Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc

I've been trying all morning to share what I really mean. And since you've already told me you're going to tell me to go to hell, why would anyone want to state anything to you?
It's been nothing but statistics and appeals to emotion so far. Tell me you have something real and not more of that bullshit.

Give me your solutions.
It's going to take a lot of solutions in a lot of areas, but I'll start with one--this is NOT a solution in itself, but part of what is really basic to changing to culture of gun violence in this country:
Our children have grown up bathed in gun violence through movies, television and social media and video games with graphic depictions of humans killing humans with guns. These should be severely curtailed, along with all adults in society rallying around the message that killing people with guns is unacceptable; it is not "fun" or "cool." It is as deeply wrong as fucking your sister.
That's a start, I think.

So basically you want the government to crack down on freedom of expression?
I think I heard he's addressing the nation today on this.

The Republicans will say it was perfect, the Democrats will say it was a joke, and nothing of substance will come from it.

wrong again, you mealymouthed fraud. :rolleyes:

Moulton, a Massachusetts Democrat, then quote-tweeted the president, saying he agreed with Trump’s sentiment, adding: “I invite him to get off his ass and join me in trying to do something about it.”

I agree with every word @realDonaldTrump said here. I invite him to get off his ass and join me in trying to do something about it. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— Seth Moulton (@sethmoulton) February 14, 2018

This isn’t the first time Moulton has been vocal on gun violence. After dozens of people died in a shooting in Las Vegas in October, Moulton tweeted to House Speaker Paul Ryan, “How many Americans have to die before you do your job?”

A rational discussion on gun control is not possible when their goal is banning guns and abolishing the 2nd amendment. No compromise with these people is possible.

Seriously, could we take some measures to try and prevent these school shootings? I think so but the anti gun advocates make such a compromise impossible because for them its a total gun ban or nothing. This forces gun owners to not give an inch. They know the gun control advocates will just keep coming back for more and more restrictions until guns are effectively banned with a twisted hairball of ridiculous gun control laws designed to make it so legally risky and expensive to own a gun that people just give up their 2nd amendment rights voluntarily.
I've not heard one person pushing for a total gun ban. Not one. Not even me.

Lib please, they are on video advocating for exactly that. Every time we turn around they are yapping about Europe or Australia gun laws. Never mind these restrictions and bans have ZERO effect on criminals or crazy people who have no intention of obeying the law. Gun control advocates know this, they don't care because their true goal is to ban gun ownership period.
Europe doesn't "ban" all guns, either. There is a difference. You people are panicking. The sky will fall if we take bumpstocks off the shelves. If we don't allow terrorists on the no-fly list to buy guns. When you can explain why these are in anyway eroding your rights, let me know.
It's going to take a lot of solutions in a lot of areas, but I'll start with one--this is NOT a solution in itself, but part of what is really basic to changing to culture of gun violence in this country:
Our children have grown up bathed in gun violence through movies, television and social media and video games with graphic depictions of humans killing humans with guns. These should be severely curtailed, along with all adults in society rallying around the message that killing people with guns is unacceptable; it is not "fun" or "cool." It is as deeply wrong as fucking your sister.
That's a start, I think.
Thank you. I agree.

Now we're really having a conversation focused on the real problems.
Several lawmakers called for gun control on Wednesday, in the wake of a shooting that left at least 17 people dead at a Florida high school.

Following reports of the shooting, Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., took to the Senate floor to criticize congressional inaction on gun issues. Congress has long stalled on such issues, even in the face of multiple deadly shootings year after year.

More: Florida high school shooting: Here's what we know

More: 20 years in, shootings have changed schools in unexpected ways

Murphy — who represents Newtown, Conn., the site of a shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead — has long been a gun control advocate.

"I'm coming to the floor to talk about something else, but let me just note once again for my colleagues: this happens nowhere else other than the United States of America," he said. "It only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction. We are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in this country with zero parallel anywhere else."

Here are the lawmakers calling for gun control in the wake of Florida shooting
Schools, like any other institution whether government or private, depended on training and money for good security.

These shootings will keep occurring until property security is installed in our schools.
I've been trying all morning to share what I really mean. And since you've already told me you're going to tell me to go to hell, why would anyone want to state anything to you?
It's been nothing but statistics and appeals to emotion so far. Tell me you have something real and not more of that bullshit.

Give me your solutions.
It's going to take a lot of solutions in a lot of areas, but I'll start with one--this is NOT a solution in itself, but part of what is really basic to changing to culture of gun violence in this country:
Our children have grown up bathed in gun violence through movies, television and social media and video games with graphic depictions of humans killing humans with guns. These should be severely curtailed, along with all adults in society rallying around the message that killing people with guns is unacceptable; it is not "fun" or "cool." It is as deeply wrong as fucking your sister.
That's a start, I think.
The parents suck, so lets punish everyone.
If a person lets fantasy delude their mind, they already have problems.
I've been trying all morning to share what I really mean. And since you've already told me you're going to tell me to go to hell, why would anyone want to state anything to you?
It's been nothing but statistics and appeals to emotion so far. Tell me you have something real and not more of that bullshit.

Give me your solutions.
It's going to take a lot of solutions in a lot of areas, but I'll start with one--this is NOT a solution in itself, but part of what is really basic to changing to culture of gun violence in this country:
Our children have grown up bathed in gun violence through movies, television and social media and video games with graphic depictions of humans killing humans with guns. These should be severely curtailed, along with all adults in society rallying around the message that killing people with guns is unacceptable; it is not "fun" or "cool." It is as deeply wrong as fucking your sister.
That's a start, I think.

So basically you want the government to crack down on freedom of expression?
If that's what you want to call it, yes, you betcha.
It's going to take a lot of solutions in a lot of areas, but I'll start with one--this is NOT a solution in itself, but part of what is really basic to changing to culture of gun violence in this country:
Our children have grown up bathed in gun violence through movies, television and social media and video games with graphic depictions of humans killing humans with guns. These should be severely curtailed, along with all adults in society rallying around the message that killing people with guns is unacceptable; it is not "fun" or "cool." It is as deeply wrong as fucking your sister.
That's a start, I think.
Thank you. I agree.

Now we're really having a conversation focused on the real problems.
It will be a lot drier that way. And you've made my day by actually agreeing.
Why is it that more emphasis is placed on the rights of the dangerously mentally ill and not the safety of our children?

That's the bst question asked and is a reason why the mentally ill can get

The only way to ever prevent the mentally ill from ever owning a firearm
is to eliminate the 50 laws that protect and shield their identities from the
General Public.
when you notice smoke coming from a building you call the fire dept - you dont wait until flames are shooting out of windows 10 feet.

we have neighbor hood watch groups that notify cops when they notice anything shady going on .. we need to have the same damn thing in our schools.

wtf is the worst that could happen- piss someone off?

Wasn't this kid reported a year ago? Why wasn't anything done then? It seems the warning signs were there yet no one reached out to him until after he killed 17 people.
Our justice system is set up such that little can be done until AFTER the deed has been done.

So do we want to change this or do we want to presume innocent until guilty? Is that the balance of freedom and safety? I am not sure what the answer is anymore, I value life however I value our freedoms.
I've been trying all morning to share what I really mean. And since you've already told me you're going to tell me to go to hell, why would anyone want to state anything to you?
It's been nothing but statistics and appeals to emotion so far. Tell me you have something real and not more of that bullshit.

Give me your solutions.
It's going to take a lot of solutions in a lot of areas, but I'll start with one--this is NOT a solution in itself, but part of what is really basic to changing to culture of gun violence in this country:
Our children have grown up bathed in gun violence through movies, television and social media and video games with graphic depictions of humans killing humans with guns. These should be severely curtailed, along with all adults in society rallying around the message that killing people with guns is unacceptable; it is not "fun" or "cool." It is as deeply wrong as fucking your sister.
That's a start, I think.

So basically you want the government to crack down on freedom of expression?
If that's what you want to call it, yes, you betcha.

What else would you call it? Not only do you want the state to censor forms of entertainment but also restrict what people are allowed to say?

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