Colorado Springs police say 5 people are dead and 18 injured in a Colorado nightclub shooting, it's a gay nightclub that has drag shows

Gun murder in the U.S. over 246 years....


Governments of Europe murdering their own citizens over 6 years.....1939-1945?

15 million.

When we reach that level of mass murder, get back to us....

What years did Democrats support the KKK?
Democrats started the KKK

For nearly the entire time that the KKK existed, in either of its main incarnations, the Ku Klux Klan was very solidly aligned with the Democraps.

Initially, it was more anti-Republican than anti-Black. It turned anti-Black because the Republicans were perceived and condemned as being pro-Black.

There are several hardcore socialist sociopaths here at USMB who regularly have expressed their hatred of Q over and over again.

I hope it wasn't one of them.
Electra was born in 1983... By then there were only a few dozen KKK in Utah.. and none in California.
yeah by the 80s the gop had pretty much defeated the dems terrorist wing

The KKK was, for all intents and purposes, finally ended in about 1987 or so. They lynched a young man named Michael Donald, and were sued into bankruptcy by his mother, Beulah Mae Donald. The only asset that could be identified as belonging to the KKK was an old building that the KKK had been using as its national headquarters; which was sold, and the proceeds given to Mrs. Donald.

The evil underlying the Klan didn't go away, of course. It's popped up a few times under other names, and been squashed, and currently is manifested as the “Black LIES Matter” and “Antifa” movements. I think it's safe to say that as long as the Democrapic party exists as a viable political organization, that the evil that was the KKK will always be there, in one form or another. It may go temporarily dormant, at times, but it will always be there, always ready to flare up when conditions are favorable for it to do so.
The last Facebook post before the shooting at the LGBTQ+ club in Colorado Springs promoted an all-ages Drag Brunch for the next morning. Drag Brunches have been the target of incessant threats and harassment from anti-LGBTQ groups and accounts over the last year.


Yeah....did he shoot up the drag brunch, you dope?

US safest Cities:

Columbia, MD. (No Mayor)
Nashua, NH. (D) Mayor
Laredo, TX. (D) Mayor
Portland, ME. (D) Mayor
Warwick, RI (I) Mayor
Yonkers, NY (D) Mayor
Gilbert, AZ (R) Mayor
Burlington, VT (D) Mayor
Raleigh, NC (D) Mayor
Lewiston, ME (D) Mayor
Juneau, AK (I) Mayor
Winston-Salem NC (D) Mayor
Madison, WI (D) Mayor

Yep...the most dangerous cities are the ones people care about, you doofus.....and they are run by something the democrats are doing is getting young black males murdered........
Yup, OLD Southern Conservatives.
Not Liberals

Yup, (D) started the KKK, way back in the day. When the Conservatives were (D).
KKK is a Conservative thing, not a Liberal thing. dumb ass...democrats.......Northern Conservatives were the abolitionists who fought the democrats to end slavery.
My 1990, the Ku Klux Klan did not exist in any meaningful form. Beulah Mae Donald's successful lawsuit against them had seen to that.

There continue, to this day, a ragtag assortment of small, disconnected groups, dubiously claiming connections to the previously-existing KKK organization, but they're nothing. I call bullshit that they were able to find as many as fifteen men in any one state who claimed any KKK affiliation in 1990; especially from a state as geographically or ideologically far from the KKK's old stomping grounds as Utah is.
Only Splinter Groups & Wannabes anymore ( you would have an easier time finding a Laotian Midget than you would a dues paying member of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan .
But you will find lots of black supremacists openly existing in the democrat party......
And you will find White Supremacists in Conservative Circles.
ie..... the Republican Party
And you will find White Supremacists in Conservative Circles.
ie..... the Republican Party

No, actually, you don't.......any kind of supremacist is by nature a big government individual, since they need the government to enact their racist in the U.S. any supremacist is going to be a left winger.......not a conservative...since American Conservatives believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of dumb ass......while you and the democrats worship big government, and allow racists of all skin colors to control the democrat party....from La Raza, and the Congressional Black Caucus, to the white racists in the party leadership...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi marked Transgender Remembrance Day by tearing into MAGA Republicans and implicating them in the Colorado LBGTQ night club shooting that left five dead overnight.

Five people died when a 22-year-old opened fire at Club Q in Colorado Springs Saturday night, and 18 others were injured.

'As our nation marks Transgender Day of Remembrance, the House Democratic Caucus mourns the countless Americans stolen away by the scourge of transphobic violence, a crisis that continues to disproportionately harm trans people of color,' Pelosi said in a statement.

Of course, Pelosi has blamed the Republicans.
She didn't even wait until the bodies were cold.
This is what despicable left wing bigot Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi do every chance that they get.
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The Democratic Party is the party of Racism. Yes, today, they have hid their racism, but not their hate. The Democratic party must hate something, it is all they have as an issue, hence they malign the Republicans who have always fought against the hate of the Democratic party.

The Racist Legacy of Woodrow Wilson​

Students at Princeton University are protesting the ways it honors the former president, who once threw a civil-rights leader out of the White House.
By Dick Lehr
An archival photo of Woodrow Wilson sitting at a desk

November 27, 2015

The Black Justice League, in protests on Princeton University’s campus, has drawn wider attention to an inconvenient truth about the university’s ultimate star: Woodrow Wilson. The Virginia native was racist, a trait largely overshadowed by his works as Princeton’s president, as New Jersey’s governor, and, most notably, as the 28th president of the United States.

As president, Wilson oversaw unprecedented segregation in federal offices. It’s a shameful side to his legacy that came to a head one fall afternoon in 1914 when he threw the civil-rights leader William Monroe Trotter out of the Oval Office.
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Another wacko who is afraid of gay people turns to violence
Remember when the racist BLM supporter Darrell Brooks ran over 60 people murdering 6 of them including a little boy, they never called it a hate crime.
And they still haven't called it a hate crime.
But in this case, they have instantly jumped to conclusions without knowing the motive yet.
Left Wingers have a huge credibility gap problem.

Darrell Brooks called for violence against white people - New York …

A now-deleted Facebook account belonging to Darrell Brooks Jr., 39, showed the alleged killer had encouraged knocking “white ppl [the f–k] out.” Darrell Brooks appears at Waukesha County...
love is love
Apart from this crime, perhaps if activists at this group were stop trying to GROOM KIDS, they'd find they were safer in public venues? Do you really expect to have activists in a sub-culture doing things to warp the minds of children and there be no possibility of angry blowback? If so, you don't live in the real world and I'd suggest you rethink the issue. Adults will take a lot from the world, in service of going along and getting along but someone messes with their children, they'll kill them.

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