"COLUMBIA WILL BURN"": Hamas supporters issue direct threat to university

One of my ideas is to take left wing Jewish politicians and their families and put them into a position of potential death from these people. With surveillance of course to see their responses as they lose their lives. Watching their children and grandchildren dies would bring the house down. At the same time the left-wing Jewish politicians will be screaming it is the white Christian nationalists. Notice, none of them have said a word. We know what evil is when they would see their own exterminated for their comforts.
Time to fire the Muslim president of the university.

Afterwards, it will be time to send a couple of platoons of police into the building and stun-gun, tazer and beat the little wankers.

Every Muzzie-Hamas sympathizer gets dragged-out by their hair, arrested, charged, and all of them get the book thrown at them.

Time to crack some Islamo-Nazi (and Useful Idiot accomplice) skulls.

Any of them found NOT to be citizens are deported immediately upon release from jail and permanently banned from re-entering.

Any of them who ARE citizens go onto a permanent Federal terrorist-sympathizer Watch List.

And expelled from their ivy-league school without possibility of return.

They can enroll at a county community college after release from jail if the college is willing to take them.

Make an example of them.

Phukk 'em.
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Honestly, I'm LOVING this. These universities have cultivated, encouraged, funded, and enable the anti-Semitism, the violence, the racism, and the hatred for decades, and now their chickens are coming home to roost with a vengeance.

NGL, I hope Columbia burns, because it doesn't seem like anything short of that will make them understand what they've done.

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Talk about not keeping one's place!!!
Burning buildings and camping out is one thing. Taking hostages is another. These terrorists need to be taken out now.
Honestly, I'm LOVING this. These universities have cultivated, encouraged, funded, and enable the anti-Semitism, the violence, the racism, and the hatred for decades, and now their chickens are coming home to roost with a vengeance.

NGL, I hope Columbia burns, because it doesn't seem like anything short of that will make them understand what they've done.

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The left never sees future consequences. Example, the RIOTS that were excused and minimized in 2020..... we were supposed to be in a 'pandemic' and everyone was supposed to be locked down --- unless you were a George Floyd protester of course. Then you had license to burn, loot, and mayhem (BLM) at will. And they were called mostly peaceful protests. But now, 4 years later - it's about ready to blow up, big time.
This is why we shouldn't let foreigners bring their personal beliefs, religions and politics to America.

Americans should be for and about america first.

First will be flags, then protests, then threats of violence, then violence will come. Look at these violent savages constantly fighting, arguing and puffing their chest out over in the middle east. Soon that will come to America, it's already starting. If it isn't stopped one day bombings will be on the news on American soil in the name of some foreign entity.

Our society is going slowly out of control. Stuff like this never happened even 5 years ago.
This is why we shouldn't let foreigners bring their personal beliefs, religions and politics to America.

Americans should be for and about america first.

First will be flags, then protests, then threats of violence, then violence will come. Look at these violent savages constantly fighting, arguing and puffing their chest out over in the middle east. Soon that will come to America, it's already starting. If it isn't stopped one day bombings will be on the news on American soil in the name of some foreign entity.

Our society is going slowly out of control. Stuff like this never happened even 5 years ago.

Oh it's already here. Id rather my state just secede away from our tyrannical govt at this point.
This is the same leftist, socialist, dimocrap scum that burned Cities and terrorized America prior to the 2020 sham elections.

Want proof?


Everything bad that has ever happened in this Country can be directly traced to the dimocrap scum party. The sooner you realize that, the sooner we can fix the problem

"COLUMBIA WILL BURN"": Hamas supporters issue direct threat to university​

Promises, promises
Time to fire the Muslim president of the university.

Afterwards, it will be time to send a couple of platoons of police into the building and stun-gun, tazer and beat the little wankers.

Every Muzzie-Hamas sympathizer gets dragged-out by their hair, arrested, charged, and all of them get the book thrown at them.

Time to crack some Islamo-Nazi (and Useful Idiot accomplice) skulls.

Any of them found NOT to be citizens are deported immediately upon release from jail and permanently banned from re-entering.

Any of them who ARE citizens go onto a permanent Federal terrorist-sympathizer Watch List.

And expelled from their ivy-league school without possibility of return.

They can enroll at a county community college after release from jail if the college is willing to take them.

Make an example of them.

Phukk 'em.

Good idea, but the local and state governments, as well as the NYPD brass and the university administration, are all in on it together. They funded, enabled, and encouraged this for decades.

This is truly the point where the chickens have come home to roost, and I, too, sincerely hope that Columbia burns to the ground.
Good idea, but the local and state governments, as well as the NYPD brass and the university administration, are all in on it together. They funded, enabled, and encouraged this for decades.

This is truly the point where the chickens have come home to roost, and I, too, sincerely hope that Columbia burns to the ground.

As long as people aren't in these buildings, I won't shed any tears when the campus is ashes.
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This is why we shouldn't let foreigners bring their personal beliefs, religions and politics to America.

Americans should be for and about america first.

First will be flags, then protests, then threats of violence, then violence will come. Look at these violent savages constantly fighting, arguing and puffing their chest out over in the middle east. Soon that will come to America, it's already starting. If it isn't stopped one day bombings will be on the news on American soil in the name of some foreign entity.

Our society is going slowly out of control. Stuff like this never happened even 5 years ago.

This is how the leftists lead by Obama fundamentally change America.

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