Comedienne Sarah Silverman, poster girl for poor, IGNORANT, butt-hurt snowflakes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Fresh off her headline-grabbing pronouncement that a military coup should be staged against Republican President Donald Trump, controversial comedienne Sarah Silverman hit Twitter Sunday with another jaw-dropping post.

“Walking to get coffee saw these all over a sidewalk in the town I’m in,” the left-wing celeb posted. “Is this an attempt at swastikas? Do neo nazis not have google?”

Apparently Silverman didn’t use Google herself, or else she would have quickly realized
the rather familiar symbols were utility markings."

Oh, but it gets even BETTER...after being brutally and APPROPRIATELY bashed on twitter for her ignorance and her moronic comment, Silverman tried to DEFEND her comment by stating THIS:

"It's a construction marker. Innocent mistake for a Jew that gets "burn in an oven!" at least weekly on twitter. Still pretty close though..
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman)"

What a PATHETIC, ignorant snowflake - she actually tried to compare getting corrected / mocked for her ignorant comment while attempting to bash Trump / Trump supporters / Conservatives to BEING MURDERED IN AN OVEN like Jews were under Hitler.


Trump-hating celeb asks if symbols are 'swastikas.' Oops.
Yeah, how dare a person who has made a career of of doing obscene and obnoxious things say something obscene and obnoxious! I never saw this coming, I am shocked and appalled!

It's Sarah Silverman, man, what were you expecting?
Yeah, how dare a person who has made a career of of doing obscene and obnoxious things say something obscene and obnoxious! I never saw this coming, I am shocked and appalled! It's Sarah Silverman, man, what were you expecting?

This was not an act of deliberately saying something obscene and obnoxious while KNOWING what she was talking bout. This was a case of un-intentional STUPIDITY.

Know that old saying, "It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people THINK you are ignorant that to open your mouth and prove them RIGHT'?! Someone should teach that to Silverman. :p
There seems to be a strong correlation between individuals like Silverman with profound Jewish identity issues and mental illness.
Can't say I'm shocked that she said something stupid.

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