Colorado Springs police say 5 people are dead and 18 injured in a Colorado nightclub shooting, it's a gay nightclub that has drag shows

Yeah, so now Aldrich's defense says he is 'non-binary'.

So that means we had a gay killing other gays. That takes away the entire leftwing narrative. It's muted the way the UVa shooting has been. Now, the best they have is a mental health issue. It can't really be a gun issue because gays can't do anything wrong, just like blacks can't.
Yeah people patronizing a business that grooms kids to be 'approachable' by kiddie rapers is just 'living their lives', and NAMBLA was just a misunderstood gang of lil hobbit like peaceful hippies.
That’s qualitatively no different than saying all whites are racist. Therefore, any child raised in a white household is being “groomed” to be a racist.
That’s qualitatively no different than saying all whites are racist. Therefore, any child raised in a white household is being “groomed” to be a racist.

Lol it's a lot different. It sucks that you can't really defend your Party's sick obsession with sexually mutilating children at all. Sociopaths always are puzzled as to why they just can't sell some of their insane shit.
Yeah people patronizing a business that grooms kids to be 'approachable' by kiddie rapers is just 'living their lives', and NAMBLA was just a misunderstood gang of lil hobbit like peaceful hippies.
That’s qualitatively no different than saying all whites are racist. Therefore, any child raised in a white household is being “groomed” to be a racist.


We're talking about a business that explicitly advertises “all ages”, sexually-charged “drag queen” events, with a “kid friendly atmosphere”. We're talking about a business that sexually grooms children, and people who patronize this business, knowing damn well what they are supporting by patronizing this business.

Lol it's a lot different. It sucks that you can't really defend your Party's sick obsession with sexually mutilating children at all. Sociopaths always are puzzled as to why they just can't sell some of their insane shit.
tThe difference is that your pushing a lie, while I have truth on my side. Your failure to spot logic just highlights your prejudices.

We're talking about a business that explicitly advertises “all ages”, sexually-charged “drag queen” events, with a “kid friendly atmosphere”. We're talking about a business that sexually grooms children, and people who patronize this business, knowing damn well what they are supporting by patronizing this business.

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Not much into logic are you? What’s being said about the club, whether true or false, is being applied to all homosexuals by the right. That’s the problem and the lie I’m talking about.

We're talking about a business that explicitly advertises “all ages”, sexually-charged “drag queen” events, with a “kid friendly atmosphere”. We're talking about a business that sexually grooms children, and people who patronize this business, knowing damn well what they are supporting by patronizing this business.

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lol Democrats think it's fine for the kiddies to hang around with drunk and doped up sexual fetishists and party with them. Like I said sociopaths are never going to admit they're nut jobs.
Interesting. So running this depraved, faggoty place of debauchery so offended the community that it lead to this shooting! Then maybe the same logic should be used here as when any normal, regular person tries to hold a simple rally or lecture:
  1. A peaceful conservative comes in to give a group a talk on views and principles just to hear both sides of an important issue.
  2. Some radical, leftwing activist group protests, riots, and causes violence and mayhem shutting it all down injuring others.
  3. Local officials close down the conservative lecture or speech, deeming it too provocative and controversial, rather than arrest or send away the provocateurs.
It only offended one violent asshole.
Not much into logic are you? What’s being said about the club, whether true or false, is being applied to all homosexuals by the right. That’s the problem and the lie I’m talking about.
Applied to all homosexuals by the right.

It is nice to see the democratic party bigotry and stereotyping has not gone away

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