Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

when you notice smoke coming from a building you call the fire dept - you dont wait until flames are shooting out of windows 10 feet.

we have neighbor hood watch groups that notify cops when they notice anything shady going on .. we need to have the same damn thing in our schools.

wtf is the worst that could happen- piss someone off?
how does your group work--more specifically??thanks for replies

my group ?


start with student awareness programs in schools- kids are there they need to know what to look for and how to recognize trouble - theyre not stupid .. then tell the principle, then notify the police that you told him and give names .. get deeply involved, save 17 lives.
I meant your neighborhood watch group--everyone watches out/you have meetings/alerts/etc??
are they involved in school aspects also??

nope --- student watch groups in schools working with neighborhood awareness groups outside of schools, all working with police and fire depts

when ANYBODY notices a troubled individual, do something .. mass funerals arent acceptable
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Having a disability does not equate to a mental health issue. You know that. You just won’t admit it.

The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns.

The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm.

House votes to overturn Obama gun rule
When one side cannot admit the obvious intent of the 2nd, how can the other side take them seriously.

Nothing will get done.

not one inch

fuck off commies. we're getting machine guns.
I didn't know having a "big", whatever that means, gun stash was illegal
It's not but it is unusual and worth checking into...they were concerned enough to somehow know this but let it alone and people died...why?

Are you suggesting there is a correlation between the volume of guns and ammo to mass killing?
BTW, he only used 2-3 of the many guns he had including the one he may or may not have used to put a bullet in his head.
Once again, here's how the left can call a shotgun an "automatic weapon". I own an 8-shot Mossy Maverick 88. With 00 buckshot, there are 9 pellets in each shell....if I empty the weapon (it won't slam-fire like my Ithaca 37 so I have to chamber a round and pull the trigger each time), I am sending 72 .33 caliber pellets down range in under 10 seconds....let's see an AR-15 go through 4 20-round magazines that fast. Therefore, the typical leftist nitwit can claim my shotgun is a MACHINE GUN and ban it's sale and use. See how crazy it can get?
See, when I asked that same question, I'm a loony gun grabbing leftist...

Just want to know, when serious indicators of mental illness and expressed fantasies are reported... shouldn't there be a mandatory intervention (like when child abuse is reported).
Our leaders in law enforcement ask us to say something when we see something...why? it obviously does no good...the FBI is operating with self imposed blinders on...why?
The problem no one seems to want to address is white men and the carnage these mf's are leaving behind in this country. If these murderers where muslim, we'd be a mob, demanding their fuckin heads. If these murderers where blacks, we'd be profiling every nigga that ever took a breath of air, starting with Obama.....but because these wild angry out of control gun loving motherfuckers, all of them....happen to be white boys....its time talk about mental illness.

Every fuckin white boy under the age of 25, or old white man out here talking smack.....that even looks like he's having a fuckin day, aught to be dragged to the nearest mental institution and evaluated. His guns locked up and the key thrown away. Cause if these murdering motherfuckers were any other gotdamned color but white, problem would be solved YESTER-FUCKIN-DAY!!
For every nut that does something like this there is probably another 1000 nuts that don't
So what? every time we have a mas shooting we find out afterwords that the FBI knew about the shooter somehow...WTF does it take to ask them why they do nothing when they have been alerted....I'd like to hear their answer to that...wouldn't you?

Another mass killing has occurred and seventeen people are dead. Everyone is throwing up their hands and demanding answers. A definitive answer will be hard to come by unless we ask the right questions. The most important question to ask is: what is emboldening psychopaths in our society to act on their impulses?

Modern school shootings surfaced in America in 1970 with the implementation of political correctness that came with the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Intellectuals in the United States who were embedded in education and politics captured control of the behavioral aspects of society and instilled a collective sense of entitlement into the masses.

To pull this off they attacked many of the traditional institutions like churches and synagogues as well as long-established conventional belief systems that encouraged self-discipline among the people. Political correctness is essentially cultural Marxism and its mission is to create social chaos and turn populations into wild animals laying the groundwork for a central government to swoop in and take complete control.

It’s an established fact in the psychiatric community that there is a percentage of the population with brains wired differently than the general population. They are commonly referred to as psychopaths or sociopaths and they make very convenient foot soldiers in the war on traditional values waged by the cultural Marxism of political correctness.

Since 1965 many of the restraints that form the foundation of civilized society in the US have been removed by intellectuals and political operatives in order to dismantle society with the fundamental change of an all-powerful and absolute central government. Cultural opposition to such behavioral aberrations as gayness or transgenderism is not tolerated and is met with ridicule in order to break down social order and foment discord between groups.

Psychopaths have always existed but they were kept in check with pressure of cultural norms that no longer exist. While the US comprises only five percent of the world’s population it is home to nearly a third of the mass killings.

The crooked political and educational establishment in the US is totally invested in the fundamental change necessary to exterminate our way of life and destroy our constitution. It is their intent to leave us defenseless against a government that will soon be knocking on our doors.

Mass killings are a necessary component of the fundamental change brought to us by Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson and Barack Obama.

Americans love mass shootings. All day yesterday you see it on every cable news networks blond infoslut as they get to go on TV and lament what an outrage it all is. The Media is largely to blame. Half I say. Then a quarter of the blame go’s 100% on the political ruling class who can only stay in power if you stay outraged like the infoslut told you to be. The rest of the blame falls on the voters. It’s a shame this happened.
Even that wouldn’t work. It would have to be a complete eradication of all criminals and those with criminal minds or mental illness, because we know the black market would then flourish even more than it does now.

I ask, seriously, why are we not talking about mental healthcare is this country, stopping black market gun running, criminals of every stripe and color. When will we look at the ONLY real answers to reduce the chance of this happening again.
Florida shooting:

Parkland school student calls Donald Trump a 'piece of s***' over tweet of condolence

'Prayers won’t fix this. But gun control will prevent it from happening again', says teen

Florida shooting victim calls Donald Trump a 'f*****g piece of s**t' over condolence message

What gun control, besides total weapon bans and confiscation would have prevented this?
are we not talking about mental healthcare is this country
Because you are talking about the 47% voters that wouldn't vote for Romney.

Stop the crap.
The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns.

The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm.

House votes to overturn Obama gun rule

Unbelievable - Under Trump the mentally ill may now buy guns, the blind may now buy guns and if you're on the no fly list - step right up! :rolleyes-41:
The problem no one seems to want to address is white men and the carnage these mf's are leaving behind in this country. If these murderers where muslim, we'd be a mob, demanding their fuckin heads. If these murderers where blacks, we'd be profiling every nigga that ever took a breath of air, starting with Obama.....but because these wild angry out of control gun loving motherfuckers, all of them....happen to be white boys....its time talk about mental illness.

Every fuckin white boy under the age of 25, or old white man out here talking smack.....that even looks like he's having a fuckin day, aught to be dragged to the nearest mental institution and evaluated. His guns locked up and the key thrown away. Cause if these murdering motherfuckers were any other gotdamned color but white, problem would be solved YESTER-FUCKIN-DAY!!

Yeah throwing out the race card is productive.....not
Are you suggesting there is a correlation between the volume of guns and ammo to mass killing?
BTW, he only used 2-3 of the many guns he had including the one he may or may not have used to put a bullet in his head.
They knew he was massing guns at a high rate in a very short period of time...they also were aware of his travels to the Philippians...yes he should have been questioned and watched but he wasn't...why?
I didn't know having a "big", whatever that means, gun stash was illegal
It's not but it is unusual and worth checking into...they were concerned enough to somehow know this but let it alone and people died...why?

See, when I asked that same question, I'm a loony gun grabbing leftist...

Just want to know, when serious indicators of mental illness and expressed fantasies are reported... shouldn't there be a mandatory intervention (like when child abuse is reported).

Child abuse is a crime, owning weapons is not.
See, when I asked that same question, I'm a loony gun grabbing leftist...

Just want to know, when serious indicators of mental illness and expressed fantasies are reported... shouldn't there be a mandatory intervention (like when child abuse is reported).
Our leaders in law enforcement ask us to say something when we see something...why? it obviously does no good...the FBI is operating with self imposed blinders on...why?

If the police temporarily removed the guns from this boy's place of residence-- in this specific case -- would you have a problem with that?
when you notice smoke coming from a building you call the fire dept - you dont wait until flames are shooting out of windows 10 feet.

we have neighbor hood watch groups that notify cops when they notice anything shady going on .. we need to have the same damn thing in our schools.

wtf is the worst that could happen- piss someone off?
how does your group work--more specifically??thanks for replies

my group ?


start with student awareness programs in schools- kids are there they need to know what to look for and how to recognize trouble - theyre not stupid .. then tell the principle, then notify the police that you told him and give names .. get deeply involved, save 17 lives.

The students and teachers did their part. It was farther up the chain where the ball was dropped.
Red Flags? The Florida High School Shooter Might Have Been Reported As A Threat To Students
THIS my friends is actual leadership.

Even though Obama was unable to get anything done, he dug deep for a proper response instead of more #ThoughtsAndPrayers.

The final 2/3 of this speech after the Roseburg Oregon shooting was ad libbed and straight from the heart.

This is buffoon fake leadership. He sure had you fooled.
A majority of these shootings have a common thread

Creepy kid that everyone is afraid of comes in and starts shooting

How do we keep weapons out of the hands of creepy kids?

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