Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Europe doesn't "ban" all guns, either. There is a difference. You people are panicking. The sky will fall if we take bumpstocks off the shelves. If we don't allow terrorists on the no-fly list to buy guns. When you can explain why these are in anyway eroding your rights, let me know.
I can.

The bumpstock is a work-around. I don't care if they go. I already know how to bypass the semi-auto function. Don' need it. Most gun owners understand this. The bumpstock was just a more aesthetic method. But, this is blaming the gun. That never gets anywhere with us. It's a no-starter.

The no-fly list is unconstitutional because it lacks due process. If the list allowed for due process, I would have no problem with it.
A rational discussion on gun control is not possible when their goal is banning guns and abolishing the 2nd amendment. No compromise with these people is possible.

Seriously, could we take some measures to try and prevent these school shootings? I think so but the anti gun advocates make such a compromise impossible because for them its a total gun ban or nothing. This forces gun owners to not give an inch. They know the gun control advocates will just keep coming back for more and more restrictions until guns are effectively banned with a twisted hairball of ridiculous gun control laws designed to make it so legally risky and expensive to own a gun that people just give up their 2nd amendment rights voluntarily.
I've not heard one person pushing for a total gun ban. Not one. Not even me.

Lib please, they are on video advocating for exactly that. Every time we turn around they are yapping about Europe or Australia gun laws. Never mind these restrictions and bans have ZERO effect on criminals or crazy people who have no intention of obeying the law. Gun control advocates know this, they don't care because their true goal is to ban gun ownership period.
Lib, PLEASE!!!
I love it.
Stoneman Douglas High student calls on lawmakers: ''You need to take some action' - CNN

"We're children. You guys are the adults. You need to take some action and play a role. Work together, come over your politics, and get something done."

This David Hogg kid is really special. From the Steph Ruhle interview this morning .. must watch

Student on Shooting: 'I don't want something like this to ever happen again'
100 americans killed every DAY by speeders, drunk-drivers, text-drivers etc in easily prevented highway crashes but liberals say we don't care - only gun deaths count.!

Libs don't care about saving lives. They want to ban guns because they want fascism with govt controlling everything.
automatic ,,,,, and gun purchases in the future (sure does not sound like she wants to do away with all guns)

The mealy-mouthed old bitch stemmed and stammered when it got around to what she wanted while claiming the Aussies confiscated the guns to get rid of "automatic weapons"....what a piece of shit she is.
What else would you call it? Not only do you want the state to censor forms of entertainment but also restrict what people are allowed to say?
If it can be done without censoring freedom of expression, etc. I will support it.

But, there is nothing we can do about shitty parenting, which is the root cause of the above issue.
A rational discussion on gun control is not possible when their goal is banning guns and abolishing the 2nd amendment. No compromise with these people is possible.

Seriously, could we take some measures to try and prevent these school shootings? I think so but the anti gun advocates make such a compromise impossible because for them its a total gun ban or nothing. This forces gun owners to not give an inch. They know the gun control advocates will just keep coming back for more and more restrictions until guns are effectively banned with a twisted hairball of ridiculous gun control laws designed to make it so legally risky and expensive to own a gun that people just give up their 2nd amendment rights voluntarily.
I've not heard one person pushing for a total gun ban. Not one. Not even me.

Lib please, they are on video advocating for exactly that. Every time we turn around they are yapping about Europe or Australia gun laws. Never mind these restrictions and bans have ZERO effect on criminals or crazy people who have no intention of obeying the law. Gun control advocates know this, they don't care because their true goal is to ban gun ownership period.
Europe doesn't "ban" all guns, either. There is a difference. You people are panicking. The sky will fall if we take bumpstocks off the shelves. If we don't allow terrorists on the no-fly list to buy guns. When you can explain why these are in anyway eroding your rights, let me know.

I support taking bumpstocks off the shelves, I'm on record supporting this. Here's what you fail to grasp, gun control advocates have no intention of stopping there.
Here is a question. Why is this not a problem in countries with strong gun control? Hmmm

Russia has some of the most strict gun control laws in the world, yet its homicide rate is more than double ours. Russia has 9 guns per hundred people, we have 100 guns per hundred people, and yet Russians kill each other at twice the rate of Americans.

Private ownership of guns in Japan is almost unheard of, yet their suicide rate is higher than the US. Why?

Its the culture, always has been.

Illegals have killed thousands in this country, you people don't seem concerned with that.

Sure, fuckhead..........lets blame it all on illegals....What a fucking
those deaths dont matter but this is so important? Whats the difference exactly?

Liberals have selective faux rage. They defend and give sanctuary to illegals who kill thousands and its total crickets. Some mentally ill nut job kills 17 and they demand the 2nd amendment be repealed.
No one is asking for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED how else will you get your gun control laws passed?
I'm not going to argue Constitutional law with you. I'm no lawyer or expert on the Constitution.
I read the Second a little differently. It was speaking to the need for a militia. We now have a standing military.
guess your is so numb you lost reality a long time ago and can't see reality bahahah
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

It was easy....he murdered 5 people going in and just walked in...when you don't care about the law, laws about not bringing a gun onto school grounds or committing murder don't stop you.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.
Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. How did he pull a fire alarm without getting inside, and how did he get inside? Unless they had fire alarms outside the buildings? I heard it was an open indoor-outdoor campus with "hallways" actually outside.
I heard a spokesman for the school saying all access to the school is restricted through the front office. No one has explained how he got around that, but maybe they haven't figured it out yet.

He could have simply broken out the window on the doors........this is not rocket science, people....
Another mass killing has occurred and seventeen people are dead. Everyone is throwing up their hands and demanding answers. A definitive answer will be hard to come by unless we ask the right questions. The most important question to ask is: what is emboldening psychopaths in our society to act on their impulses?

Modern school shootings surfaced in America in 1970 with the implementation of political correctness that came with the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Intellectuals in the United States who were embedded in education and politics captured control of the behavioral aspects of society and instilled a collective sense of entitlement into the masses.

To pull this off they attacked many of the traditional institutions like churches and synagogues as well as long-established conventional belief systems that encouraged self-discipline among the people. Political correctness is essentially cultural Marxism and its mission is to create social chaos and turn populations into wild animals laying the groundwork for a central government to swoop in and take complete control.

It’s an established fact in the psychiatric community that there is a percentage of the population with brains wired differently than the general population. They are commonly referred to as psychopaths or sociopaths and they make very convenient foot soldiers in the war on traditional values waged by the cultural Marxism of political correctness.

Since 1965 many of the restraints that form the foundation of civilized society in the US have been removed by intellectuals and political operatives in order to dismantle society with the fundamental change of an all-powerful and absolute central government. Cultural opposition to such behavioral aberrations as gayness or transgenderism is not tolerated and is met with ridicule in order to break down social order and foment discord between groups.

Psychopaths have always existed but they were kept in check with pressure of cultural norms that no longer exist. While the US comprises only five percent of the world’s population it is home to nearly a third of the mass killings.

The crooked political and educational establishment in the US is totally invested in the fundamental change necessary to exterminate our way of life and destroy our constitution. It is their intent to leave us defenseless against a government that will soon be knocking on our doors.

Mass killings are a necessary component of the fundamental change brought to us by Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson and Barack Obama.

You bastard! How dare you point out the obvious fact that the problem is not guns, but rather sick people in our society. And the nerve you have to recognize that societal changes have created these psychos is reprehensible. Why don’t you just let us believe we can fix it all by banning guns?
Apparently the shooter had attended that High School so he knew his way around. What's extra disturbing is that somebody reported to the FBI some time ago, that this freak was making threats to shot up the school. The FBI told the school who says the guy was prohibited to enter the campus with a backpack.
The school's officials are idiots. He was expelled, walked right in and shot up the kids. It really is as simple as that. Their security was totally lacking.
The security guard tried. And died for it.

Did the guard have a weapon?
when you notice smoke coming from a building you call the fire dept - you dont wait until flames are shooting out of windows 10 feet.

we have neighbor hood watch groups that notify cops when they notice anything shady going on .. we need to have the same damn thing in our schools.

wtf is the worst that could happen- piss someone off?
how does your group work--more specifically??thanks for replies

my group ?


start with student awareness programs in schools- kids are there they need to know what to look for and how to recognize trouble - theyre not stupid .. then tell the principle, then notify the police that you told him and give names .. get deeply involved, save 17 lives.
Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Democrat, and Muslim
Adam Lanza - Liberal, Hated Christians
Columbine High School freaks - Too young to vote but came from very Liberal family
Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - Liberal freak
Virginia Tech decapitater - Liberal
Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - Liberal
Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - Liberal
Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - liberal
Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal, hated Bush
The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberals
Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim Democrat
Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

Want more examples of the violent Left?...

Lee Harvy Oswald (JFK) - Marxist (hard core lefty)
John Hinkley (Reagan) - Democrat
John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln) - Democrat
Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme (Gerd Ford attempt) - Liberal
Sir Han Sir Han (RFK) - Liberal
Bill Ayers - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Bernadine Dohrn - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Black panther party - leftist based organization
Occupy Wall Street - over 8,000 arrests, 3 murders, 2 arson, 10 plus reported rapes - a hardcore leftist movement
KKK- was spawn from Democrats
Eradication of Jews 1940's (holocaust) - Hitler a member of the National Socialist Workers Party aka a hardcore leftist.
Planned parenthood - a leftist organization, created for the sole purpose to eradicate blacks, (do some research on Margaret Sanger)
Slavery - Democrats were proponents.

You couldn't sound more stupid if you let me write your posts to MAKE you sound stupid.

How so?

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