Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

Another mass killing has occurred and seventeen people are dead. Everyone is throwing up their hands and demanding answers. A definitive answer will be hard to come by unless we ask the right questions. The most important question to ask is: what is emboldening psychopaths in our society to act on their impulses?

Modern school shootings surfaced in America in 1970 with the implementation of political correctness that came with the War on Poverty and the Great Society. Intellectuals in the United States who were embedded in education and politics captured control of the behavioral aspects of society and instilled a collective sense of entitlement into the masses.

To pull this off they attacked many of the traditional institutions like churches and synagogues as well as long-established conventional belief systems that encouraged self-discipline among the people. Political correctness is essentially cultural Marxism and its mission is to create social chaos and turn populations into wild animals laying the groundwork for a central government to swoop in and take complete control.

It’s an established fact in the psychiatric community that there is a percentage of the population with brains wired differently than the general population. They are commonly referred to as psychopaths or sociopaths and they make very convenient foot soldiers in the war on traditional values waged by the cultural Marxism of political correctness.

Since 1965 many of the restraints that form the foundation of civilized society in the US have been removed by intellectuals and political operatives in order to dismantle society with the fundamental change of an all-powerful and absolute central government. Cultural opposition to such behavioral aberrations as gayness or transgenderism is not tolerated and is met with ridicule in order to break down social order and foment discord between groups.

Psychopaths have always existed but they were kept in check with pressure of cultural norms that no longer exist. While the US comprises only five percent of the world’s population it is home to nearly a third of the mass killings.

The crooked political and educational establishment in the US is totally invested in the fundamental change necessary to exterminate our way of life and destroy our constitution. It is their intent to leave us defenseless against a government that will soon be knocking on our doors.

Mass killings are a necessary component of the fundamental change brought to us by Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson and Barack Obama.
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Henceforth I won't be voting for any politician who's taken more than $1000 in blood money from the NRA in any given year. If such a candidate doesn't exist, I'll leave that space blank - and so should you. Sadly, they don't represent sportsmen or simple home defense and recreational target shooting firearms owners such as myself. They're all about manufacturers, distributors and retailers.

Nice column from Richard Wolffe


This is no time to talk politics, we’re told by gun-loving conservatives.

This is a time for prayers, we’re told by Donald Trump.

“There really are no words,” we’re told by the local sheriff.

So it’s OK, everyone. We can get back to the latest blather about tax cuts for corporations or billions for a border wall. Those are the things that politics, and presidents, and words, can handle.

But if we can’t talk about saving the lives of our children, if our politics can’t keep our schools safe, if we can’t talk about the mass murder of innocence, then what on earth are we talking about? What’s the point of any politician if they can’t do this one simple thing: protect our youngest citizens?

Donald Trump doesn’t do moral values and he doesn’t do justice. That’s the cost of doing business with a man who wanted the death penalty for five teenagers known as the Central Park Five, and claimed they were guilty even after they were exonerated by DNA evidence.

Enough is enough is enough. If you care about our children, do something to protect them. If you want a politician who talks about our greatest threats, vote for someone who isn’t terrified of the National Rifle Association.

And if you want to make America great again, make our schools safe again.​

Don’t look to Trump for leadership after the Florida school shooting | Richard Wolffe

Because of course, strong leadership = banning guns in this situation?

That's not strong leadership but total pussification.

Leftists always wanting for only their government to have guns, because nothing could go wrong with that.
There are over 8 MILLION AR-15 style weapons already in the hands of Americans.......after this tragedy, expect MANY MORE of these weapons to be sold to make gun-manufacturers even richer and donate MUCH MORE money to corrupt congress....

BUT, our thought s and prayers are for the victims and we will lower the flag to half mast for a day.
Again, statistics, not solutions.

You can't round up 8 million guns. That's impossible.

Furthermore, despite what you might believe, we "gun nuts" know how to build our own guns. You think we won't?

What solution do you have?
Florida shooting:

Parkland school student calls Donald Trump a 'piece of s***' over tweet of condolence

'Prayers won’t fix this. But gun control will prevent it from happening again', says teen

Florida shooting victim calls Donald Trump a 'f*****g piece of s**t' over condolence message

What gun control, besides total weapon bans and confiscation would have prevented this?
Adding REAL information to the background check Cruz passed might have helped.
Law enforcement officials in the state said the political power of the gun rights lobby had overwhelmed their calls for caution.

Local law enforcement agencies opposed to enhancing gun possession rights have generally lost recent legislative battles.

Maine enacted a law last year allowing people to carry concealed weapons without a permit or training, despite the objections of Michael Sauschuck, the police chief in Portland, the state’s largest city.

“It is absolutely ludicrous to me that we require people to go take a test to get a driver’s license, but we are allowing people to carry a deadly weapon on their person without any procedures regulating it,” Chief Sauschuck said.

As States Expand Gun Rights, the Police Object
How did an armed shooter walk into the school in the first place? The school security system was obviously deficient to the point of gross negligence and reckless endangerment. It has happened before, so it is foreseeable.

The public school system huddles our children together unprotected, thus making them sitting duck targets. The prey is there, all you need is a predator. Florida got a predator yesterday and he got his prey on the school's platter.

Finger pointing at school personnel is a spin on a horrific event with no effort to offer a solution to mitigate such violence, so typical of a supporter of the NRA's policy of no gun control, not way.

Where is the empathy for all those killed, maimed and their parents, siblings and friends who will live the act of one man with a gun.
It's in preventing it from happening again. Schools need to be a secure environment - period.
What about looking at school shooters and other mass shooters as a group, figuring out what makes them tick (or skip a tick, more like) and asking what we can do to stop manufacturing such twisted, frustrated people?
If you have ideas on that, support whatever cause you think will help.
Limiting certain guns won't solve the problem in itself.
What is causing this to happen? I think there are a lot of ways to help, but none of them are going to work overnight.
Black lives matter teaches if you lost its the white man's fault!
Antifia teaches if you lost its the Rich man's fault!
The pussy hat wearers teach if you lost it was a MANS fault!

How about teaching the truth in schools? If you don't try, you LOSE every time!
in Texas, where concealed handguns will be allowed in university classrooms beginning Aug. 1, law enforcement officials won a surprise victory last year after Art Acevedo, the police chief in Austin, held a news conference where he was flanked by law enforcement leaders from across the state.

His message to conservative Republican lawmakers, who were seeking to limit police officers’ authority to question people with firearms as part of the state’s open-carry legislation, was blunt.

“You can’t be the party of law and order and not listen to your police chiefs,”
Chief Acevedo said.

(or the FBI, for that matter! aka chief law enforcement agency of the USA)

As States Expand Gun Rights, the Police Object
There is no political solution. Legal gun ownership in America is nothing new, but mass shootings weren't a common occurrence in the 50s. How do you legislate respect for life and basic human decency? So long as the degenerate left dominates our media and educational landscape, redefining what it means to be human, people are only going to become more and more nihilistic and depraved.

Well, congress on both sides have cut mental health so bad that you have to be suicidal to even be assessed in the hospital , pushed out with bullshit meds with no return to the doctor..

Mental health has been FU for years and years..

This seriously needs to be addressed before the fake opiode war because most addicted are either self medicating or have mental health issues..

All of this is cut back by the GOP for these kids to get the help that they need..


Again, there was no mental health epidemic back in the 50s. What's changed since then?
I think I heard he's addressing the nation today on this.

The Republicans will say it was perfect, the Democrats will say it was a joke, and nothing of substance will come from it.
Its so funny
Nat thinks cops are psychos. Nat thinks trump is going to turn into a dictator and eat our children.
BUT the dumbfuck wants to take away guns. He wants the people he dont trust to control our defense. BAsically, be defenseless.
Maybe we can defeat the dictatorship with wiffle ball bats and arrowheads tied to a fucking stick
Because I enjoy punching liberals in the face with FACTS lets go back a few years shall we when Florida home owners were suffering rampant home invasions, rapes, and murders. Florida passed the Castle law that allowed home owners to shoot these fuckers, they cannot be prosecuted for shooting them or sued by them or their families. You invade a home you get shot in the damn chest.

The filth turned to car jacking, again murders, people dragged down the damn street. So Florida extended the Castle law to include your vehicle and that largely put a stop to that shit.

Allowing citizens to arm and defend themselves, what a concept. Now we should abolish this and allow the filth to go back to preying on citizens because some lone nut job shot up a school?
A "real" conversation on gun control means the same thing as a "real" conversation on Race. Liberals never want a conversation. What they really want is to give speeches on their point of view only.

The Associated Press on Twitter
There are over 8 MILLION AR-15 style weapons already in the hands of Americans.......after this tragedy, expect MANY MORE of these weapons to be sold to make gun-manufacturers even richer and donate MUCH MORE money to corrupt congress....

BUT, our thought s and prayers are for the victims and we will lower the flag to half mast for a day.
Again, statistics, not solutions.

You can't round up 8 million guns. That's impossible.

Furthermore, despite what you might believe, we "gun nuts" know how to build our own guns. You think we won't?

What solution do you have?
A better question to ask them is,"what are YOU willing to give up?" In typical leftist fashion; all their solutions come at someone else's cost...
Your thread title mentioned something about asking questions?

Yet you didn't ask one.

I have one.

WTF are you talking about?
The deterrent factor is knowing that you will be forcefully resisted if you try to become a schoolhouse shooter. In this case the guy wasn't even stopped. He quit for some reason and walked out with the other students. The key to deterrence is to make the act impossible due to security. Keep 'em out. If that fails, take 'em out. This guy walked in, shot up the place and simply walked out.
There is no political solution. Legal gun ownership in America is nothing new, but mass shootings weren't a common occurrence in the 50s. How do you legislate respect for life and basic human decency? So long as the degenerate left dominates our media and educational landscape, redefining what it means to be human, people are only going to become more and more nihilistic and depraved.

Well, congress on both sides have cut mental health so bad that you have to be suicidal to even be assessed in the hospital , pushed out with bullshit meds with no return to the doctor..

Mental health has been FU for years and years..

This seriously needs to be addressed before the fake opiode war because most addicted are either self medicating or have mental health issues..

All of this is cut back by the GOP for these kids to get the help that they need..


Again, there was no mental health epidemic back in the 50s. What's changed since then?

There were mental hospitals in the 1950's that is
You will NEVER get to the bottom of what makes these people tic, much less come to any sustainable ideas on how to curb this violence when you put out these ridiculous political straw man arguments.

Most of these killers are first & foremost mentally disturbed. That is the underlying issue. Not ISIS, not Democrats, not Republicans, not conservatism, not liberalism, not ANTIFA, not MS13...etc

Their mental health is the source of their anger and the driver behind their actions. Address THAT and you are on the right path.

I bet you a thousand bucks that most of these nutjobs could not define conservatism or liberalism much less apply their principles in their own lives. They are "lost" both emotionally & physically.

I used to be one of these kids. A complete loser with no direction in my life and everything I did revolved around my own selfishness & looking for attention. I NEVER thought about politics or the principles it espouses. Everything was about me.

You all chase your tails in circles trying to place the blame in all the wrong places and as a result nothing is ever done.

People who perform violence for political means usually group up together to do it, or at least discuss it.

The "lone wolf" type killer just means he/she does their killing themselves, usually you find out they belong to some fringe organization or group.

I like your posts, and I think it's very interesting and important whether a mass killer is simply a crazed lunatic or a terrorist, and what "terrorism" means.

My Ethics textbook says that terrorism must by definition be killing of random non-combatants (not targeted, like assassinations or strikes against the military) and as many as possible of them per attack, usually. It also must be organized by some ideological group, political or religious. The organization does not have to be fancy or tight ---- ISIS recruiting crazies and loners through the Internet totally works, as we have seen. Anarchists did that in the late 1800s/early 1900s -- "propaganda by deed," which meant bomb-throwing. Anarchists are not by definition very good at organizing, but they were good enough to kill a whole lot of heads of state, including a couple American presidents.

The problem is, the categories overlap. Some crazies, like Son of Sam who heard his neighbor's dog barking and thought a demon was telling him to stalk and kill women, are not terrorists. But lots of crazies do get in contact with Muslim groups, maybe others. (Eco-terrorism, for instance. PETA.) Crazies make GREAT terrorists, so that's a problem. People like the Columbine kids or Adam Lanza are just total madmen, however, homicidal maniacs who are not political.

How much was this Cruz kid incited by terrorist websites, is a good question, I think. He was definitely teetering on the edge of madness, that's obvious, but was he pushed? We need to work on the terrorism inciter problem.

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