Comey teaches Ethics?


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"How much money will the College of William and Mary charge me to take an ethics class taught by James Comey?

Will I get a refund if he’s indicted?"

Ha: Student Has the Greatest Question for Her University About Comey's Ethics Class

The Socialist Pravda-Media in this country doesn't want us Deplorables to remember with what great fanfare it announced that disgraced and despicable fake-Jesus liar Jamey Comey would be teaching an Ethics Class at the William and Mary Law school. That was back in January of 2018, and the above article was written later in the summer.after the FIRST Horowitz report showed Comey to be an unethical lying cheating scumbag.

Now, we have the SECOND Horowitz report which absolutely excoriates this sanctimonious turd...and if Justice still exists in this country...sets him up for an INDICTMENT when the THIRD Report comes out...the one addressing how Comey (and the rest of the corrupt FBI and DOJ) committed a Fraud on the FISA Court and an attempt to undo a Presidential election in the United States of America!

I could not find a report that Comey finally taught the course in the fall of 2018. Maybe, William and Mary wised up and cancelled him. But, that would impute common sense to a bunch of law professors and liberal college administrators.

So, I assume he taught the course. Wonder if he taught the students how to violate a large portion of the rules for Ethical Conduct established by the FBI over all the years of its Horowitz found that James Comey did.

William and Mary! If you let James Comey teach Ethics at your little school last fall....shame, shame, shame!
Wasn't the meat puppet faggot some sort of honorary Constitutional Law professor or something? When it comes to the Academia Class and Institutions in this country only the dumbest fucks, bolsheviks, sociopaths and pieces of shit are represented.

We are past Idiocracy.

This is who "intellectuals" are, and they are easily mocked and ridiculed by even the most common of us. If it wasn't so funny it would be terrifying.


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