Comedian tries to warn the Regressive Left, but....

War on Christmas continues apace.
There is no ‘war’ on Christmas – that ridiculous rightwing canard is as stale and tedious as holiday fruitcake.

I would hope that there wouldn't be. Christmas is a holiday set up for all people,regardless of religion, to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. If you'll remember, the magi in the Bible were pagans from the east. Its just not a holiday for Christians.
‘Happy holidays’ merely refers to the various holidays observed during the end of the year and the start of the new year – such as Christmas, New Year’s Day, and Orthodox Christians’ observance of Christmas in January.

It is not an effort to ‘secularize’ Christmas, or to eliminate the religious component of Christmas, or to otherwise ‘accommodate’ non-Christians or those free from religion.
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, the idea that someone would report you to HR for wishing them a Merry Christmas is simply insane. That person needs to be kicked to the curb.
As I predicted, they're not going to listen.

They refuse to see that part of Trump's appeal is as a loud push-back to this silly crap.

And not just "silly crap", but real crap. Like for instance, trying to convince us there are numerous genders.

No. Sorry.

The occasional actual snowflake who is a troublemaking loser is not going to make a thinking person move from reasoned positions based on facts and evidence toward bullshit and bigotry based on fear of "the other" fed by feelings of inadequacy.

The overwhelming trauma of being asked and expected to be kind and considerate only exists in the imagination of people who lack empathy.

Trump will not gain supporters because a few people are overly sensitive. But, for some reason, those who support him think he will.
Damn, THIS one is SUCH an effing IDIOT!
Hey Mac1958, can you tell us what you’ve ever wanted to say but couldn’t because you felt that you’d be destroyed along with everything you care about?

Also, has Whitney Cummings been destroyed?

I know. You don’t respect me enough to respond. Yada yada. But think of how your answer will help all the others here fight off cultural decline.
Did I call it?

I know these people.
Yep. I call it the "isolation" tactic. They will take this story and isolate it so that it stands alone, one silly little harmless story. That allows them to mock it and belittle it and dismiss it and drown it and attack the messenger.
Hey Mac1958, can you tell us what you’ve ever wanted to say but couldn’t because you felt that you’d be destroyed along with everything you care about? Also, has Whitney Cummings been destroyed?
Did I call it?

I know these people.
Yep. I call it the "isolation" tactic. They will take this story and isolate it so that it stands alone, one silly little harmless story. That allows them to mock it and belittle it and dismiss it and drown it and attack the messenger.
Hey Mac1958, can you tell us what you’ve ever wanted to say but couldn’t because you felt that you’d be destroyed along with everything you care about? Also, has Whitney Cummings been destroyed?

I did the opposite. I asked you to expand on the subject and tell us why what happened to Ms. Cummings is not isolated and how something similar has impacted you personally.

What are you being stopped from saying by those who’d ruin your life?
You're an idiot.
Christmas is celebrated by 95% of the country, if not as a religious day, as a CULTURAL day. And I say this as a Christian who does not celebrate Christmas.

When someone wishes you a Merry Christmas, your ONLY acceptable response is "Thank you." And if you feel like it, you CAN (but don't have to) wish them a merry Christmas also, because it's obviously important to them.

The majority has no obligation to guard their words for the rude 1% like you.

The only person I knew who made a big deal about not celebrating Christmas was a Jehovah's Witness I had the misfortune of working with. She complained about the decorations to HR and everyone tried to avoid her.
You're an idiot.
Christmas is celebrated by 95% of the country, if not as a religious day, as a CULTURAL day. And I say this as a Christian who does not celebrate Christmas.

When someone wishes you a Merry Christmas, your ONLY acceptable response is "Thank you." And if you feel like it, you CAN (but don't have to) wish them a merry Christmas also, because it's obviously important to them.

The majority has no obligation to guard their words for the rude 1% like you.

The only person I knew who made a big deal about not celebrating Christmas was a Jehovah's Witness I had the misfortune of working with. She complained about the decorations to HR and everyone tried to avoid her.
You should have married her.
Unfortunately they've made great progress over the last couple of generations in controlling, punishing and intimidating speech. Americans from coast to coast are now afraid they may utter the wrong thing at the wrong moment to the wrong person. That may never get fixed.

When was this happy time when people could blurt out whatever was on their mind no matter how rude or offensive it was?

Quite honestly, Mac, it sounds like you live in a fear-based workplace. I've worked in those, but they have little to do with political correctness and everything to do with management. I've worked for some pretty shitty companies, hence why I have no love for your corporate dick-sucking, but I've never worked in a place where they ever punished someone for saying "Merry Christmas", or where anyone would even waste HR's time complaining about it.

Gawd almighty, all that sobbing ... "from coast to coast" ... and a continent-size victim card on top of that.

Freedom of speech always came with responsibility for content, and exercising it always meant to live with the consequences, such as reproach, rebuke, or even dismissal and ridicule.

You know, how about you get over your five seconds of terrible, horrible oppression? Maybe if you did, you need no longer surf the same fauxrage wave day after day. Wouldn't that be splendid?

For pity's sake....

Mac has been on this kick since about 2015 or so. I've concluded he told what he thought was a really funny joke, but someone complained to HR about it. He didn't used to be like this.
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You're an idiot.
Christmas is celebrated by 95% of the country, if not as a religious day, as a CULTURAL day. And I say this as a Christian who does not celebrate Christmas.

When someone wishes you a Merry Christmas, your ONLY acceptable response is "Thank you." And if you feel like it, you CAN (but don't have to) wish them a merry Christmas also, because it's obviously important to them.

The majority has no obligation to guard their words for the rude 1% like you.

The only person I knew who made a big deal about not celebrating Christmas was a Jehovah's Witness I had the misfortune of working with. She complained about the decorations to HR and everyone tried to avoid her.
Yet it was YOU who said this

Frankly, it's kind of rude to wish someone "Merry Christmas" if you don't know if they practice Christmas
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, the idea that someone would report you to HR for wishing them a Merry Christmas is simply insane. That person needs to be kicked to the curb.

Or maybe they need to be handled with kid's gloves until they get kicked to the curb. The thing is, people who complain to HR usually don't have a long lifespan at companies. But you have to take their complaints seriously until you can get rid of them. So that means sitting people down and saying, "Watch what you say around Sally, she's sensitive".

And not just "silly crap", but real crap. Like for instance, trying to convince us there are numerous genders.

Gender is an artificial concept. We've created these nice roles for "male" and "female" that were not practiced by our cave dwelling ancestors... so surprise, surprise, not everyone fits neatly into two boxes.
Yet it was YOU who said this

Frankly, it's kind of rude to wish someone "Merry Christmas" if you don't know if they practice Christmas

Yes, I did, which had nothing to do with the point I just made.

Hey, here's the thing... I only really talk to co-workers I really know reasonable well. "Have a nice holiday" or "enjoy your time off" is usually safe. "Merry Christmas", maybe they are Jewish or Muslim or Jehovah's Witness or some sect of Christians who doesn't like that a Pagan Holiday got grafted onto their religion.

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