Comedian tries to warn the Regressive Left, but....

Yep. I call it the "isolation" tactic. They will take this story and isolate it so that it stands alone, one silly little harmless story.

That allows them to mock it and belittle it and dismiss it and drown it and attack the messenger.

Or you just take an isolated story and try to pretend it indicates something bigger.

Here's the real problem... the Christian Majority trying to impose their religion on the rest of us. I'm fine with Christmas. I don't think Jesus existed... and I've found that most "Christians" don't even know what's in the bible.

Most companies try to avoid getting into these fights because they aren't good for business.
Ironic since merely pointing out some people on the left get an anti Christmas boner offends those very same people on the left handed end of the spectrum. It's hard to mock those being offended when the mockers themselves are also taking offense when their biases are revealed.
So I think it's fair to wonder if those who are complaining here are doing so more because they know they're guilty, and feel that they need to spin and attack, than because they think the characterization is unfair.

Okay, full disclosure, I don't wonder about that. I'm pretty sure of it.
So I think it's fair to wonder if those who are complaining here are doing so more because they know they're guilty, and feel that they need to spin and attack, than because they think the characterization is unfair.

Okay, full disclosure, I don't wonder about that. I'm pretty sure of it.

Full disclosure, you are kind of a whiny little bitch.

Frankly, it's kind of rude to wish someone "Merry Christmas" if you don't know if they practice Christmas.

Do you know the only co-worker I had who really objected to the Christmas thing. She was a Jehovah's Witness, and they don't believe in celebrating Christmas.

Meanwhile, I'm an Atheist... I've never complained about it once.
Frankly, it's kind of rude to wish someone "Merry Christmas" if you don't know if they practice Christmas
You're an idiot.
Christmas is celebrated by 95% of the country, if not as a religious day, as a CULTURAL day. And I say this as a Christian who does not celebrate Christmas.

When someone wishes you a Merry Christmas, your ONLY acceptable response is "Thank you." And if you feel like it, you CAN (but don't have to) wish them a merry Christmas also, because it's obviously important to them.

The majority has no obligation to guard their words for the rude 1% like you.
So I think it's fair to wonder if those who are complaining here
Um, the people complaining here are those who started the thread and those agreeing with th OP, you among them. I really shouldn't have to step in to point this out.
So I think it's fair to wonder if those who are complaining here
Um, the people complaining here are those who started the thread and those agreeing with th OP, you among them. I really shouldn't have to step in to point this out.
Wow, fantasy.

I started the thread. You Regressives have been whining and attacking all the way through it.
started the thread.
"You among them"

Yes, i covered that. And you started the thread to complain, as evidenced by all of your complaining comments in the thread. And that's fine. But your last comment compelled me to point that out.

"You regressives"

Whoops, see, you're going into a rabid tailspin again. I explicitly said I dont support the law, and even explained why. Do you even read your own threads? Like i said, you are here to even invent false things to complain about if needed, such as my position that you invented out of thin air.
started the thread.
"You among them"

Yes, i covered that. And you started the thread to complain, as evidenced by all of your complaining comments in the thread. And that's fine. But your last comment compelled me to point that out.

"You regressives"

Whoops, see, you're going into a rabid tailspin again. I explicitly said I dont support the law, and even explained why. Do you even read your own threads? Like i said, you are here to even invent false things to complain about if needed, such as my position that you invented out of thin air.
started the thread.
"You among them"

Yes, i covered that. And you started the thread to complain, as evidenced by all of your complaining comments in the thread. And that's fine. But your last comment compelled me to point that out.

"You regressives"

Whoops, see, you're going into a rabid tailspin again. I explicitly said I dont support the law, and even explained why. Do you even read your own threads? Like i said, you are here to even invent false things to complain about if needed, such as my position that you invented out of thin air.
.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.
The sad part is stuff like this isn't even surprising anymore people being offended over anything has become the norm. It would be funny to see how some today would react if they were sat down and showed the first season of the sitcom All in the Family.
.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.
The sad part is stuff like this isn't even surprising anymore people being offended over anything has become the norm. It would be funny to see how some today would react if they were sat down and showed the first season of the sitcom All in the Family.
Unfortunately they've made great progress over the last couple of generations in controlling, punishing and intimidating speech. Americans from coast to coast are now afraid they may utter the wrong thing at the wrong moment to the wrong person. That may never get fixed.
Unfortunately they've made great progress over the last couple of generations in controlling, punishing and intimidating speech. Americans from coast to coast are now afraid they may utter the wrong thing at the wrong moment to the wrong person. That may never get fixed.

Gawd almighty, all that sobbing ... "from coast to coast" ... and a continent-size victim card on top of that.

Freedom of speech always came with responsibility for content, and exercising it always meant to live with the consequences, such as reproach, rebuke, or even dismissal and ridicule.

You know, how about you get over your five seconds of terrible, horrible oppression? Maybe if you did, you need no longer surf the same fauxrage wave day after day. Wouldn't that be splendid?

For pity's sake....
Unfortunately they've made great progress over the last couple of generations in controlling, punishing and intimidating speech. Americans from coast to coast are now afraid they may utter the wrong thing at the wrong moment to the wrong person. That may never get fixed.

Gawd almighty, all that sobbing ... "from coast to coast" ... and a continent-size victim card on top of that.

Freedom of speech always came with responsibility for content, and exercising it always meant to live with the consequences, such as reproach, rebuke, or even dismissal and ridicule.

You know, how about you get over your five seconds of terrible, horrible oppression? Maybe if you did, you need no longer surf the same fauxrage wave day after day. Wouldn't that be splendid?

For pity's sake....
So you’re saying it’s OK to fire a Muslim employee who shares with others their celebration of Ramadan?
As I predicted, they're not going to listen.

They refuse to see that part of Trump's appeal is as a loud push-back to this silly crap.

Are you moved to casting a vote for Trump by this silly crap?

Its certainly a point of positivity in Trump's favor, his advocacy of wishing people a merry Christmas.

But, truth be told, Trump's other policies like record high markets and record low unemployment especially for minorities play a bigger part. I think America's fight against the War on Christmas just jazzes up the voters and gets them excited to vote against Marxism.

Do you believe that Barack Obama routinely wishes people a “Merry Christmas”?

Also, who is more Christlike? Trump or Obama?
neither.....Jesus would have physically thrown them both out of the temple....
.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.
The sad part is stuff like this isn't even surprising anymore people being offended over anything has become the norm. It would be funny to see how some today would react if they were sat down and showed the first season of the sitcom All in the Family.

They would laugh.
.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.
The sad part is stuff like this isn't even surprising anymore people being offended over anything has become the norm. It would be funny to see how some today would react if they were sat down and showed the first season of the sitcom All in the Family.

It’s surprising enough to be worth a thread.

.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.

The level of stupid.... really?

Happy Go-To-Hell day for you pagans!
Everyone else, Merry Christmas!

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