Comedian Jay Johnston fired from "Bob's Burgers" cartoon after it was revealed that he attended the January 6th riot

......This seems awfully close to a bunch of woke bastard snowflakes on the left, having been prevented from extracting the vengeance they have so long sought against Trump himself, to now taking it out on anyone they can even remotely associate with him instead, if even only having voted for him.........
One of the top posts of the year. Sums up the Democrats motive in life.
Good luck with that.
Yeah, I'll need luck.

If, indeed, you really are an American, I'll need your help.

If you believe in the original principals of the ACLU, the bill of right, and just want to have the freedom to say and think, and believe what you want, and to have the government leave you the hell alone?

Our time is growing short my friend.
Yes, it does.
People that gullible, to believe such horse shit, is the reason why the capitol was attacked on January 6th.

I can't help your gullibility.
The comedian that is the subject of the thread?
I am not even sure he ever entered the Capitol.

So, wasn't he just exercising this 1st Amendment rights?
Well, I'm done with bobs burgers it seems. Won't be watching it again.

It's a shame attending jan6 is such a terrible act while supporting BLM and even encouraging their looting, arson, destruction, murder and so on is considered noble.
I do.

Do you?

Yes, I do.

Evidently, you don't.

Post 24.
The comedian that is the subject of the thread?
I am not even sure he ever entered the Capitol.

So, wasn't he just exercising this 1st Amendment rights?

The first amendment doesn't apply in the private sector.
The first amendment doesn't protect you from being fired.
Yes, I do.

Evidently, you don't.

Post 24.
The comedian that is the subject of the thread?
I am not even sure he ever entered the Capitol.

So, wasn't he just exercising this 1st Amendment rights?

The first amendment doesn't apply in the private sector.
The first amendment doesn't protect you from being fired.
I see.

You do know, that the definition of fascism is, the nationalization of industry. SO? When industry is politicized, or it works in concert with the political parties that hold the reigns of national power. . . that is, by definition, which Mussolini himself coined. . .


I am so glad you approve of this.

You? Outing yourself, for the whole forum to see, with all your down votes of truth, and your sour attitude for folks that defend civil liberties and civil rights, make clear to real Americans how far gone the nation is.
I see.

You do know, that the definition of fascism is, the nationalization of industry.
No, it isn't.

That's communism.
A small minority who derives profit from employing the working class through private ownership of the means of production. According to this analysis, revolution would put the working class in power and in turn establish social ownership of the means of production which is the primary element in the transformation of society towards a communist mode of production.

So does the government own FOX now?

SO? When industry is politicized, or it works in concert with the political parties that hold the reigns of national power. . . that is, by definition, which Mussolini himself coined. . .
No, he didn't.

I am so glad you approve of this.
Right, you don't even know what fascism is.

A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
You? Outing yourself, for the whole forum to see, with all your down votes of truth, and your sour attitude for folks that defend civil liberties and civil rights, make clear to real Americans how far gone the nation is.
So, was Jay arrested?
No, just fired, and it wasn't the government that did it, it was FOX.
No, it isn't.

That's communism.
A small minority who derives profit from employing the working class through private ownership of the means of production. According to this analysis, revolution would put the working class in power and in turn establish social ownership of the means of production which is the primary element in the transformation of society towards a communist mode of production.

So does the government own FOX now?

No, he didn't.

Right, you don't even know what fascism is.

A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

So, was Jay arrested?
No, just fired, and it wasn't the government that did it, it was FOX.
When I wrote, Nationalization of industry, I meant, politically, not by bureaucrats. The owners of the media cabal, Wall-street, silicon valley, etc. have the same politics as the bureaucrats of the establishment.


Of course I know what fascism and communism are. Polisci was my major. That you do not recognize this is fascism, and that you are a woke-fascist? Is both ironic, and humorous to me. That you can't see that out-group victimization, is the political protected class, and in-group privilege is the scapegoat of the fascism, points to severe blindness and cognitive denial on your part. I don't expect you to open your eyes to the balkanization by the elites.

I am willing to bet? You have never even heard the term Dirigisme.

When I wrote, Nationalization of industry, I meant, politically, not by bureaucrats.
You didn't mention that, you stated.

'You do know, that the definition of fascism is, the nationalization of industry'.
The owners of the media cabal, Wall-street, silicon valley, etc. have the same politics as the bureaucrats of the establishment.
So, there is a lot of industry that doesn't agree with one administration or another.
That's where the bribes come into play.

Of course I know what fascism and communism are. don't.
You described communism but called it fascism.
Polisci was my major.
From the Trump U. correspondence course?
I'm impressed.
That you do not recognize this is fascism, and that you are a woke-fascist? Is both ironic, and humorous to me.
I find it humorous too, you still don't know what Fascism is or how the 1st amendment works or applied.

That you can't see that out-group victimization, is the political protected class, and in-group privilege is the scapegoat of the fascism, points to severe blindness and cognitive denial on your part. I don't expect you to open your eyes to the balkanization by the elites.

I am willing to bet? You have never even heard the term Dirigisme.
No, I haven't.

Dirigiste policies often include indicative planning, state-directed investment, and the use of market instruments (taxes and subsidies) to incentivize market entities to fulfill state economic objectives.

The term emerged in the post-war era to describe the economic policies of France which included substantial state-directed investment, the use of indicative economic planning to supplement the market mechanism and the establishment of state enterprises in strategic domestic sectors.

That describes Republicans alright.

Bet you don't know what that really means either but give it the Trump U. try.

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