Comedian tries to warn the Regressive Left, but....

Hey Mac1958, can you tell us what you’ve ever wanted to say but couldn’t because you felt that you’d be destroyed along with everything you care about?

Also, has Whitney Cummings been destroyed?

I know. You don’t respect me enough to respond. Yada yada. But think of how your answer will help all the others here fight off cultural decline.

I've been asking him that for years. Don't expect an answer.
"Christmas" can be taken as a generic term for this season of the year. Taking it precisely as religious is being a little tight-assed, to say the least.
"Christmas" can be taken as a generic term for this season of the year. Taking it precisely as religious is being a little tight-assed, to say the least.

Wait a minute, a holiday called "Christ- Mass" being taken as religious is bit much.

Now, I do agree, we have commercialized the hell out of Christmas and have really kind of removed Jesus from the celebration.

As I predicted, they're not going to listen.

They refuse to see that part of Trump's appeal is as a loud push-back to this silly crap.

And not just "silly crap", but real crap. Like for instance, trying to convince us there are numerous genders.

We must remember the Regressive Left's Rule:

If you are not personally damaged by something that troubles you, you should not advocate against it. Just shut the fuck up and do as you're told.

Funny though, that doesn't stop THEM from advocating for MANY issues that don't personally damage THEM.

Weird, huh!
We must remember the Regressive Left's Rule:

If you are not personally damaged by something that troubles you, you should not advocate against it. Just shut the fuck up and do as you're told.

Funny though, that doesn't stop THEM from advocating for MANY issues that don't personally damage them.

Weird, huh!

When did we say that?

By all means, if something troubles you... say something. Just be ready to back it up.
"Christmas" can be taken as a generic term for this season of the year. Taking it precisely as religious is being a little tight-assed, to say the least.

Yeah. It's not nearly as tight-assed as is taking anything OTHER than "Merry Christmas" as an insult to Christianity and evidence for the war on Christmas. To say the least.

Researching the story a bit, I found polls indicate there is an about 10% portion of the population taking umbrage with not hearing their preferred holiday greeting. A split between Christmas- and holiday-bigots wasn't provided. My guess would be the former outnumber the latter, and by a healthy margin, about the same as Christers outnumber atheists and agnostics.

That puts the lie to Mac's oft-repeated claim that whatever manufactured outrage of the day he finds consulting the most dubious and ridiculous "sources" is attributable to "the left" - er, "the regressive left". If there ever was a poster-boy of confirmation bias, Mac it is, beating the competition hands down. But, but, but, he's all about the "bigger picture", and he's drawn it all by his gentle, sincere self. It's actually disheartening to watch.
All this is merely another example of the search to separate, divide and incite. When to spirit of unity prevails, such minuscule issues disappear. The will to find whatever can be found to drive wedges between us all prevails currently.
.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.
I guess some people really are offended by the term "Merry Christmas".

But, there are reasons why Christmas has the historical status it does, as opposed to less prelevant holidays such as Hanukkah and whatnot, and none if it has anything to do with many of the conspiracy theories erroneously promoted and toughted about it by ill-informed dolts on social media and the like.

If one critically examines the history of Christmas and its development thereof, and compares it alone side the origins and development of other holidays, such as Hanukkah and whatnot (or any culture or national holdiays - insert you favorite one here if Hanukkah is a bad choice or example), one will begin to see a bigger and more intellectual historical picture.
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whiney bitches bitching about whiney bitches is gunna have the same backlash as the original whiney bitches had. thats why nobody likes mac, he is a whiney bitch.
"Christmas" can be taken as a generic term for this season of the year. Taking it precisely as religious is being a little tight-assed, to say the least.

Wait a minute, a holiday called "Christ- Mass" being taken as religious is bit much.

Now, I do agree, we have commercialized the hell out of Christmas and have really kind of removed Jesus from the celebration.

I don't know what your point is - the days of the week are named after pagan deities (e.x. Thursday - Thor's Day), but few if any assert anything overtly "religious" about them, assuming they even know what the word "religious" means to begin with, and naturally, most of them don't, or are even lying intentionally about that.
Yeah. It's not nearly as tight-assed as is taking anything OTHER than "Merry Christmas" as an insult to Christianity and evidence for the war on Christmas. To say the least.

Researching the story a bit, I found polls indicate there is an about 10% portion of the population taking umbrage with not hearing their preferred holiday greeting. A split between Christmas- and holiday-bigots wasn't provided. My guess would be the former outnumber the latter, and by a healthy margin, about the same as Christers outnumber atheists and agnostics.

That puts the lie to Mac's oft-repeated claim that whatever manufactured outrage of the day he finds consulting the most dubious and ridiculous "sources" is attributable to "the left" - er, "the regressive left". If there ever was a poster-boy of confirmation bias, Mac it is, beating the competition hands down. But, but, but, he's all about the "bigger picture", and he's drawn it all by his gentle, sincere self. It's actually disheartening to watch.

YOu are just figuring this out about old Vichy Mac now?
I don't know what your point is - the days of the week are named after pagan deities (e.x. Thursday - Thor's Day), but few if any assert anything overtly "religious" about them, assuming they even know what the word "religious" means to begin with, and naturally, most of them don't, or are even lying intentionally about that.

Okay... we don't celebrate Thor on Thursday.


We do Celebrate Christ on Christmas...

I don't know what your point is - the days of the week are named after pagan deities (e.x. Thursday - Thor's Day), but few if any assert anything overtly "religious" about them, assuming they even know what the word "religious" means to begin with, and naturally, most of them don't, or are even lying intentionally about that.

Okay... we don't celebrate Thor on Thursday.

View attachment 296136

We do Celebrate Christ on Christmas...

View attachment 296137
Good, I prefer a Prince of Peace to a lord of war myself.

Much as our Common Law system rightfully imposes its religious morality, such as that of the Golden Rule, that which developed from older legal systems, including religious ones, incorporating notions for respect for people, families, property, rights, autonomy and so forth, rightfully imposing religion by force of law on those atheistic and heathen who have none of their own, no qualms about taking a moral stance or objection to rape, murder, and other heathen and atheistic practices of history. (Even if, in practice, not all who identify as "atheist" do these things, nor all who identify as "religious" abstain from them).

One ironically can't even appeal to the practices without invoking "God", Judeo-Christian morality, or such and such to begin with; an atheist could assert and objection to stealing, murder, rape, or such, but could ultimately not do so without appealing to or invoking the religious morals and values which our Law is based on to begin with, such as in the case of evil atheists such as the Marquis de Sade, who saw nothing wrong with any of the sins or immoralities that I mentioned above.
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Good, I prefer a Prince of Peace to a lord of war myself.

Much as our Common Law system rightfully imposes its religious morality, such as that of the Golden Rule, that which developed from older legal systems, including religious ones, incorporating notions for respect for people, families, property, rights, autonomy and so forth, rightfully imposing religion by force of law on those atheistic and heathen who have none of their own, no qualms about taking a moral stance or objection to rape, murder, and other heathen and atheistic practices of history.

Um, okay, buddy you are so off topic now that we couldn't find the topic with a map and a hunting dog.
Good, I prefer a Prince of Peace to a lord of war myself.

Much as our Common Law system rightfully imposes its religious morality, such as that of the Golden Rule, that which developed from older legal systems, including religious ones, incorporating notions for respect for people, families, property, rights, autonomy and so forth, rightfully imposing religion by force of law on those atheistic and heathen who have none of their own, no qualms about taking a moral stance or objection to rape, murder, and other heathen and atheistic practices of history.

Um, okay, buddy you are so off topic now that we couldn't find the topic with a map and a hunting dog.
I think that favoring worship, celebration, and reference for the Lord Jesus Christ is superior to worshiping Thor or many other heathen Gods or Goddesses, and that there would be much justification for overtly favoring Christ and his myth over lesser ones, rather than making a false pretense of "equality" or such and such.

Including revising and amending our slightly dated Constitution and laws to reflect this superior notion, Christ having been far ahead of his time (such as in asserting that we should be above and beyond racism in the days of Rome, as in his parable about the Samaritan and the Jew, while lesser and overrated atheists such as Voltaire were still peddling racism even during the intellectual movement often so superstitiously referred to as the age of Enlightenment, whatever it be worth), and someone even America's framers, brilliant as they were, looked up to rather than down to.
I think that favoring worship, celebration, and reference for the Lord Jesus Christ is superior to worshiping Thor or many other heathen Gods or Goddesses, and that there would be much justification for overtly favoring Christ and his myth over lesser ones, rather than making a false pretense of "equality" or such and such.

Do you really think stringing together a bunch of big words makes you sound smart?
.... they won't listen.

Whitney Cummings Reported to HR by 'Pissed Off' Intern After Wishing Her a Merry Christmas

So Whitley Cummings (I guess she's an actress) dared to wish an intern a "Merry Christmas" -- in Hollywood? What was she thinking? -- and got in "trouble" for being so evil and heartless.

So her friend, comedian Chris D'Elia, responded on Twitter:

"This stuff is what makes people who are politically on the fence swing to the right," he tweeted. "Complaining about shit like this is what will get Trump re-elected. It's already done. Liberals got him 4 more years. F--kin idiots."

They won't listen, of course, but at least he tried.
If the leftist is pro-no borders like much of the left is, and if the left got its way, she would have to get used to hearing "Feliz Navidad," (Merry Christmas) from the vast majority of incoming peoples from south of the border, 90% of them are Catholic and celebrate Christmas.
As I predicted, they're not going to listen.

They refuse to see that part of Trump's appeal is as a loud push-back to this silly crap.

And not just "silly crap", but real crap. Like for instance, trying to convince us there are numerous genders.

We must remember the Regressive Left's Rule:

If you are not personally damaged by something that troubles you, you should not advocate against it. Just shut the fuck up and do as you're told.

Funny though, that doesn't stop THEM from advocating for MANY issues that don't personally damage THEM.

Weird, huh!

Keep in mind though Mac, I know you hate Trump, but as long as you vote for Dimocrats at all levels of government, you'll be voting to put more and more of these people who believe in this shit.
As I predicted, they're not going to listen.

They refuse to see that part of Trump's appeal is as a loud push-back to this silly crap.

And not just "silly crap", but real crap. Like for instance, trying to convince us there are numerous genders.

We must remember the Regressive Left's Rule:

If you are not personally damaged by something that troubles you, you should not advocate against it. Just shut the fuck up and do as you're told.

Funny though, that doesn't stop THEM from advocating for MANY issues that don't personally damage THEM.

Weird, huh!

Keep in mind though Mac, I know you hate Trump, but as long as you vote for Dimocrats at all levels of government, you'll be voting to put more and more of these people who believe in this shit.
Well, first, I don't hate anyone. I don't think I've hated anyone since I was in grade school. And I'm pretty sure I've never voted a straight ticket.

Right now there's about a 30% chance I'll vote Dem for President. I'm looking for 3rd party options now. Slim pickins so far, but it is what it is.
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As I predicted, they're not going to listen.

They refuse to see that part of Trump's appeal is as a loud push-back to this silly crap.

And not just "silly crap", but real crap. Like for instance, trying to convince us there are numerous genders.

We must remember the Regressive Left's Rule:

If you are not personally damaged by something that troubles you, you should not advocate against it. Just shut the fuck up and do as you're told.

Funny though, that doesn't stop THEM from advocating for MANY issues that don't personally damage THEM.

Weird, huh!

Our problems are not political and voting will never solve them. Our problems are the Red Guards in the workplace, schools, churches, media etc....the government is just another stick they beat us with.

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