Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Sure, fuckhead..........lets blame it all on illegals....What a fucking
those deaths dont matter but this is so important? Whats the difference exactly?

Liberals have selective faux rage. They defend and give sanctuary to illegals who kill thousands and its total crickets. Some mentally ill nut job kills 17 and they demand the 2nd amendment be repealed.
No one is asking for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED how else will you get your gun control laws passed?
I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
I read the Second a little differently. It was speaking to the need for a militia. We now have a standing military.
Too bad. That doesn't nullify the 2nd.
he didn't have his biological parents
his father died years ago..mother in November
anyway--by the time they are this age, it's too late to do a ''quick'' change---at 18, kids are basically who they will be and how they will be for life

it's not the school's responsibility to discipline the kids [ although they need to make the parents aware of any problems and the school needs to punish offenders ]
--and some parents can't/don't know how/won't discipline their kids
--and you will always have the black sheep of the family that no matter what you do--they will go down the wrong path
I think I heard he's addressing the nation today on this.

The Republicans will say it was perfect, the Democrats will say it was a joke, and nothing of substance will come from it.

wrong again, you mealymouthed fraud. :rolleyes:

Moulton, a Massachusetts Democrat, then quote-tweeted the president, saying he agreed with Trump’s sentiment, adding: “I invite him to get off his ass and join me in trying to do something about it.”

I agree with every word @realDonaldTrump said here. I invite him to get off his ass and join me in trying to do something about it. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Seth Moulton (@sethmoulton) February 14, 2018

This isn’t the first time Moulton has been vocal on gun violence. After dozens of people died in a shooting in Las Vegas in October, Moulton tweeted to House Speaker Paul Ryan, “How many Americans have to die before you do your job?”

You notice what is missing in the discussions? Crime Control.. Why is it that people can commit crimes, build up a rap sheet a mile long, and still get to live the rest of their lives? Why is it people can kill other people , then get 50 life sentences, which adds up to about 25 years with good behavior and paroled? Why is it that for 5 minutes of fame, insane liberals go out of their way to commit murderous crimes so they can be on YouTube or even a movie made about them? Yeah, maybe it is time to start PUNISHING those that commit crimes for the actions they do against humanity. Execution doesn't deter others from committing murder but it sure does stop repeat offenders.

This execution way, is not only humane, but cheap also. Show a few of these on national TV and less murders would happen.

Sure, right wing morons.....Let's have ALL junior high and high schoolers walking around armed and ready to show how truly fucked up we've become......
What could possibly go wrong?

These guys target gun free zones...moron.....we know this from what they say when captured and the notes they leave when they die......They aren't targeting police stations,. are they?
A rational discussion on gun control is not possible when their goal is banning guns and abolishing the 2nd amendment. No compromise with these people is possible.

Seriously, could we take some measures to try and prevent these school shootings? I think so but the anti gun advocates make such a compromise impossible because for them its a total gun ban or nothing. This forces gun owners to not give an inch. They know the gun control advocates will just keep coming back for more and more restrictions until guns are effectively banned with a twisted hairball of ridiculous gun control laws designed to make it so legally risky and expensive to own a gun that people just give up their 2nd amendment rights voluntarily.
I've not heard one person pushing for a total gun ban. Not one. Not even me.

Lib please, they are on video advocating for exactly that. Every time we turn around they are yapping about Europe or Australia gun laws. Never mind these restrictions and bans have ZERO effect on criminals or crazy people who have no intention of obeying the law. Gun control advocates know this, they don't care because their true goal is to ban gun ownership period.
Europe doesn't "ban" all guns, either. There is a difference. You people are panicking. The sky will fall if we take bumpstocks off the shelves. If we don't allow terrorists on the no-fly list to buy guns. When you can explain why these are in anyway eroding your rights, let me know.

I support taking bumpstocks off the shelves, I'm on record supporting this. Here's what you fail to grasp, gun control advocates have no intention of stopping there.
Possibly not. I don't have a crystal ball and I advocate banning AR-15's and their ilk, too. But how would banning bump stocks necessarily lead to anything else? That doesn't actually follow.
If the FBI, spent man hours checking out every one on social media who talked about killing other people they would have to check out about half the people on this chat you think all the hate spewed out could be having an effect on people not tempering there anger?
no guns don't kill people, people who should not have guns kill people.
I Just made a thread across the way in regards to who was in power during the Obama years when Libs didnt see a problem allowing all these weapons across the border that were obviously not intended to go into shooting deer.
those deaths dont matter but this is so important? Whats the difference exactly?

Liberals have selective faux rage. They defend and give sanctuary to illegals who kill thousands and its total crickets. Some mentally ill nut job kills 17 and they demand the 2nd amendment be repealed.
No one is asking for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED how else will you get your gun control laws passed?
I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
I read the Second a little differently. It was speaking to the need for a militia. We now have a standing military.
Too bad. That doesn't nullify the 2nd.
"Too bad" what? Did you mean to reply to a different post?
Here is a question. Why is this not a problem in countries with strong gun control? Hmmm

Russia has some of the most strict gun control laws in the world, yet its homicide rate is more than double ours. Russia has 9 guns per hundred people, we have 100 guns per hundred people, and yet Russians kill each other at twice the rate of Americans.

Private ownership of guns in Japan is almost unheard of, yet their suicide rate is higher than the US. Why?

Its the culture, always has been.

Political and economic instability for Russia. Homicides were much lower before the fall
of the Soviet Union. Now they have a Dictator.
I support taking bumpstocks off the shelves, I'm on record supporting this. Here's what you fail to grasp, gun control advocates have no intention of stopping there.

Bill Ruger wouldn't sell high-capacity magazines because he didn't want Ruger firearms used for what we're seeing today. I have no problem with 5 shot magazines and banning bump stocks. I saw what spray and pray got units in Vietnam....overrun. If you can't get the job done with 5 rounds you better go get some training.
when you notice smoke coming from a building you call the fire dept - you dont wait until flames are shooting out of windows 10 feet.

we have neighbor hood watch groups that notify cops when they notice anything shady going on .. we need to have the same damn thing in our schools.

wtf is the worst that could happen- piss someone off?
how does your group work--more specifically??thanks for replies

my group ?


start with student awareness programs in schools- kids are there they need to know what to look for and how to recognize trouble - theyre not stupid .. then tell the principle, then notify the police that you told him and give names .. get deeply involved, save 17 lives.
I meant your neighborhood watch group--everyone watches out/you have meetings/alerts/etc??
are they involved in school aspects also??
Sure, fuckhead..........lets blame it all on illegals....What a fucking
those deaths dont matter but this is so important? Whats the difference exactly?

Liberals have selective faux rage. They defend and give sanctuary to illegals who kill thousands and its total crickets. Some mentally ill nut job kills 17 and they demand the 2nd amendment be repealed.
No one is asking for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED how else will you get your gun control laws passed?
I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
I read the Second a little differently. It was speaking to the need for a militia. We now have a standing military.
If you cared enough to find out, the intent from the very people that created the COTUS is plain as day.
"militia" as you describe it is bullshit. But what do they know? They only made the damn thing.
Who here said anything about kids having guns?
I know you are stupid as hell but i thought you could rea

NO???, then morons like you want to arm teachers administrators, food servers, parents visiting the school, etc. with MORE AR-15 style weapons.....juts in case......LOL

What the fuck.....lets arm EVERYBODY who go to church, nightclubs, outdoor concerts, etc...... just remove the gun free zone status.....that is all you have to do, that way parent's dropping kids off, or picking kids up don't have to leave their guns at home....and the schools can select and train individuals to carry guns.......the mere fact that there will then be armed people in random locations around the school, all day long, will keep these shooters away.
I am a Life member of the NRA. Our membership is soaring and we're stronger than ever.


You've been duped

I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
I read the Second a little differently. It was speaking to the need for a militia. We now have a standing military.
This is where the conversation always goes awry.

No reasonable person ever questioned the intent of the 2nd until the 1960s. You know good and goddamn well that the founders intended to preserve the individual right. Until this bullshit militia argument goes away, the conversation will shut down.

Admit it right now. Admit that we have an individual right to bear arms. Otherwise, the discussion is over.

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