Colorado Police Officer Body Slams a 22-Year Old Woman Face First

On way their time line, not yours.

Actually, it's usually best to get out in front of these things if you have exculpatory evidence.

For instance, when Wilson shot Brown, the Ferguson PD found the tape of Brown pushing Apu into the chip rack and got that out to the media immediately. (They edited out the parts where he's paying for his product with pot that the Apu's employees were happy to take.)

On the other hand, when Jason van Dyke shot LaQuan McDonald 16 times and then claimed that McDonald was lunging at him and he only shot him once, the CPD hid the tape of that for over a year.

The fact they aren't releasing the tape tells me- they know their guy was in the wrong, they are just waiting it out hoping to settle this quietly.

So again. I think she should be thinking Grad School.[/QUOTE

No matter how you justify it in your head it still matters little. I would recommend she learn to behave in public and Listen to the cops. If your thinking she will sue the PD then I recommend you do some more digging on Colorado law, specifically Larimer county law. Matter of fact, that's already been addressed in one commentary.
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Knowing nothing about the case, or about decisions made over video evidence, express it for all to see.

You know what, we HAVE video evidence. It shows a thug with a badge slamming a 90 pound girl into the concrete face first.

what we don't have is a rebuttal by the PD in this town where they prove the things they are claiming about "shoulder checking".

One cell phone shows that. However, the official statement was in the linked article that the officers body cam showed a different story.

So ... The video shows a huge thug assaulting a very small young woman?

Whatcha gonna believe?

The article or your lying eyes?

When did the RWNJs get so damn gullible?

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In that town where she was at after seeing it happen as soon as bars open after 5PM, I'll believe the cops.
When are people going to learn, you cannot refuse to follow a police officer's commands.
SYTFE advocates beating women?

Prove it. Post a link.
I realize you need to smack a bitch up now and then

You really are a mental midget. Jesus. My comment was a sarcastic reference to Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up."
I doubt that your comment was sarcastic. You just come off as the type of person who would beat up women. I've read plenty of books regarding abnormal psychology.

lol. A far right, Trump voting degenerate is pretending to be some sort of armchair psychologist now. I've never hit any woman, ever. It's interesting to me that you still haven't said a damn thing about the pig. Why's that, conservative cretin? Is it because you side with the woman beating pig?
Frankly, I did not see the officer do anything that was obviously untoward. So why would I call him a pig?

Your claim that he slammed her down face first is a fucking lie. The video you linked to proves that you were simply lying again.

And the fact that you would blatantly lie about the incident strongly indicates that you were projecting. I think it is highly likely that you have assaulted women and you felt a need to start this thread to psychologically project your guilt onto somebody else like a typical physically and mentally weak sociopath, in this case you are likely deflecting your guilt onto a police officer.

Think about it. What is your excuse for lying in the OP in the first place? What was your motivation?

Exactly as I thought. I knew you'd side with the pig, you fucking degenerate. Of course she was slammed to the ground face first, mental midget, because we can see her ass and her face is on the ground. You say I'm "lying" that she was slammed face first because you yourself do that to women on a regular basis. Isn't that right, ya fucking piece of shit? You've probably been jacking off to that video ever since I posted it. Get's ya real hard, doesn't it? You just love to see a 90-pound women being slammed to the ground like a rag doll, don't you?

You really are a mental midget. Jesus. My comment was a sarcastic reference to Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up."
I doubt that your comment was sarcastic. You just come off as the type of person who would beat up women. I've read plenty of books regarding abnormal psychology.

lol. A far right, Trump voting degenerate is pretending to be some sort of armchair psychologist now. I've never hit any woman, ever. It's interesting to me that you still haven't said a damn thing about the pig. Why's that, conservative cretin? Is it because you side with the woman beating pig?
Frankly, I did not see the officer do anything that was obviously untoward. So why would I call him a pig?

Your claim that he slammed her down face first is a fucking lie. The video you linked to proves that you were simply lying again.

And the fact that you would blatantly lie about the incident strongly indicates that you were projecting. I think it is highly likely that you have assaulted women and you felt a need to start this thread to psychologically project your guilt onto somebody else like a typical physically and mentally weak sociopath, in this case you are likely deflecting your guilt onto a police officer.

Think about it. What is your excuse for lying in the OP in the first place? What was your motivation?

Exactly as I thought. I knew you'd side with the pig, you fucking degenerate. Of course she was slammed to the ground face first, mental midget, because we can see her ass and her face is on the ground. You say I'm "lying" that she was slammed face first because you yourself do that to women on a regular basis. Isn't that right, ya fucking piece of shit? You've probably been jacking off to that video ever since I posted it. Get's ya real hard, doesn't it? You just love to see a 90-pound women being slammed to the ground like a rag doll, don't you?
There you go lying again. She was not slammed face first onto the ground. She clearly landed on her shoulder.
She assaulted him. He was doing what he was trained to do. You can see he was holding her hands to stop the assault but she was still fighting him. He did what was necessary.

Yeah, you know what, I'm a little tired of the police and their lame excuses for abusing the public. We need to get the bullies with badges off our police forces. We can start with this thug.
No matter how you justify it in your head it still matters little. I would recommend she learn to behave in public and Listen to the cops. If your thinking she will sue the PD then I recommend you do some more digging on Colorado law, specifically Larimer county law. Matter of fact, that's already been addressed in one commentary.

No jury is going to look at that tape and think, "Wow, that's some darned good police work, there."

And learn to use the quote feature, stupid!

When are people going to learn, you cannot refuse to follow a police officer's commands.

When are police going to learn, a badge isn't a bully license.

Maybe a few more lawsuits, throwing a few of them in jail, they'll get the idea.
Those are facts only to simple mended media fed libs, who so love to stir up discontent. They refuse to wait for a proper investigation, just like the stupid rioting blacks that tear up there own area on media cue.

I'm sure that you are "Simple-mended", but unless you are some kind of freak who gets off seeing women getting beaten up, most normal people are kind of horrified by what they see in that tape.

It is horrific and tragic, but bad things happen when you resist arrest.

In college my ex-girlfriend wanted to cause me trouble and called the police and said I threatened to kill her. She had the police go to my new girlfriend's birthday party.

The charges were ridiculous I hadn't even see my ex in 3 weeks and she said I did it a few hour prior (hell knows no bound like a woman scorned), but the police weren't there to take my story but to arrest me. I was embarrassed and pissed. In front of all my friends I was getting arrest. I was drunk also and wanted to resist, but I went willingly. My girlfriend and buddy got me out. The charges were dropped and it never went to court, because the DA knew they were frivolous.

Now if I went with a entitlement liberal attitude and fought back, I would have gotten beaten up and charged with felony resisting arrest.

Bad things happen when you fight the police.

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It is horrific and tragic, but bad things happen when you resist arrest.

No, bad things happen when you give an insecure bully a badge and a gun.

We need to stop doing that.

Now if I went with a entitlement liberal attitude and fought back, I would have gotten beaten up and charged with felony resisting arrest.

Bad things happen when you fight the police.

No, bad things happen when you don't properly train the police.

Just because you rolled over and played dead doesn't mean the rest of us should.
No matter how you justify it in your head it still matters little. I would recommend she learn to behave in public and Listen to the cops. If your thinking she will sue the PD then I recommend you do some more digging on Colorado law, specifically Larimer county law. Matter of fact, that's already been addressed in one commentary.

No jury is going to look at that tape and think, "Wow, that's some darned good police work, there."

And learn to use the quote feature, stupid!

When are people going to learn, you cannot refuse to follow a police officer's commands.

When are police going to learn, a badge isn't a bully license.

Maybe a few more lawsuits, throwing a few of them in jail, they'll get the idea.

Won't ever be a jury. The stupid twerp has already been processed and moved through. She will pay a fine for PI and it will blow over as it pretty much already has and then it will happen again next Friday.
No matter how you justify it in your head it still matters little. I would recommend she learn to behave in public and Listen to the cops. If your thinking she will sue the PD then I recommend you do some more digging on Colorado law, specifically Larimer county law. Matter of fact, that's already been addressed in one commentary.

No jury is going to look at that tape and think, "Wow, that's some darned good police work, there."

And learn to use the quote feature, stupid!

When are people going to learn, you cannot refuse to follow a police officer's commands.

When are police going to learn, a badge isn't a bully license.

Maybe a few more lawsuits, throwing a few of them in jail, they'll get the idea.
She was attacking the police officer. At that ;point he shoulod say "Please?" Obviously this woman is used to attacking others and now she is off the streets. Yes, "GOOD" police work.
Won't ever be a jury. The stupid twerp has already been processed and moved through. She will pay a fine for PI and it will blow over as it pretty much already has and then it will happen again next Friday.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. But this woman has an excellent grounds for a civil suit and I hope the shitheads of Ft. Collins like paying for her grad school.
Won't ever be a jury. The stupid twerp has already been processed and moved through. She will pay a fine for PI and it will blow over as it pretty much already has and then it will happen again next Friday.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. But this woman has an excellent grounds for a civil suit and I hope the shitheads of Ft. Collins like paying for her grad school.

What are you not getting moron? This stupid twat had nothing happen to her that has not happened before. If you took two seconds to read abou two paragraphs in you would see that. What will happen is what happen every weekend in Ft. Collins and that will be hit court, pay a fine and do six months community service.
No matter how you justify it in your head it still matters little. I would recommend she learn to behave in public and Listen to the cops. If your thinking she will sue the PD then I recommend you do some more digging on Colorado law, specifically Larimer county law. Matter of fact, that's already been addressed in one commentary.

No jury is going to look at that tape and think, "Wow, that's some darned good police work, there."

And learn to use the quote feature, stupid!

When are people going to learn, you cannot refuse to follow a police officer's commands.

When are police going to learn, a badge isn't a bully license.

Maybe a few more lawsuits, throwing a few of them in jail, they'll get the idea.
She was attacking the police officer. At that ;point he shoulod say "Please?" Obviously this woman is used to attacking others and now she is off the streets. Yes, "GOOD" police work.

Stupid drunk slut standing by her man. Maybe she will learn to pick better men to stand by?
It is horrific and tragic, but bad things happen when you resist arrest.

No, bad things happen when you give an insecure bully a badge and a gun.

We need to stop doing that.

Now if I went with a entitlement liberal attitude and fought back, I would have gotten beaten up and charged with felony resisting arrest.

Bad things happen when you fight the police.

No, bad things happen when you don't properly train the police.

Just because you rolled over and played dead doesn't mean the rest of us should.

You make over generalization of a honorable and dangerous profession.
What are you not getting moron? This stupid twat had nothing happen to her that has not happened before. If you took two seconds to read abou two paragraphs in you would see that. What will happen is what happen every weekend in Ft. Collins and that will be hit court, pay a fine and do six months community service.

Well, this is probably the first time one of these bullies has been caught on tape doing it...

The nice thing today, the cops can't get away with lying anymore.

You make over generalization of a honorable and dangerous profession.

It's not really that dangerous, and most of what they do isn't honorable.

But to the point, I'll grant, most cops are good guys doing a needed job.

And then you have that 10% who are insecure bullies with badges. Unfortunately, the system isn't very good at identifying those guys and firing them.

So you get Jason van Dyke who racks up 20 complaints for excessive force on the CPD before he gets caught shooting a kid in the back 16 times.

Part of the problem is the culture that sees an "us vs. them" mentality. Part of the problems are corrupt unions that have made it next to impossible to fire the bad apples. And part of it is dumb shits who want to say "blue lives matter" and excuse every bit of bad behavior they are caught doing.
What are you not getting moron? This stupid twat had nothing happen to her that has not happened before. If you took two seconds to read abou two paragraphs in you would see that. What will happen is what happen every weekend in Ft. Collins and that will be hit court, pay a fine and do six months community service.

Well, this is probably the first time one of these bullies has been caught on tape doing it...

The nice thing today, the cops can't get away with lying anymore.

You make over generalization of a honorable and dangerous profession.

It's not really that dangerous, and most of what they do isn't honorable.

But to the point, I'll grant, most cops are good guys doing a needed job.

And then you have that 10% who are insecure bullies with badges. Unfortunately, the system isn't very good at identifying those guys and firing them.

So you get Jason van Dyke who racks up 20 complaints for excessive force on the CPD before he gets caught shooting a kid in the back 16 times.

Part of the problem is the culture that sees an "us vs. them" mentality. Part of the problems are corrupt unions that have made it next to impossible to fire the bad apples. And part of it is dumb shits who want to say "blue lives matter" and excuse every bit of bad behavior they are caught doing.

Not really.

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