Comey Promises to Defend The FBI from Illegal Wire Tap Allegations

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Like He Defended Why He Didn't Send Hillary Clinton To Jail.

Because She Was Too Stupid To Do Time?

Any US Soldier Would Have Been Shot For What She Did.

So Comey is going to lie or tray to avoid direct answers while under oath about how there was no wire tapping....despite actually using wire tap transcripts to exonerate Flynn of any illicit acts.

So how exactly is this going to work?

Besides, the people like Comey and other Intelligence Operatives we need to ask are NEVER going to tell the truth. They are trained professional liars. It's part of their jobs.
So these hearing are nothing but soap operas and will accomplish nothing but waste our time and money.
She's not in jail because she didn't break any laws.


Not to mention that drumpf has done all of what she did and more.


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