Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

I didn't know having a "big", whatever that means, gun stash was illegal
It's not but it is unusual and worth checking into...they were concerned enough to somehow know this but let it alone and people died...why?

See, when I asked that same question, I'm a loony gun grabbing leftist...

Just want to know, when serious indicators of mental illness and expressed fantasies are reported... shouldn't there be a mandatory intervention (like when child abuse is reported).

Child abuse is a crime, owning weapons is not.

Um-- when police show up responding to a child abuse report, they don't know if there's been a crime or not. That's what they are there to find out.
Let's face right wing, gun-nuts DO NOT want ANY solution to the carnage.

Extend your "thoughts and prayers"...."lower flags to half mast for a day"

And let the CARNAGE continue..........
Several lawmakers called for gun control on Wednesday, in the wake of a shooting that left at least 17 people dead at a Florida high school.

Following reports of the shooting, Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., took to the Senate floor to criticize congressional inaction on gun issues. Congress has long stalled on such issues, even in the face of multiple deadly shootings year after year.

More: Florida high school shooting: Here's what we know

More: 20 years in, shootings have changed schools in unexpected ways

Murphy — who represents Newtown, Conn., the site of a shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead — has long been a gun control advocate.

"I'm coming to the floor to talk about something else, but let me just note once again for my colleagues: this happens nowhere else other than the United States of America," he said. "It only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction. We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else."

Here are the lawmakers calling for gun control in the wake of Florida shooting

Instead of filibustering the thread, why don't you tell us in detail exactly what it is in you want done and how that will stop this from happening again?
I am a Life member of the NRA. Our membership is soaring and we're stronger than ever.


You've been duped

Obamacare: Voters, are you stupid? -
Obamacare: Democrat Voters, are you stupid?
Yes you are, and you call us duped. Bwaahhhhaaaahhhhaaaaaa. Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote democrat..
I read the Second a little differently. It was speaking to the need for a militia. We now have a standing military.

We didn't have a standing military when George Washington tossed out the how did he do it? :cuckoo:
LOL. See ya later.
I guess you are not interested in a "real conversation" are you?
Admit it right now. Admit that we have an individual right to bear arms. Otherwise, the discussion is over.

Who do you think you are? You don't want a discussion. It can only be what you want to hear. You're foolish.
View attachment 176897
What he wants to hear is reality.
Why are you so against that? You PLAY like you arent but....
If the police temporarily removed the guns from this boy's place of residence-- in this specific case -- would you have a problem with that?
No not after reading his Facebook posts and receiving calls from teachers and students...he should have been made aware that he is under surveillance and his guns are being checked for legality of purchase...that would have made this kid think twice....
Your thread title mentioned something about asking questions?

Yet you didn't ask one.

I have one.

WTF are you talking about?

I believe the OP was talking about degrading morals and values causing fringe psychopaths to go full-blown crazy and how they are the foot soldiers of post-modern, neo-Marxists.

In other words, he's off his meds.
Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Democrat, and Muslim
Adam Lanza - Liberal, Hated Christians
Columbine High School freaks - Too young to vote but came from very Liberal family
Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - Liberal freak
Virginia Tech decapitater - Liberal
Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - Liberal
Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - Liberal
Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - liberal
Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal, hated Bush
The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberals
Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim Democrat
Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

Want more examples of the violent Left?...

Lee Harvy Oswald (JFK) - Marxist (hard core lefty)
John Hinkley (Reagan) - Democrat
John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln) - Democrat
Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme (Gerd Ford attempt) - Liberal
Sir Han Sir Han (RFK) - Liberal
Bill Ayers - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Bernadine Dohrn - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Black panther party - leftist based organization
Occupy Wall Street - over 8,000 arrests, 3 murders, 2 arson, 10 plus reported rapes - a hardcore leftist movement
KKK- was spawn from Democrats
Eradication of Jews 1940's (holocaust) - Hitler a member of the National Socialist Workers Party aka a hardcore leftist.
Planned parenthood - a leftist organization, created for the sole purpose to eradicate blacks, (do some research on Margaret Sanger)
Slavery - Democrats were proponents.

All True. Leftists always Resort to Violence when they cannot impose their will on others.
Look what they did to Vanessa Trump.
Look at what Clinton did at Trump rallies by paying felons and other unsavory people to commit assaults on Rally Goers.

Look at Stalin, Look at North Korea.
Even that wouldn’t work. It would have to be a complete eradication of all criminals and those with criminal minds or mental illness, because we know the black market would then flourish even more than it does now.

I ask, seriously, why are we not talking about mental healthcare is this country, stopping black market gun running, criminals of every stripe and color. When will we look at the ONLY real answers to reduce the chance of this happening again.

Partially agree - This kid was mentally ill .. CLEARLY. But how you can say that no lives would be saved were we to implement universal background checks is beyond me. Any kook or criminal can go to or to a gun show in around 22 states and buy anything they please from an unlicensed dealer without a BG check.

Unless you want to bring down an elected president that you dislike the FBI is worthless...
Seriously, could we take some measures to try and prevent these school shootings? I think so but the anti gun advocates make such a compromise impossible because for them its a total gun ban or nothing. This forces gun owners to not give an inch. They know the gun control advocates will just keep coming back for more and more restrictions until guns are effectively banned with a twisted hairball of ridiculous gun control laws designed to make it so legally risky and expensive to own a gun that people just give up their 2nd amendment rights voluntarily.
I've not heard one person pushing for a total gun ban. Not one. Not even me.

Lib please, they are on video advocating for exactly that. Every time we turn around they are yapping about Europe or Australia gun laws. Never mind these restrictions and bans have ZERO effect on criminals or crazy people who have no intention of obeying the law. Gun control advocates know this, they don't care because their true goal is to ban gun ownership period.
Europe doesn't "ban" all guns, either. There is a difference. You people are panicking. The sky will fall if we take bumpstocks off the shelves. If we don't allow terrorists on the no-fly list to buy guns. When you can explain why these are in anyway eroding your rights, let me know.

I support taking bumpstocks off the shelves, I'm on record supporting this. Here's what you fail to grasp, gun control advocates have no intention of stopping there.
Possibly not. I don't have a crystal ball and I advocate banning AR-15's and their ilk, too. But how would banning bump stocks necessarily lead to anything else? That doesn't actually follow.

Go ahead, ban AR-15's hell ban all guns except for single shot rifles and pistols does that make you safe from the whackos? Just realize that now they will use bombs instead of guns, or trucks to mow people down in the streets, or fire or gas. 99.9% of gun owners are law abiding citizens, they should not have their rights taken away because of the actions of a handful of whacked out nut jobs. If you are going to go down that path then alcohol should be banned, it kills and cripples thousands of people.
those deaths dont matter but this is so important? Whats the difference exactly?

Liberals have selective faux rage. They defend and give sanctuary to illegals who kill thousands and its total crickets. Some mentally ill nut job kills 17 and they demand the 2nd amendment be repealed.
No one is asking for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED how else will you get your gun control laws passed?
I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
I read the Second a little differently. It was speaking to the need for a militia. We now have a standing military.

The SCOTUS has already ruled your interpretation of the 2nd amendment is wrong. You also don't understand the difference between a militia and the military or restrictions on use of our military for domestic issues. In fact there is so much you fail to understand you really need to step back from this issue and educate yourself.

Understand the context and why the 2nd amendment was written in the first place. In those times in most of the world the people were prohibited from owning arms. This allowed the rulers to abuse and terrorize their own people using their military. Now you should begin to understand why the founders added the phrase SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and why there are restrictions on use of our military in domestic situations.
I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
Is there some part of my earlier statement that you had difficulty understanding?
I admit I am not an expert in this. I am definitely not alone in my interpretation, though, and it is an opinion, not a fact I will learn in a book. Yours is also an opinion. That much I do know.
I am not going to read all 13 pages, but a real conversation is something that we can never have as it would take people putting aside party loyalties. For a good 70% of the country, party comes before country.
Paranoia? DUDE you are sitting there wanting to ban "all guns designed to kill" like a paranoid pussy.
Self awareness. Try it.

No, no.....we should eliminate classes in history at schools, and replace them with the corrective ways to clean one's
Having a disability does not equate to a mental health issue. You know that. You just won’t admit it.

The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns.

The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm.

House votes to overturn Obama gun rule


the regulation did not infringe upon any constitutional right. you know that. you just won't admit it.

Supporters of the rule said the step was necessary to keep guns away from people with mental disorders like schizophrenia and severe anxiety.

Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-Conn.) accused Republicans of weakening the background check system. "The House charged ahead with an extreme, hastily written, one-sided measure that would make the American people less safe," she said.

Under the rule, which is set to take force in December, the Social Security Administration (SSA) rule would report disability recipients with severe mental disorders to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

People entered into the system would be able to apply for relief from the SSA, but not until after their names were sent to the FBI. They would also be able to appeal in court.

House votes to overturn Obama gun rule
Who do you think you are? You don't want a discussion. It can only be what you want to hear. You're foolish.
If you cannot admit what is blatantly obvious, you are not interested in a conversation.


So, whatever. We will give not one inch. We're going for machine guns.

What do you think about that?


see ya.

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