Comer’s Hunter Witness Who Went Missing is a Chinese Agent

He was indicted November 1. 2022. Long before Comer called him a whistle blower....he was an indicted person.

Indicted to shut him up right jimboliar??
Poor Lakookta, no common sense or self reasoning....
Hunter had no reason to register as a foreign agent.

He has EVERY reason! His entire adult life has been as a self-serving funnel it seems much like Saddam Hussein's kids in operating as a bridge between internal government corruption and supplying an international money chain of profiteering, with both taking a heavy tip off the till operating with impunity, at least until the USA decided it got tired of the relationship.
This is what James Comer said *yesterday* about his fake whistleblower who was just indicted for being a Chinese spy:

"He's very credible and the people on MSNBC who made fun of me when I said we had an informant that was missing, they should feel like fools right now. And this is their worst nightmare."

Just how close were you to this guy again congressman?
Poor skrewey, Dewey and Louie.....trapped in the Reich hamster cage going round and round and round....
They stepped in it good this time. And all the bullshit from here to Israel, isn't going to work. And if that little fuck is in Israel, they are now harboring a Chinese spy, and it's going to be a big embarrasment to the hold world, every second they don't arrest, and turn him over.

Tick Tock mother fuckers.
skrewey, Dewey and Louie...
yea right, good luck with that holding up in court, thats a slam dunk guilty conviction.

After Trump left office he was told to give the classified documents back. he then lied about them, a crime, he then moved and hid them, a crime, he then showed them to people, he then got caught red handed possessing the documents he claimed to not have, a serious crime.

Thats how the law works, that's how guilt works. Trump is guilty, and has no valid defense.
trump better hope a repub wins in 2024. Then he may be pardoned. If he is NOT found guilt, it will be a travesty of justice. Others have gone to jail for far less crimes. trump thinks he is above the law. HE IS NOT!
that's his only play
But he will not admit he made a mistake. He will not admit that he committed a crime. He will not show remorse for what he did. The jury, if they are totally objective, will take that into account. If he would listen to his attorneys, he would make a plea deal with the DOJ, like Hunter did.

But trump has never listened to his attorneys. He never will. He think he is Teflon Don. He is not. Concealing classfied material, obstructing the FBI when they searched for the documents is bad. But lying to the FBI and his lawyers is not something that can be overlooked.

And running for president cannot be an excuse for him to get away with the crimes. As a matter of fact, his crimes should disqualify him from running. But constitutionally, he can still run even if convicted. I just cannot understand why repubs are standing by him? But it is their decision....

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