Come clean...Do you support the Caravan because you’re barely legal yourself?

Whats the percentages? Does anyone here really see a legitimate taxpaying, hard working REAL American championing this bunch?
Come on folks, come clean, expose your motivation.
I support any caravan of people who are rightfully seeking asylum...however these people in this filthy brown caravan will mostly be rejected...its still their right to seek asylum....View attachment 226103

Actually, the caravan is not seeking asylum. Gotta wait a few more days before the liberal attorneys can meet up with them.
Whats the percentages? Does anyone here really see a legitimate taxpaying, hard working REAL American championing this bunch?
Come on folks, come clean, expose your motivation.
I like the way they instill fear in republicans even though they may never arrive. When was the last time you walked 900 miles with no shoes or water or food? Never! I thought so.
Democrats who support Open Borders are Jihadists, Illegals, Felons, Drug Dealers, and DemNazi politicians who collude with our enemies in an attempt to weaken America and bring her people down to the level of the lowest common socialist denominator.

The rest are Pedophiles, Homosexuals, and Leftist College Professors and their indoctrinated know nothing students. Throw in some drug addicts, and race hustlers and you have their demographic down to a "T".
Gee I am none of those things you list but I support open borders for refugees. I live with a Spanish wife and in a neighborhood with muslims and catholics and jews and baptists and negros. Well my stepsons are negro.
Whats the percentages? Does anyone here really see a legitimate taxpaying, hard working REAL American championing this bunch?
Come on folks, come clean, expose your motivation.

Anything you support I question just on principle.

I know I’m venturing down the wrong path if anyone as fucked up in the head as you sees eye to eye with me.

You're welcome, and, ditto!
What I cant support is this hyper fear mongering panic, it may turn into nothing or be a big pain in the butt. how ever it turns out it will 70 or 90 % less than the build up.

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