Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Your thread title mentioned something about asking questions?

Yet you didn't ask one.

I have one.

WTF are you talking about?

I believe the OP was talking about degrading morals and values causing fringe psychopaths to go full-blown crazy and how they are the foot soldiers of post-modern, neo-Marxists.
Henceforth I won't be voting for any politician who's taken more than $1000 in blood money from the NRA in any given year. If such a candidate doesn't exist, I'll leave that space blank - and so should you. Sadly, they don't represent sportsmen or simple home defense and recreational target shooting firearms owners such as myself. They're all about manufacturers, distributors and retailers.

Nice column from Richard Wolffe


This is no time to talk politics, we’re told by gun-loving conservatives.

This is a time for prayers, we’re told by Donald Trump.

“There really are no words,” we’re told by the local sheriff.

So it’s OK, everyone. We can get back to the latest blather about tax cuts for corporations or billions for a border wall. Those are the things that politics, and presidents, and words, can handle.

But if we can’t talk about saving the lives of our children, if our politics can’t keep our schools safe, if we can’t talk about the mass murder of innocence, then what on earth are we talking about? What’s the point of any politician if they can’t do this one simple thing: protect our youngest citizens?

Donald Trump doesn’t do moral values and he doesn’t do justice. That’s the cost of doing business with a man who wanted the death penalty for five teenagers known as the Central Park Five, and claimed they were guilty even after they were exonerated by DNA evidence.

Enough is enough is enough. If you care about our children, do something to protect them. If you want a politician who talks about our greatest threats, vote for someone who isn’t terrified of the National Rifle Association.

And if you want to make America great again, make our schools safe again.​

Don’t look to Trump for leadership after the Florida school shooting | Richard Wolffe
You have one vote, knock yourself out.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

Finger pointing at school personnel is a spin on a horrific event with no effort to offer a solution to mitigate such violence, so typical of a supporter of the NRA's policy of no gun control, not way.

Where is the empathy for all those killed, maimed and their parents, siblings and friends who will live the act of one man with a gun.

The people actually there is spin but an org that had literally NOTHING to do with it, isnt?
You fucking idiot.
People like you are why we cant figure this shit out. Tunnel vision dumbasses.

Your words are a jumble of emotion and calling me a "fucking idiot" may make you feel better about your complicity with yesterdays murders.

You wonder why I claim you are complicit? I'll tell you straight up, those who support the 2nd A. as an absolute right are wrong, and the laws of the nation and in several state need to regulate firearms.

Each time this happens these supporters protect the 2nd A. by pointing fingers at others, other than the killers and the method used in creating carnage. They reject any effort to control the proliferation of guns to individuals who most rational people feel ought not to have access to them.,

Everytime a bully says bad words and a weak child kills themselves, you have blood on your hands because you support constitutional rights :eek:

Straw man, idiot-gram type.
when you notice smoke coming from a building you call the fire dept - you dont wait until flames are shooting out of windows 10 feet.

we have neighbor hood watch groups that notify cops when they notice anything shady going on .. we need to have the same damn thing in our schools.

wtf is the worst that could happen- piss someone off?

Wasn't this kid reported a year ago? Why wasn't anything done then? It seems the warning signs were there yet no one reached out to him until after he killed 17 people.
I've been trying all morning to share what I really mean. And since you've already told me you're going to tell me to go to hell, why would anyone want to state anything to you?
It's been nothing but statistics and appeals to emotion so far. Tell me you have something real and not more of that bullshit.

Give me your solutions.
It's going to take a lot of solutions in a lot of areas, but I'll start with one--this is NOT a solution in itself, but part of what is really basic to changing to culture of gun violence in this country:
Our children have grown up bathed in gun violence through movies, television and social media and video games with graphic depictions of humans killing humans with guns. These should be severely curtailed, along with all adults in society rallying around the message that killing people with guns is unacceptable; it is not "fun" or "cool." It is as deeply wrong as fucking your sister.
That's a start, I think.
Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Democrat, and Muslim
Adam Lanza - Liberal, Hated Christians
Columbine High School freaks - Too young to vote but came from very Liberal family
Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - Liberal freak
Virginia Tech decapitater - Liberal
Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - Liberal
Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - Liberal
Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - liberal
Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal, hated Bush
The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberals
Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim Democrat
Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

Want more examples of the violent Left?...

Lee Harvy Oswald (JFK) - Marxist (hard core lefty)
John Hinkley (Reagan) - Democrat
John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln) - Democrat
Lynette 'squeaky' Fromme (Gerd Ford attempt) - Liberal
Sir Han Sir Han (RFK) - Liberal
Bill Ayers - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Bernadine Dohrn - US domestic terrorist - Liberal
Black panther party - leftist based organization
Occupy Wall Street - over 8,000 arrests, 3 murders, 2 arson, 10 plus reported rapes - a hardcore leftist movement
KKK- was spawn from Democrats
Eradication of Jews 1940's (holocaust) - Hitler a member of the National Socialist Workers Party aka a hardcore leftist.
Planned parenthood - a leftist organization, created for the sole purpose to eradicate blacks, (do some research on Margaret Sanger)
Slavery - Democrats were proponents.

You couldn't sound more stupid if you let me write your posts to MAKE you sound stupid.
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

Finger pointing at school personnel is a spin on a horrific event with no effort to offer a solution to mitigate such violence, so typical of a supporter of the NRA's policy of no gun control, not way.

Where is the empathy for all those killed, maimed and their parents, siblings and friends who will live the act of one man with a gun.

The people actually there is spin but an org that had literally NOTHING to do with it, isnt?
You fucking idiot.
People like you are why we cant figure this shit out. Tunnel vision dumbasses.

Your words are a jumble of emotion and calling me a "fucking idiot" may make you feel better about your complicity with yesterdays murders.

You wonder why I claim you are complicit? I'll tell you straight up, those who support the 2nd A. as an absolute right are wrong, and the laws of the nation and in several state need to regulate firearms.

Each time this happens these supporters protect the 2nd A. by pointing fingers at others, other than the killers and the method used in creating carnage. They reject any effort to control the proliferation of guns to individuals who most rational people feel ought not to have access to them.,

Everytime a bully says bad words and a weak child kills themselves, you have blood on your hands because you support constitutional rights :eek:

Straw man, idiot-gram type.

I used your logic and applied it to another constitutional right.
You are just a dishonest asswipe. Period.
Here is a question. Why is this not a problem in countries with strong gun control? Hmmm
Henceforth I won't be voting for any politician who's taken more than $1000 in blood money from the NRA in any given year. If such a candidate doesn't exist, I'll leave that space blank - and so should you. Sadly, they don't represent sportsmen or simple home defense and recreational target shooting firearms owners such as myself. They're all about manufacturers, distributors and retailers.

Nice column from Richard Wolffe


This is no time to talk politics, we’re told by gun-loving conservatives.

This is a time for prayers, we’re told by Donald Trump.

“There really are no words,” we’re told by the local sheriff.

So it’s OK, everyone. We can get back to the latest blather about tax cuts for corporations or billions for a border wall. Those are the things that politics, and presidents, and words, can handle.

But if we can’t talk about saving the lives of our children, if our politics can’t keep our schools safe, if we can’t talk about the mass murder of innocence, then what on earth are we talking about? What’s the point of any politician if they can’t do this one simple thing: protect our youngest citizens?

Donald Trump doesn’t do moral values and he doesn’t do justice. That’s the cost of doing business with a man who wanted the death penalty for five teenagers known as the Central Park Five, and claimed they were guilty even after they were exonerated by DNA evidence.

Enough is enough is enough. If you care about our children, do something to protect them. If you want a politician who talks about our greatest threats, vote for someone who isn’t terrified of the National Rifle Association.

And if you want to make America great again, make our schools safe again.​

Don’t look to Trump for leadership after the Florida school shooting | Richard Wolffe

I am a Life member of the NRA. Our membership is soaring and we're stronger than ever.

Your thread title mentioned something about asking questions?

Yet you didn't ask one.

I have one.

WTF are you talking about?

You claim you want discussion then you put up a stupid post like this, I am finding your credibility lacking for what you claim you want.
A turnstile with a required ID badge electronically read to enter.
Followed by a metal detector operated by armed security behind bullet proof glass with gun ports.
when you notice smoke coming from a building you call the fire dept - you dont wait until flames are shooting out of windows 10 feet.

we have neighbor hood watch groups that notify cops when they notice anything shady going on .. we need to have the same damn thing in our schools.

wtf is the worst that could happen- piss someone off?

Wasn't this kid reported a year ago? Why wasn't anything done then? It seems the warning signs were there yet no one reached out to him until after he killed 17 people.
Our justice system is set up such that little can be done until AFTER the deed has been done.
Why is it that more emphasis is placed on the rights of the dangerously mentally ill and not the safety of our children?

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