Comey testimony demolished the Leftie / media destroy Trump agenda

What Trump wanted does not matter. The DOJ and the FBI owe their loyalty to the law and the Constitution, not the President.

Comey destroyed his own credibilty and character when he admitted that he agreed to Lynch's request, which was clearly a conspiracy to commit obstruction by Obama and Hillary.
Only in antiAmerican minds like yours, Roudy, is Comey's integrity damaged.

But your comment means that you want Trump to be like Obama.
Idiot, the reason we have Trump for president is because of Obama, and that Hillary stuck herself to his horrible legacy and lies like flies to shit. Of course Obama's part of the deal was that he would instruct his attorney general to obstruct justice by putting pressure on Comey not to press charges on Hillary.
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Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
Trump has an agenda? Who knew? :biggrin:
He's been stating his agenda for the last year and half, and followed through on many of them. More to come.
I understand that your reassignment has caused some lapses in your cognitive abilities. Hang in there, my friend, I am rooting for you.

Don't apologize; we understand that swine root as a matter of survival.


Gotta love the porcine version of red Dr. Dentons!​
Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
Trump has an agenda? Who knew? :biggrin:
He's been stating his agenda for the last year and half, and followed through on many of them. More to come.
He didn't ban Muslims, didn't repeal Obamacare, didn't cover more people for less money, delayed moving the embassy to Jerusalem, said he wouldn't cut Medicare and then did it. Also doesn't seem to be building a wall with Mexico...
He didn't ban Muslims, didn't repeal Obamacare, didn't cover more people for less money, delayed moving the embassy to Jerusalem, said he wouldn't cut Medicare and then did it. Also doesn't seem to be building a wall with Mexico...

It took four years for Obama to totally fail. And four more to try to cover it up.

Be patient.
He didn't ban Muslims, didn't repeal Obamacare, didn't cover more people for less money, delayed moving the embassy to Jerusalem, said he wouldn't cut Medicare and then did it. Also doesn't seem to be building a wall with Mexico...

It took four years for Obama to totally fail. And four more to try to cover it up.

Be patient.
We're not talking about Obummer, you must be lost.
Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
Trump has an agenda? Who knew? :biggrin:
He's been stating his agenda for the last year and half, and followed through on many of them. More to come.
He didn't ban Muslims, didn't repeal Obamacare, didn't cover more people for less money, delayed moving the embassy to Jerusalem, said he wouldn't cut Medicare and then did it. Also doesn't seem to be building a wall with Mexico...
Pfft 140 days into his presidency. He's already turned back all the unnecessary regulations and EPA insanity, signed off on the pipelines, revamping of the veterans admin, locating and deporting criminal aliens, illegal immigration down 40%!, stock market at record highs, companies deciding to stay, rehiring in big numbers, opening new factories, infrastructure and tax reduction plan about to pass, etc.,.its truly a new day in America, you need to stay off the Leftie fake news channels.

Now as far as the health care repeal and travel ban, those are in the pipeline and its a question of when and not if. The travel ban is in the supreme court's hands now, which will most likely overturn the Left's judge shopping efforts, considering the newly minted judge Gorsuch is now seated.
He didn't ban Muslims, didn't repeal Obamacare, didn't cover more people for less money, delayed moving the embassy to Jerusalem, said he wouldn't cut Medicare and then did it. Also doesn't seem to be building a wall with Mexico...

It took four years for Obama to totally fail. And four more to try to cover it up.

Be patient.
We're not talking about Obummer, you must be lost.
You have no idea how lost Henry is in the years and how informed is Roudy.
So far all the Left's predictions vis a vis Trump have been totally wrong.

Conclusion, the evidence points that they will continue to fail and commit political suicide.
Roudy continues to mouth fart.

June 11: Gorsuch affirmed and a government health care bill passed in the House but stalled in the Senate.

No tax reform.

No infrastructure bill.

EOs jammed in the courts.

No wall.

Three GOP Senators, reducing McConnell's majority to a plurality of 49, saying Trump as mauch is shit bird: Collins, McCain, Graham. There are at least six other Senators in the Party pissed with him.
Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
Trump has an agenda? Who knew? :biggrin:
He's been stating his agenda for the last year and half, and followed through on many of them. More to come.
He didn't ban Muslims, didn't repeal Obamacare, didn't cover more people for less money, delayed moving the embassy to Jerusalem, said he wouldn't cut Medicare and then did it. Also doesn't seem to be building a wall with Mexico...
Pfft 140 days into his presidency. He's already turned back all the unnecessary regulations and EPA insanity, signed off on the pipelines, revamping of the veterans admin, locating and deporting criminal aliens, illegal immigration down 40%!, stock market at record highs, companies deciding to stay, rehiring in big numbers, opening new factories, infrastructure and tax reduction plan about to pass, etc.,.its truly a new day in America, you need to stay off the Leftie fake news channels.

Now as far as the health care repeal and travel ban, those are in the pipeline and its a question of when and not if. The travel ban is in the supreme court's hands now, which will most likely overturn the Left's judge shopping efforts, considering the newly minted judge Gorsuch is now seated.
Here's what Trump did to vets. Appalling.
Proposed VA Benefit Cut Angers Elderly, Disabled Vets |

As for pulling out of the Paris Agreement, the targets were VOLUNTARY!!!! lol. We were never going to meet them anyways, even if Hillary had won (YIKES!!!).
Have you noticed? After the Comey testimony exposed that Trump is not under investigation for collusion with the Russians, despite all the non stop fake news by the crooked media telling us otherwise, the Left is starting to shift from their bullshit "collusion" lie, to "obstruction" now, which is even more of a dud than the other one. They will be paying dearly for this in the midterms when all they have to show for is that they tried to destroy Trump, and failed.
it is under investigation, now.

I Posted this in another thread but I thought you might need it now. Or maybe a hug from someone who cares. :( some compassion to the Democrats over this Russia thing. It appears to be all they have :)


1. The Dems lost the White House in a race they thought was a slam dunk.

2. They could not regain control of the Senate although that looked to be within their grasp.

3. They do not have the House and do not appear to be able to regain the House for many years.

4. They have now lost the Supreme Court....probably for a generation.

5. That lost over a 1,000 State House seats during the eight years of Obama.

6. The GOP controls 2/3 of all the Governor seats in the U.S.A.

7. The Democrat "bench" consists of two almost 80 year old white men in Biden and Sanders....and a bitter old fake Native American woman in her 70's Elizabeth Warren. Oh....or you could go with former coke head "comedian" Stuart Smalley.

The Next Dem President?


So give your Democrat pals a break about the whole Russia nothing-burger. Right's pretty much all they've got. :(
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