Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

A better question to ask them is,"what are YOU willing to give up?" In typical leftist fashion; all their solutions come at someone else's cost...
The burden always falls on us. They will never be burdened with being responsible for their own personal security (carrying a gun). They rely on cops and other people.

Lack of self-reliance is one of the causes.

The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns.

The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm.

House votes to overturn Obama gun rule
Your thread title mentioned something about asking questions?

Yet you didn't ask one.

I have one.

WTF are you talking about?

Agree or disagree he made some valuable points of discussion...too bad you are not qualified to discuss them.
You should stay to the usual, meaningless rock throwing threads...there are 100's of them a day.
You fit right in.
House GOP Blocks Measure to Prevent Mentally Ill People From Getting Firearms

House Republicans voted Thursday to gut an Obama administration gun-control regulation that would have helped prevent some mentally ill people from purchasing firearms. The rule, which the NRA opposed and the House struck down 235–180, would have applied to people who receive Social Security disability or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and are unable to manage their own finances because of a documented mental illness, including schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. It would have covered about 75,000 people, reports USA Today.

Under the rule, which was finalized in the last days of the Obama administration and now will no longer be, the Social Security Administration would have reported these particular individuals to the FBI, so their names would have come up in a background check if someone tried to purchase a firearm. The SSA would also notify those potentially affected by the rule, and implement a system so people could appeal their placements on the background-check list, if necessary.

House GOP Blocks Measure to Prevent Mentally Ill People From Getting Firearms
What gun control, besides total weapon bans and confiscation would have prevented this?

This kid had train wreck written all over him. Utterly deranged and talked to by the FBI at least a couple of times for stating that "he was going to become a professional school shooter". Red flags all over him - THAT is how more thorough checks would have weeded this dude out from his AR-15 purchase.
Well, Bootney, you didn't get off to a very good start.

I'd tell you some ideas, but why would I want to try with someone whose spittle is flying all over the place?
It's this type of commentary that has me fuming. Quit calling it a conversation. State to the world what you really mean, so we can tell you to go to hell.
I've been trying all morning to share what I really mean. And since you've already told me you're going to tell me to go to hell, why would anyone want to state anything to you?

The expiration Monday of a 10-year federal ban on assault weapons means firearms like AK-47s, Uzis and TEC-9s can now be legally bought — a development that has critics upset and gun owners pleased.

The 1994 ban, signed by then President Clinton, outlawed 19 types of military-style assault weapons. A clause directed that the ban expire unless Congress specifically reauthorized it, which it did not.


National police organizations such as the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Brotherhood of Police Officers and the Fraternal Order of Police all support the renewal of the ban.

Congress lets assault weapons ban expire
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

Finger pointing at school personnel is a spin on a horrific event with no effort to offer a solution to mitigate such violence, so typical of a supporter of the NRA's policy of no gun control, not way.

Where is the empathy for all those killed, maimed and their parents, siblings and friends who will live the act of one man with a gun.

The people actually there is spin but an org that had literally NOTHING to do with it, isnt?
You fucking idiot.
People like you are why we cant figure this shit out. Tunnel vision dumbasses.

Your words are a jumble of emotion and calling me a "fucking idiot" may make you feel better about your complicity with yesterdays murders.

You wonder why I claim you are complicit? I'll tell you straight up, those who support the 2nd A. as an absolute right are wrong, and the laws of the nation and in several state need to regulate firearms.

Each time this happens these supporters protect the 2nd A. by pointing fingers at others, other than the killers and the method used in creating carnage. They reject any effort to control the proliferation of guns to individuals who most rational people feel ought not to have access to them.,
That eliminates all guns, jackass.

All guns are built and intended to kill.

You're not going to round up millions of guns, and we can build them at home anyway.

Next solution?

There are over 8 MILLION AR-15 style weapons already in the hands of Americans.......after this tragedy, expect MANY MORE of these weapons to be sold to make gun-manufacturers even richer and donate MUCH MORE money to corrupt congress....

BUT, our thought s and prayers are for the victims and we will lower the flag to half mast for a day.

So your issue is with gun-manufacturers becoming richer?
The public health challenge posed by the tens of thousands of Americans shot to death each year wasn’t always the subject of such a toxic partisan divide. There used to be a bit of flexibility between the parties before the gun lobby so relentlessly targeted politicians who dared to consider compromise.


Mr. Reagan, unlike Republican party leaders these days, reconsidered the issue and eventually showed a willingness to embrace reasonable bipartisan proposals to protect the public from gun abusers. Two years after he left office, Mr. Reagan surprised the nation by endorsing the proposed Brady Law that established federal background checks of firearm buyers for criminal records and histories of mental disturbance.


No less important was Mr. Reagan’s endorsement in 1994 of the assault weapons ban that was a major attempt to deal with efforts by domestic arms makers to sell adapted weapons of war to civilian buyers in the name of sportsmanship. “We can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals,” Mr. Reagan declared in a joint letter to Congress with former presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. The measure banning a wide range of military style guns and large-capacity ammunition clips narrowly passed, with supporters citing the letter. One lawmaker who dropped his opposition, Representative Michael Andrews, a Democrat and hunter from Texas, declared, “Anyone that needs a 20-round clip of high-velocity ammunition to fell a duck or deer needs to look into taking up golf.”

Unfortunately, his warning against loosing war-zone firepower on the home front is relevant once more. For the ban was limited to 10 years in a final compromise and expired in 2004 despite promises from Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama to seek reenactment. The marketplace in assault weapons has since blossomed grimly, feeding the incidents of high-speed, multiple-victim shootings — — that increasingly bedevil the nation.

When Ronald Reagan Embraced Gun Control
Illegals have killed thousands in this country, you people don't seem concerned with that.

Sure, fuckhead..........lets blame it all on illegals....What a fucking
those deaths dont matter but this is so important? Whats the difference exactly?

Liberals have selective faux rage. They defend and give sanctuary to illegals who kill thousands and its total crickets. Some mentally ill nut job kills 17 and they demand the 2nd amendment be repealed.
No one is asking for the repeal of the Second Amendment.
You can't round up 8 million guns. That's impossible.

Why not? There are many examples of totalitarian regimes that rounded up that many and more. Apparently all it takes is a clever propaganda regime designed to instill blind trust in the benevolence of the state among the populace; just look how many Americans that formula has worked perfectly on so far. :dunno:

"In proportion as you give the state power to do things for you, you give it power to do things to you." -- Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, The State
The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns.

The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm.

House votes to overturn Obama gun rule

Unbelievable - Under Trump the mentally ill may now buy guns, the blind may now buy guns and if you're on the no fly list - step right up! :rolleyes-41:
there have always been murders/rape/robbery/etc
humans will always do that
you can't make humans to not be human
We need to ask the worthless FBI why they did nothing when this latest shooter was once again reported to them a year ago...
Maybe they were too busy trying to frame Trump to do their job...
Your thread title mentioned something about asking questions?

Yet you didn't ask one.

I have one.

WTF are you talking about?

It is a good point. What are the right questions we should be asking?
A rational discussion on gun control is not possible when their goal is banning guns and abolishing the 2nd amendment. No compromise with these people is possible.

Seriously, could we take some measures to try and prevent these school shootings? I think so but the anti gun advocates make such a compromise impossible because for them its a total gun ban or nothing. This forces gun owners to not give an inch. They know the gun control advocates will just keep coming back for more and more restrictions until guns are effectively banned with a twisted hairball of ridiculous gun control laws designed to make it so legally risky and expensive to own a gun that people just give up their 2nd amendment rights voluntarily.
I've not heard one person pushing for a total gun ban. Not one. Not even me.
I've been trying all morning to share what I really mean. And since you've already told me you're going to tell me to go to hell, why would anyone want to state anything to you?
It's been nothing but statistics and appeals to emotion so far. Tell me you have something real and not more of that bullshit.

Give me your solutions.

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