COMEY Lawyers Up!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

............COMEY LAWYERS UP................


"Fired FBI Director James Comey has retained former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as one of his personal attorneys, bringing in a heavy-hitting former prosecutor, close friend and longtime colleague to help him navigate his dramatic role as a potential witness in the investigation of President Trump’s campaign and potential obstruction of justice."

Every time the Democrats tried to throw
another accusation at Trump it just kept
coming back around and hitting them! :p


"I bet Comey never saw THIS coming!"

EXCLUSIVE: Comey Has Brought On Former U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald As One Of His Lawyers
View attachment 189819

............COMEY LAWYERS UP................

View attachment 189818

"Fired FBI Director James Comey has retained former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as one of his personal attorneys, bringing in a heavy-hitting former prosecutor, close friend and longtime colleague to help him navigate his dramatic role as a potential witness in the investigation of President Trump’s campaign and potential obstruction of justice."

Every time the Democrats tried to throw
another accusation at Trump it just kept
coming back around and hitting them! :p

View attachment 189822

"I bet Comey never saw THIS coming!"

EXCLUSIVE: Comey Has Brought On Former U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald As One Of His Lawyers

Why is this news worthy of a separate thread? Everybody involved in this mess has a lawyer. In the case of Donald Trump, all his staff have lawyers and even his lawyers have lawyer’s.

Riddle me this Batman. If Donald Trump didn’t do anything illegal, why is he so worried that Cohen will flip on him? I mean if Cohen wasn’t doing anything illegal on Trump’s behalf, why is Dumb Donald shitting himself on a daily basis and so distracted and worried he can’t even function properly?

This is an admission of guilt on Trump’s part that he’s guilty.
View attachment 189819

............COMEY LAWYERS UP................

View attachment 189818

"Fired FBI Director James Comey has retained former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as one of his personal attorneys, bringing in a heavy-hitting former prosecutor, close friend and longtime colleague to help him navigate his dramatic role as a potential witness in the investigation of President Trump’s campaign and potential obstruction of justice."

Every time the Democrats tried to throw
another accusation at Trump it just kept
coming back around and hitting them! :p

View attachment 189822

"I bet Comey never saw THIS coming!"

EXCLUSIVE: Comey Has Brought On Former U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald As One Of His Lawyers

At least Comey can get a lawyer pretty easy. Trump has been trying to find someone to be his lawyer for a while, but everyone turns him down.
Why is this news worthy of a separate thread?

Leave it to a snowflake to attempt to downplay the FACT that the Former Director of the FBI, member of the Secret Society, the man who broke the law by illegally leaking classified - then committed perjury by lying about it - in order to get a Special Counsel - his mentor - appointed to 'take down Trump' - is now himself having to LAWYER UP in preparation for the investigations, probing, indictment, charges, and his own potential prosecution for Collusion, Conspiracy, Sedition, Treason, Obstruction of Justice, Leaking Classified, etc...

Leave it to a snowflake to try to downplay how the Obama administration's plan to illegally 'take down' the President has blown up in their far spattering Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, and even Mueller with fecal matter of their own making....

I bet when Comey and the Secret Society were running at full speed committing their crimes, believing Hillary was going to win, none of them - especially smug Comey, protégé' of the Special Counsel, ever thought things would turn out like this....where THEY now face indictment and prosecution.


This Secret Society Conspiracy was the last gasp, the last act of the Obama 'Legacy', and like every other part of it so far, this one is being burnt down to the ground as well. The last vestige / symbols of what Obama stood for and did to this country goes down with Comey, McCabe, and others of the Secret Society....
At least Comey can get a lawyer pretty easy. Trump has been trying to find someone to be his lawyer for a while, but everyone turns him down.

No lawyer wants to be in Mueller's criminal cross-hairs, to be the next 'Scooter Libby' notch on his belt as he desperately attempts to literally $H!T out some sort of evidence he can use against Trump, since he can't find any anywhere else. :p
View attachment 189819

............COMEY LAWYERS UP................

View attachment 189818

"Fired FBI Director James Comey has retained former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as one of his personal attorneys, bringing in a heavy-hitting former prosecutor, close friend and longtime colleague to help him navigate his dramatic role as a potential witness in the investigation of President Trump’s campaign and potential obstruction of justice."

Every time the Democrats tried to throw
another accusation at Trump it just kept
coming back around and hitting them! :p

View attachment 189822

"I bet Comey never saw THIS coming!"

EXCLUSIVE: Comey Has Brought On Former U.S. Attorney Pat Fitzgerald As One Of His Lawyers

So, Trump being desperate enough to hire Giuliani is not newsworthy but Comey getting a lawyer is?

Could you be any more of a sycophant if you tried?
"According to the Department of Justice Inspector General, fired FBI Director James Comey is under investigation after leaking classified information to a friend last year, who then passed it along to a reporter. The information was contained in a series of memos written by Comey after meetings and phone calls with President Donald Trump.

But despite what the law says about disseminating classified information, Comey may not face conseqences."

Again, only politicians and political royalty / high-level politically-connected conspirators / criminals in D.C. have little to no fear of getting sent to prison for their crimes.

Just as Comey never denied Hillary broke laws (but argued she should not be held accountable because she was too stupid to know she was doing it), Gowdy does not deny that Comey broke laws and should be indicted / sent to prison...he just points out the '2 Americas' situation in the US where rules / laws only apply to the 'peasants'...

If this is Gowdy's opinion, and he - a retired prosecutor - is content with letting his criminal colleagues / peers get away with committing crimes, to arguably include Conspiracy, Sedition, Obstruction, and Treason, the nit is a good thing that he is retiring. No one wants such a POS to represent them.

Katie Pavlich - Gowdy: Because Comey Let Clinton Off, He Likely Won't Face Charges for Leaking Classified Information
So all we got from this is Comey knows how to hire a real lawyer and this guy is good, very good....

On other news, Trump has to hire democratic lawyers. Does that mean he now trusts legal professionals to act professionally and do there duty...

Kind of hypocritical of him screaming bias when Mueller hires lawyers who donated to Hillary and then hires lawyer for himself that supporter of the Democratic Party....

When do these guys finally figure out they have been fooled...
Is it when he crawls back to the TPP? Trump Proposes Rejoining Trans-Pacific Partnership

When he doesn't deliver better healthcare? Remember this was going to be easy...

When he has borrowing above $1Trillion by 2020 and for the next decade rising to $1.5 trillion...

When you can't drink the water and the air makes you sick...

At which point will you say, maybe it should cost less to get a judge...

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