Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Go ahead, ban AR-15's hell ban all guns except for single shot rifles and pistols does that make you safe from the whackos? Just realize that now they will use bombs instead of guns, or trucks to mow people down in the streets, or fire or gas. 99.9% of gun owners are law abiding citizens, they should not have their rights taken away because of the actions of a handful of whacked out nut jobs. If you are going to go down that path then alcohol should be banned, it kills and cripples thousands of people.

Fine........Just keep those grave diggers employed.......
Florida shooting:

Parkland school student calls Donald Trump a 'piece of s***' over tweet of condolence

'Prayers won’t fix this. But gun control will prevent it from happening again', says teen

Florida shooting victim calls Donald Trump a 'f*****g piece of s**t' over condolence message

What gun control, besides total weapon bans and confiscation would have prevented this?
Adding REAL information to the background check Cruz passed might have helped.

What "real information"?
I support taking bumpstocks off the shelves, I'm on record supporting this. Here's what you fail to grasp, gun control advocates have no intention of stopping there.

Bill Ruger wouldn't sell high-capacity magazines because he didn't want Ruger firearms used for what we're seeing today. I have no problem with 5 shot magazines and banning bump stocks. I saw what spray and pray got units in Vietnam....overrun. If you can't get the job done with 5 rounds you better go get some training.

My problem with bump stocks is they are being used to circumvent the restrictions on automatic weapons, avoiding the tax stamps and government oversight. I'd get on board with magazine restrictions also. There is common ground on common sense gun control law, if only the anti gun advocates were not such lying dishonest scum we could come together and accomplish something, but we know they have no intention of honoring any compromise.
No, no.....we should eliminate classes in history at schools, and replace them with the corrective ways to clean one's
Having education about guns is not a bad thing. I would support that.

Not replacing history, for course. In fact, I thing they should actually START teaching history AND government/civics.
I am a Life member of the NRA. Our membership is soaring and we're stronger than ever.


You've been duped


We are just fine thank you

My family, my extended family, all hunters/shooters trained & practiced. go any where with them with a gun. wanta bee gun people scare the blank out of me. & that's become a growing population.
Kinda sounds funny doesn’t it?
I haven’t looked up statistics in quite some time but isn’t it mostly Democrats that are doing all the killing with guns? Aren’t the majority of mass shooters Democrats, Lefties or Muslims? The ghetto folks killing each other in our ghettos and barrios....yep, Liberal Democrats.
I would love to hear a Democratic lawmaker stand at the podium on the senate floor and say....”Now damnit, we are tired of all this killing, we must get aggressive on gun control, we have to enact laws which will protect ourselves from.....ummm, umm, Democrats.”

The shooting often seems to take place at liberal meccas - public schools as well.

Of course, sending kids into one is child abuse, and the consequences can be severe.
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The problem no one seems to want to address is white men and the carnage these mf's are leaving behind in this country. If these murderers where muslim, we'd be a mob, demanding their fuckin heads. If these murderers where blacks, we'd be profiling every nigga that ever took a breath of air, starting with Obama.....but because these wild angry out of control gun loving motherfuckers, all of them....happen to be white boys....its time talk about mental illness.

Every fuckin white boy under the age of 25, or old white man out here talking smack.....that even looks like he's having a fuckin day, aught to be dragged to the nearest mental institution and evaluated. His guns locked up and the key thrown away. Cause if these murdering motherfuckers were any other gotdamned color but white, problem would be solved YESTER-FUCKIN-DAY!!

Yeah throwing out the race card is productive.....not
Triggered is upset because The Donald is gonna deep six those food stamp cards and replace it with real food. No more scratch offs with the ol' EBT card, hehehe.
Every teacher should be armed and trained to deal with these kinds of emergencies. Responsible and trained senior students should be able to carry their weapons in schools.

The pity is with indoctrinated and brainwashed students who honestly have been lead to believe that they are better off without their rights.

The FBI is so politicized that they are absolutely useless in dealing with public safety. They did the same things with this hispanic troublemaker as they did with the muslim Tsaranev brothers.
If the police temporarily removed the guns from this boy's place of residence-- in this specific case -- would you have a problem with that?
No not after reading his Facebook posts and receiving calls from teachers and students...he should have been made aware that he is under surveillance and his guns are being checked for legality of purchase...that would have made this kid think twice....

I think that sounds very fair.

What if when making him aware, they are given a criterial of things to watch for that might indicate higher risk.

People under the influence of alcohol are considered impaired -- as are people who experiencing a severe mental break. Police need to be more empowered to act in these situations. If they can temporarily remove a child from a home, they should be able to remove a gun -- under specific circumstances when threats have been made etc.
You will NEVER get to the bottom of what makes these people tic, much less come to any sustainable ideas on how to curb this violence when you put out these ridiculous political straw man arguments.

Most of these killers are first & foremost mentally disturbed. That is the underlying issue. Not ISIS, not Democrats, not Republicans, not conservatism, not liberalism, not ANTIFA, not MS13...etc

Their mental health is the source of their anger and the driver behind their actions. Address THAT and you are on the right path.

I bet you a thousand bucks that most of these nutjobs could not define conservatism or liberalism much less apply their principles in their own lives. They are "lost" both emotionally & physically.

I used to be one of these kids. A complete loser with no direction in my life and everything I did revolved around my own selfishness & looking for attention. I NEVER thought about politics or the principles it espouses. Everything was about me.

You all chase your tails in circles trying to place the blame in all the wrong places and as a result nothing is ever done.

People who perform violence for political means usually group up together to do it, or at least discuss it.

The "lone wolf" type killer just means he/she does their killing themselves, usually you find out they belong to some fringe organization or group.

I like your posts, and I think it's very interesting and important whether a mass killer is simply a crazed lunatic or a terrorist, and what "terrorism" means.

My Ethics textbook says that terrorism must by definition be killing of random non-combatants (not targeted, like assassinations or strikes against the military) and as many as possible of them per attack, usually. It also must be organized by some ideological group, political or religious. The organization does not have to be fancy or tight ---- ISIS recruiting crazies and loners through the Internet totally works, as we have seen. Anarchists did that in the late 1800s/early 1900s -- "propaganda by deed," which meant bomb-throwing. Anarchists are not by definition very good at organizing, but they were good enough to kill a whole lot of heads of state, including a couple American presidents.

The problem is, the categories overlap. Some crazies, like Son of Sam who heard his neighbor's dog barking and thought a demon was telling him to stalk and kill women, are not terrorists. But lots of crazies do get in contact with Muslim groups, maybe others. (Eco-terrorism, for instance. PETA.) Crazies make GREAT terrorists, so that's a problem. People like the Columbine kids or Adam Lanza are just total madmen, however, homicidal maniacs who are not political.

How much was this Cruz kid incited by terrorist websites, is a good question, I think. He was definitely teetering on the edge of madness, that's obvious, but was he pushed? We need to work on the terrorism inciter problem.

Terrorism has to to involve some political motivation as part of the reason the attacks are being done. Terrorism also has to involve acknowledgement by the perpetrators that they cannot use it to win outright, they have to make the other side give up in some way. They don't want to drive the enemy off the battlefield, but have them leave of their own accord.

Some of these guys can be terrorism by proxy, i.e. they just read up on something, decided it matched their nuttery, and followed through in its name. To me that isn't real terrorism, that's some nutter just looking for an excuse.
Liberals have selective faux rage. They defend and give sanctuary to illegals who kill thousands and its total crickets. Some mentally ill nut job kills 17 and they demand the 2nd amendment be repealed.
No one is asking for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED how else will you get your gun control laws passed?
I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
I read the Second a little differently. It was speaking to the need for a militia. We now have a standing military.

The SCOTUS has already ruled your interpretation of the 2nd amendment is wrong. You also don't understand the difference between a militia and the military or restrictions on use of our military for domestic issues. In fact there is so much you fail to understand you really need to step back from this issue and educate yourself.

Understand the context and why the 2nd amendment was written in the first place. In those times in most of the world the people were prohibited from owning arms. This allowed the rulers to abuse and terrorize their own people using their military. Now you should begin to understand why the founders added the phrase SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and why there are restrictions on use of our military in domestic situations.
I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
Is there some part of my earlier statement that you had difficulty understanding?
I admit I am not an expert in this. I am definitely not alone in my interpretation, though, and it is an opinion, not a fact I will learn in a book. Yours is also an opinion. That much I do know.

Nobody expects you to be an expert or lawyer. The issue is you lack even a basic understanding of this issue yet you are forming opinions and voting on it.
Go ahead, ban AR-15's hell ban all guns except for single shot rifles and pistols does that make you safe from the whackos? Just realize that now they will use bombs instead of guns, or trucks to mow people down in the streets, or fire or gas. 99.9% of gun owners are law abiding citizens, they should not have their rights taken away because of the actions of a handful of whacked out nut jobs. If you are going to go down that path then alcohol should be banned, it kills and cripples thousands of people.

Fine........Just keep those grave diggers employed.......

You really are a useless waste of internet bandwidth.
What gun control, besides total weapon bans and confiscation would have prevented this?

This kid had train wreck written all over him. Utterly deranged and talked to by the FBI at least a couple of times for stating that "he was going to become a professional school shooter". Red flags all over him - THAT is how more thorough checks would have weeded this dude out from his AR-15 purchase.

Without someone going to a judge and having him adjudicated, any other solution involves some government idiot deciding who is "worthy" or not, and that defeats the whole purpose of the 2nd amendment.
I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
Is there some part of my earlier statement that you had difficulty understanding?
I admit I am not an expert in this. I am definitely not alone in my interpretation, though, and it is an opinion, not a fact I will learn in a book. Yours is also an opinion. That much I do know.
But, in order to have a conversation with us, you must accept that we have an individual right. If the very right to bear arms is up for discussion, you will get nowhere.

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