"COLUMBIA WILL BURN"": Hamas supporters issue direct threat to university

True….to an extent. He can still do weekend rallies. But the Dems definitely are interfering with his ability to campaign.

I understand, but Trump can walk in front of a camera anywhere and speak, and it will be broadcast to many people.

If they cannot do organized events, just get in front of the camera and talk anout what a shit show the country is.
The police up there in the NE probably sympathize with them.
Nope, the problem is that Columbia University is private property and police cannot come on unless the antisemitic, terrorist-supporting Muslim president invites them. So far, she’s allowing her students to terrorize the Jews.
I don’t think universities are sovereign with their own different set of laws
If law is being broken then law enforcement obligated to respond. They need Not Wait for an invitation. Enough if the tip tie shit around massive lawbreaking
Nope, the problem is that Columbia University is private property and police cannot come on unless the antisemitic, terrorist-supporting Muslim president invites them. So far, she’s allowing her students to terrorize the Jews.
Private property does not preclude lawful intervention if authorities see or are aware of ongoing law breaking
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Nope, the problem is that Columbia University is private property and police cannot come on unless the antisemitic, terrorist-supporting Muslim president invites them. So far, she’s allowing her students to terrorize the Jews.

The admin need to be removed along with the terrorists but they've allowed this to fester. Shoot the school even had akmedinashad as a guest speaker a few years ago.
I need advice. I HAD a close (Jewish) friend who is a radical leftist, and joined in the anti-Israel protestors within a week of the HAMAS terrorist massacre. This was before any Israeli response.

Haven’t spoke with her since. Should I contact her to see if she’s come to her senses, or just leave it alone?

You could reach out to her just to say Hello, and if it comes up, it comes up.

If you guys are friends, a phone call shouldnt be weird. Just talk about other stuff…it will prob come up.
The admin need to be removed along with the terrorists but they've allowed this to fester. Shoot the school even had akmedinashad as a guest speaker a few years ago.
It’s a Muslim administration, breeding Jew-hatred. That’s what Qatar paid them for.

That president should have been fired - and NOT merely demoted like Claudine Gay was.
I need advice. I HAD a close (Jewish) friend who is a radical leftist, and joined in the anti-Israel protestors within a week of the HAMAS terrorist massacre. This was before any Israeli response.

Haven’t spoke with her since. Should I contact her to see if she’s come to her senses, or just leave it alone?

I would probably call from a pay phone if you can find one. Not sure I'd want my phone number to show.....
No to which? Contact her, or leave it alone?
It depends I suppose on how much of a friend we're talking about. If you want to salvage the friendship this is when I showed you might want to let lie. This is the type of thing that can take a good friend and transform them into a lifetime enemy.
Maybe I should, but I dont take that threat seriously

And if it is serious I suspect it comes from George Soros mercenaries rather student radicals

I hope Columbia kicks any snowflakes involved in the protests out of school
Honestly, I'm LOVING this. These universities have cultivated, encouraged, funded, and enable the anti-Semitism, the violence, the racism, and the hatred for decades, and now their chickens are coming home to roost with a vengeance.

NGL, I hope Columbia burns, because it doesn't seem like anything short of that will make them understand what they've done.

View attachment 939624

Works for me!
If that’s true, they should have been there at 2:01 pm, hauling the shitheads off to jail.
Well an example would be that if A is beating the heck out of B in my front yard or a mall parking lot, police do Not have to receive an invitation before intervening
I’m curious to see how these Gaza/hamas supporting leftists reconcile that they are supporting people who would openly kill gay people…and they support them all in the name of hating Israel (I’m not sure why) who allow gay people in their society..

Why is that?

They’re leftist. They block that part out of their tiny little brains.

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