Comedian tries to warn the Regressive Left, but....

I have never heard of anyone filing a civil rights complaint over “Happy Holidays”

Christians and other traditionalists do not take offense or seek to have the person fired
Christian groups formed a boycott of stores that said "happy holidays" like Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, Sears, Kmart, Kohl’s, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, and Costco.

BTW, the only group ever to ban Christmas was the Christians themselves! In 1659, the Puritan lawmakers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony followed the example of their brethren in England by issuing an edict outlawing the observance of Christmas.

Liberals are the embodiment of puritans today.
There is some truth to this.

Most of their positions are moral arguments.
I agree it’s all good. Everything will work itself out. We may not like what we get, but we will most likely deserve what we get. The only question is will we learn from what we get.

But my point still stands, you never know what will motivate someone or be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel’s back so to speak.

The conversation I am having is bigger than Cummings and the comedian. Opposition for anything doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It arises as a reaction to something. If that something doesn’t exist then neither does the opposition to it.
Yep. I call it the "isolation" tactic. They will take this story and isolate it so that it stands alone, one silly little harmless story.

That allows them to mock it and belittle it and dismiss it and drown it and attack the messenger.

Of course, they're dishonestly avoiding the fact that it's another example of a much, much larger picture. In other words, they're lying.
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Petty complaint by the intern.

Petty thread by VichyMac

We do not know what the intern's complaint was - just what the offending party tells us about the incident. You are rendering judgment ("Petty") based on, say, incomplete "information" - or rather, the self-serving lies of the offending party and the ensuing twitter-rage. I find that unwise.


you’ve out pettied Mac

I don't know, Candycorn. Media illiteracy is proliferating, a major opening to manipulation in all kinds of ways, and by all kinds of actors. Arguably, it is a major part of why Putin was successful beyond even his own wildest dreams in 2016. Perhaps, rather than to dismiss having it pointed out to you, you'd do well to check your reading habits, particularly so since this story was laughable in its obvious invalidity. And yet, you rushed to judgment, no questions asked. To repeat, I find that unwise.

Yeah, I know, I out-out-out-out-pettied Mac.
As I predicted, they're not going to listen.

They refuse to see that part of Trump's appeal is as a loud push-back to this silly crap.

Every Christmas we hear isolated anecdotal stories about someone being offended by Merry Christmas

The Trumps of the world use them to fan RW hysteria
Regardless of the issue, each end of the spectrum leaves itself wide open to criticism when it refuses to hold its own end accountable.

That's the game now: Spin, pivot, attack. That's fine, but it just makes it easier to expose.
Oh NO!

The War on Christmas
Not enough
The war on Christmas is taking place everywhere in America

But most violently in classroom beginning as soon as the children fall Into the atheist teachers hands
It is being fought on the land, on the sea, in the trenches
We shall not surrender, we shall not falter!
Can we agree thar people who are grossly offended by “Merry Christmas” have severe mental problems?

Yes. As are people who believe that “Happy Holidays” is a bad thing for someone to say.

I know people who prefer “”merry Christmas”
BUt none who run hysterically to the HR dept demanding a safe room with a petting pony

only libs do that

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As I predicted, they're not going to listen.

They refuse to see that part of Trump's appeal is as a loud push-back to this silly crap.

Every Christmas we hear isolated anecdotal stories about someone being offended by Merry Christmas

The Trumps of the world use them to fan RW hysteria
Regardless of the issue, each end of the spectrum leaves itself wide open to criticism when it refuses to hold its own end accountable.

That's the game now: Spin, pivot, attack. That's fine, but it just makes it easier to expose.

Someone needs to be held accountable for a person getting offended
Not enough
The war on Christmas is taking place everywhere in America

But most violently in classroom beginning as soon as the children fall Into the atheist teachers hands
It is being fought on the land, on the sea, in the trenches
We shall not surrender, we shall not falter!
Can we agree thar people who are grossly offended by “Merry Christmas” have severe mental problems?

Yes. As are people who believe that “Happy Holidays” is a bad thing for someone to say.

I know people who prefer “”merry Christmas”
BUt none who run hysterically to the HR dept demanding a safe room with a petting pony

only libs do that

You serious? Hey by the way Merry Christmas as it tis that season.
No. Sorry.

The occasional actual snowflake who is a troublemaking loser is not going to make a thinking person move from reasoned positions based on facts and evidence toward bullshit and bigotry based on fear of "the other" fed by feelings of inadequacy.

The overwhelming trauma of being asked and expected to be kind and considerate only exists in the imagination of people who lack empathy.

Trump will not gain supporters because a few people are overly sensitive. But, for some reason, those who support him think he will.
You may be over estimating your fellow man.

No. I'm not. Most people, when learning of this idiot getting HR to have a chat with Ms. Cummings, roll their eyes and shrug their shoulders.

Insecure RW nutbags express outrage in an attempt to get lazy morons to vote in order to save the country from pansies. And frustrated "researchers" like the OP see an opportunity to complain about the decaying culture.

It's really not going to make a normal person begin to think Trump is the answer to any problem.
It’s all part of the equation. You don’t know what the tipping point is for others. People can be emotional as evidenced by some of the imagery you just used.

Whitney Cummings, the only person remotely impacted here, and the comedian who came to her defense will not be voting for Trump. They're not moved to the right by this. Whitney herself is using it as writing material.

It’s all good.
I agree it’s all good. Everything will work itself out. We may not like what we get, but we will most likely deserve what we get. The only question is will we learn from what we get.

But my point still stands, you never know what will motivate someone or be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel’s back so to speak.

The conversation I am having is bigger than Cummings and the comedian. Opposition for anything doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It arises as a reaction to something. If that something doesn’t exist then neither does the opposition to it.

Does that something have to actually exist or can it simply be a construct aimed at fomenting opposition?
Someone needs to be held accountable for a person getting offended
Ironic since merely pointing out some people on the left get an anti Christmas boner offends those very same people on the left handed end of the spectrum. It's hard to mock those being offended when the mockers themselves are also
taking offense when their biases are revealed.
Someone needs to be held accountable for a person getting offended
Ironic since merely pointing out some people on the left get an anti Christmas boner offends those very same people on the left handed end of the spectrum. It's hard to mock those being offended when the mockers themselves are also
taking offense when their biases are revealed.

Unfinished thought in response to earlier post.
Of course, what is ACTUALLY happening here is not any PC stance taken by the HR director. What is happening here is that companies fear being sued for allowing a "hostile workplace". I think it likely the HR director would have preferred to roll her eyes and forget about it.

Not that the missives about sensitive people thinking they deserve special comepensation don't apply. Someone needed to tell that intern to get over it. But the company is hamstrung by civil exposure.
.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.

In general the left can’t get out of their own way. Look at the presidential candidates for crying out loud!!! If they were normal people they’d probably win easily, but they’re hellbent on stupid.
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As I predicted, they're not going to listen.

They refuse to see that part of Trump's appeal is as a loud push-back to this silly crap.
How do you control a young intern who you do not know and likely has never even voted?

I agree she's a snowflake.

Here's your Holiday bonus.
Right me if I am wrong, but isn't a wreath what is placed on the doors of people after they have passed on or something like that? I just know that whatever they really mean there is the reason why my mom does not like them.

God bless you and my mom always!!!


P.S. I would ask her, but its the last subject that she wants on her mind, especially since another one of our family members went forward earlier this week.
.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.

In general the left can’t get out of their own way. Look at the presidential candidates for crying out loud!!! If they were normal people they’d probably win easily, but they’re hellbent on stupid.
The nuttier elements of the party think that they have the momentum right now, so they're going for it, 100%
.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.

In general the left can’t get out of their own way. Look at the presidential candidates for crying out loud!!! If they were normal people they’d probably win easily, but they’re hellbent on stupid.
The nuttier elements of the party think that they have the momentum right now, so they're going for it, 100%
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