
Of course they don't have to abuse civil rights of people but if you hit them and they hit you back...well...this is just a reaction I guess :dunno:
Knowing nothing about the case, or about decisions made over video evidence, express it for all to see.

You know what, we HAVE video evidence. It shows a thug with a badge slamming a 90 pound girl into the concrete face first.

what we don't have is a rebuttal by the PD in this town where they prove the things they are claiming about "shoulder checking".

One cell phone shows that. However, the official statement was in the linked article that the officers body cam showed a different story.
There is body cam footage. If it was Thad bad the cop would be home on the couch. Trust me, Ft. Collins Colorado aka, "Vanilla Valley" and the citizens there of would have that cop drawn and quartered if there really was any brutality. Honestly, if the stupid tart would have listened from the start none of this would have happened.

If there was exculpatory body cam footage, they'd have released it by now.

the reality- when the cops aren't releasing footage, they are hiding something.

It took nearly a year to get the footage of Jason van Dyke shooting LaQuan McDonald released. When you see it, you know why.

My guess, the Ft. Collins PD is just hoping this whole thing blows over because nobody died.

You live in Chicago, not Colorado. That and your opinion matters little any place other then here. FCPD is an extremely professional police department that deals with little rich kids regularly. This will blow over and little miss will have to eat a public intox charge and do AA in Greely.

Text under video:

"Shocking video shows Colorado police officers body slamming a sorority girl, 22, outside a bar after she 'assaulted' one of the officers Michaella Surat, 22, was thrown to the ground by a police officer on Thursday Cell phone footage captured her arrest outside Bondi Beach Bar in Fort Collins Police had been called to break up a fight involving Surat's boyfriend She allegedly struck an officer before she was thrown to the ground and arrested Video of the incident has been viewed thousands of times on social media Shocked viewers accused the police officers of being too rough with Surat."

I don't see how he can call himself a man.

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