Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

That's not a solution. That's a statistic.

You have no good solutions. You have no answer.

I sure do have some solution.....Guns whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time, have NO PLACE or REASON to be sold to ANYONE that wants such a weapon.....

This is NOT hunting game.....this is hunting people.
Well, Bootney, you didn't get off to a very good start.

I'd tell you some ideas, but why would I want to try with someone whose spittle is flying all over the place?
It's this type of commentary that has me fuming. Quit calling it a conversation. State to the world what you really mean, so we can tell you to go to hell.
Come up with an actual solution that doesnt impede on anyone elses rights and you might get a listener.

Just "wonder" a bit WHY these types of shooting sprees are so damn deadly in virtually ONLY this country......

Tell that to the 130 dead in Paris, or the 70+ dead in Norway, both gun control paradises, you ignorant twerp.
What I have observed is that the hard core righties often ascribe motives that do not exist while the hard core leftists deny them when they do.
Illegals have killed thousands in this country, you people don't seem concerned with that.

Sure, fuckhead..........lets blame it all on illegals....What a fucking
those deaths dont matter but this is so important? Whats the difference exactly?

Liberals have selective faux rage. They defend and give sanctuary to illegals who kill thousands and its total crickets. Some mentally ill nut job kills 17 and they demand the 2nd amendment be repealed.
That's not a solution. That's a statistic.

You have no good solutions. You have no answer.

I sure do have some solution.....Guns whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time, have NO PLACE or REASON to be sold to ANYONE that wants such a weapon.....

This is NOT hunting game.....this is hunting people.
That means no solution. Try again, dumbfuck.
Maybe you need to look at the root cause. GUNS are NOT the cause.

When the NRA opposes even people in a NO-FLY list to be banned from buying assault weapons, then you know (or should know) that the system is fucked up.
I sure do have some solution.....Guns whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time, have NO PLACE or REASON to be sold to ANYONE that wants such a weapon.....
That eliminates all guns, jackass.

All guns are built and intended to kill.

You're not going to round up millions of guns, and we can build them at home anyway.

Next solution?
Apparently the shooter had attended that High School so he knew his way around. What's extra disturbing is that somebody reported to the FBI some time ago, that this freak was making threats to shot up the school. The FBI told the school who says the guy was prohibited to enter the campus with a backpack.
The school's officials are idiots. He was expelled, walked right in and shot up the kids. It really is as simple as that. Their security was totally lacking.
The security guard tried. And died for it.

Was he armed? I'm hearing he wasn't. If not he should have been
Well, I'm guessing no, since he didn't shoot Cruz. But Cruz could have just gotten in the first shot. The element of surprise is always on the attacker's side.
THIS my friends is actual leadership.

Even though Obama was unable to get anything done, he dug deep for a proper response instead of more #ThoughtsAndPrayers.

The final 2/3 of this speech after the Roseburg Oregon shooting was ad libbed and straight from the heart.

Come up with an actual solution that doesnt impede on anyone elses rights and you might get a listener.

Just "wonder" a bit WHY these types of shooting sprees are so damn deadly in virtually ONLY this country......
Maybe you need to look at the root cause. GUNS are NOT the cause.

Asking Nat to think is like asking a hippopotamus to fly.

It ain't happening any time soon.
Maybe you need to look at the root cause. GUNS are NOT the cause.

When the NRA opposes even people in a NO-FLY list to be banned from buying assault weapons, then you know (or should know) that the system is fucked up.

People on the no fly list who were Congressman, and agents of Homeland Security would tell a thinking person that the No fly list had some serious problems, and the democrat solution allowed for no way to fix it. There's that thinking part again, which leaves you out of the equation.
Apparently the shooter had attended that High School so he knew his way around. What's extra disturbing is that somebody reported to the FBI some time ago, that this freak was making threats to shot up the school. The FBI told the school who says the guy was prohibited to enter the campus with a backpack.
The school's officials are idiots. He was expelled, walked right in and shot up the kids. It really is as simple as that. Their security was totally lacking.
The security guard tried. And died for it.

Was he armed? I'm hearing he wasn't. If not he should have been
Well, I'm guessing no, since he didn't shoot Cruz. But Cruz could have just gotten in the first shot. The element of surprise is always on the attacker's side.

Well at least he'd have a chance. Arm them, if they are it will give someone pause, that's just common sense
When the NRA opposes even people in a NO-FLY list to be banned from buying assault weapons, then you know (or should know) that the system is fucked up.
The no-fly list lacks due process. It's unconstitutional. Find a different way that allows due process first, and we will support it.
THIS my friends is actual leadership.

Even though Obama was unable to get anything done, he dug deep for a proper response instead of more #ThoughtsAndPrayers.

The final 2/3 of this speech after the Roseburg Oregon shooting was ad libbed and straight from the heart.

Guess you had to get the old kneepads out again eh?

and pointless yammering without results is not "leadership", it's grandstanding.
Maybe you need to look at the root cause. GUNS are NOT the cause.

When the NRA opposes even people in a NO-FLY list to be banned from buying assault weapons, then you know (or should know) that the system is fucked up.
Do you know how people get put on a no fly list?
What if some guy that should be on there is named TN Harley; I am not a criminal. I certainly wont kill anyone. But i wont be able to buy a gun because of the same name?
There are many holes in that solution. It sounds good at face value but it impedes on lawful gun owners.
You cant take away rights from innocent people and expect action.
I sure do have some solution.....Guns whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time, have NO PLACE or REASON to be sold to ANYONE that wants such a weapon.....
That eliminates all guns, jackass.

All guns are built and intended to kill.

You're not going to round up millions of guns, and we can build them at home anyway.

Next solution?
/----/ Clinton's Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders called for safer guns and safer bullets. Maybe that's what the Libtards are thinking.
A rational discussion on gun control is not possible when their goal is banning guns and abolishing the 2nd amendment. No compromise with these people is possible.

Seriously, could we take some measures to try and prevent these school shootings? I think so but the anti gun advocates make such a compromise impossible because for them its a total gun ban or nothing. This forces gun owners to not give an inch. They know the gun control advocates will just keep coming back for more and more restrictions until guns are effectively banned with a twisted hairball of ridiculous gun control laws designed to make it so legally risky and expensive to own a gun that people just give up their 2nd amendment rights voluntarily.

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