Columbia Lets Law Students Delay Exams After Garner and Brown Decisions

Brown was a clear cut case of self defense. Garner not so much as the cops did use extensive force.

If the lesson is to show students what is self defense and what's not. Well, that maybe ok.
So what? Who cares what they do? No business of ours. Let Columbia do what they want. If you believe in less gov't and this bothers you then you are a hyporcrite of the worst worst kind.
They're postponing the tests to allow the students more time to join protests.
So a few more join the protests... again... big whoop teee can this anger anyone?
If liberal white students are so outraged by white privilege why don't they quit school and allow a deserving person of color to take their spot?

Liberal white university students: complaining about privilege while enjoying privilege
Were there to be another 9/11 event, Columbia would again defer testing.

In celebration.

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