Comey's memos were never classified to begin with

Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth
Comey is a leaker. Kind of like your depends.
Though he did not claim it-

Trump will not use executive privilege to block Comey testimony, White House says
But his releasing it through a third party before Trump decided against using it probably was illegal, since he didn't seek his permission.

Government computer, government time.
And because it was a private Conversation with POTUS it was also covered under Executive Privilege.


That's not how Executive privilege works.
Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth

True dat, but did they actually belong to Comey? I can't say how it is for government work, but where I work we are given a laptop and a cell phone. In the event we are fired or quit, the devices are surrendered immediately as well as ALL content contained in the devices that go's for voice mails, emails, texts, files notes and memos. So if he wrote it on a legal pad sure, but if it's on a government issued phone or laptop he may have trouble there.
So, you are saying he can just release any private conversation without his knowledge?

  • ex·ec·u·tive priv·i·lege
    1. the privilege, claimed by the president for the executive branch of the US government, of withholding information in the public interest.
    More definitions, word origin and translations

Though he did not claim it-

Trump will not use executive privilege to block Comey testimony, White House says
But his releasing it through a third party before Trump decided against using it probably was illegal, since he didn't seek his permission.

Government computer, government time.
And because it was a private Conversation with POTUS it was also covered under Executive Privilege.


That's not how Executive privilege works.
Though he did not claim it-

Trump will not use executive privilege to block Comey testimony, White House says
But his releasing it through a third party before Trump decided against using it probably was illegal, since he didn't seek his permission.

Government computer, government time.
And because it was a private Conversation with POTUS it was also covered under Executive Privilege.


That's not how Executive privilege works.
All private conversations with POTUS are covered under The Principle of Executive Privilege.

Evoking Executive Privilege Officially is an elevation of security for such a conversation or Information.

That is a different matter.

But basic Executive Privilege covers all private conversations with POTUS as he is considered not only The Head of The Executive Branch, but also is The Nation's Commander In Chief and The Nation's Chief Diplomat.
Any private discussion with the president is automatically classified. The level is decided later. I would say this discussion was at the very least SECRET.

False but nice try.
I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.

Again, you make that claim, yet still no link to show all private conversations with the president are classified. Why not?
As long the information is not classified, anything the president says can be revealed. I'm pretty sure that the presidency asking for Comey's loyalty and to go easy on someone he's investigating has not been classified and it certainly could be evidence of a crime.
So, you are saying he can just release any private conversation without his knowledge?

  • ex·ec·u·tive priv·i·lege
    1. the privilege, claimed by the president for the executive branch of the US government, of withholding information in the public interest.
    More definitions, word origin and translations

Though he did not claim it-

Trump will not use executive privilege to block Comey testimony, White House says
But his releasing it through a third party before Trump decided against using it probably was illegal, since he didn't seek his permission.

Government computer, government time.
And because it was a private Conversation with POTUS it was also covered under Executive Privilege.


That's not how Executive privilege works.

As long as the released information doesn't include any classified material, yep.

Looking up the term in the dictionary isn't going to help you here. Try reading case law.
Though he did not claim it-

Trump will not use executive privilege to block Comey testimony, White House says
But his releasing it through a third party before Trump decided against using it probably was illegal, since he didn't seek his permission.

Government computer, government time.
And because it was a private Conversation with POTUS it was also covered under Executive Privilege.


That's not how Executive privilege works.
All private conversations with POTUS are covered under The Principle of Executive Privilege.

Evoking Executive Privilege Officially is an elevation of security for such a conversation or Information.

That is a different matter.

But basic Executive Privilege covers all private conversations with POTUS as he is considered not only The Head of The Executive Branch, but also is The Nation's Commander In Chief and The Nation's Chief Diplomat.


Do you believe that randomly capitalizing letters makes your nonsense more believable?

Cite some case law.
Any private discussion with the president is automatically classified. The level is decided later. I would say this discussion was at the very least SECRET.

False but nice try.
I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.

Again, you make that claim, yet still no link to show all private conversations with the president are classified. Why not?
Because obviously you don't know or care what classified means. You also don't seem to care about the proper handling of government documents.
Comey refused to indict Hillary for mishandling and destruction of classified documents.
Then he does the same thing himself....simply because he thinks that the false narrative coming from the media is some sort of protection.
The point of all of this is we've had a series of leaks to the press by unnamed sources. The press doesn't really feel they have to prove that any of them are genuine. Now we have the former FBI Director admitting under oath that he was the source of the latest leak.
You see nothing wrong with this.
Leaking private conversations with the president to the press in an attempt to damage his administration is a felony.
Admittedly no crime took place, other than the actual leaking.
Also, Comey said that Loretta Lynch pressured him into not only refusing to call it an investigation but also to refuse to send a recommendation up to the AG.
Apparently Comey has admitted to being in the middle of a conspiracy to coverup an espionage and to aid in the obstruction of justice.
That's absolutely false. POTUS could never have a private conversation ever then.

I have a security clearance and I can assure you I know a Hell of a lot more about this topic than any of you.

False but nice try.
I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.

Again, you make that claim, yet still no link to show all private conversations with the president are classified. Why not?
As long the information is not classified, anything the president says can be revealed. I'm pretty sure that the presidency asking for Comey's loyalty and to go easy on someone he's investigating has not been classified and it certainly could be evidence of a crime.
That's absolutely false. POTUS could never have a private conversation ever then.

I have a security clearance and I can assure you I know a Hell of a lot more about this topic than any of you.

I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.

Again, you make that claim, yet still no link to show all private conversations with the president are classified. Why not?
As long the information is not classified, anything the president says can be revealed. I'm pretty sure that the presidency asking for Comey's loyalty and to go easy on someone he's investigating has not been classified and it certainly could be evidence of a crime.


You've actually made it pretty clear that you don't know a damn thing about "Executive Privilege", no matter what clearance level you held.
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

2. Notes made by the director are considered work product and thus they are classified by their very nature. (see the employment agreement he signed when he was hired)

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...
Last edited:
False but nice try.
I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.

Again, you make that claim, yet still no link to show all private conversations with the president are classified. Why not?
As long the information is not classified, anything the president says can be revealed. I'm pretty sure that the presidency asking for Comey's loyalty and to go easy on someone he's investigating has not been classified and it certainly could be evidence of a crime.
Not is classified but can be declassified at a later date. Comey didn't wait for the okay so he can be charged with a crime.
False but nice try.
I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.

Again, you make that claim, yet still no link to show all private conversations with the president are classified. Why not?
Because obviously you don't know or care what classified means. You also don't seem to care about the proper handling of government documents.
Comey refused to indict Hillary for mishandling and destruction of classified documents.
Then he does the same thing himself....simply because he thinks that the false narrative coming from the media is some sort of protection.
The point of all of this is we've had a series of leaks to the press by unnamed sources. The press doesn't really feel they have to prove that any of them are genuine. Now we have the former FBI Director admitting under oath that he was the source of the latest leak.
You see nothing wrong with this.
Leaking private conversations with the president to the press in an attempt to damage his administration is a felony.
Admittedly no crime took place, other than the actual leaking.
Also, Comey said that Loretta Lynch pressured him into not only refusing to call it an investigation but also to refuse to send a recommendation up to the AG.
Apparently Comey has admitted to being in the middle of a conspiracy to coverup an espionage and to aid in the obstruction of justice.

I know what classified means. You haven't shown proof that all private discussions with the president are classified. Are you having trouble understanding that?
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

2. Notes made by the director are considered work product and thus they are classified by their very nature. (see the employment agreement he signed when he was hired)

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position now by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Neither 1 nor 2 are the slightest bit true. There are no such "automatic" classification systems.
I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.

Again, you make that claim, yet still no link to show all private conversations with the president are classified. Why not?
Because obviously you don't know or care what classified means. You also don't seem to care about the proper handling of government documents.
Comey refused to indict Hillary for mishandling and destruction of classified documents.
Then he does the same thing himself....simply because he thinks that the false narrative coming from the media is some sort of protection.
The point of all of this is we've had a series of leaks to the press by unnamed sources. The press doesn't really feel they have to prove that any of them are genuine. Now we have the former FBI Director admitting under oath that he was the source of the latest leak.
You see nothing wrong with this.
Leaking private conversations with the president to the press in an attempt to damage his administration is a felony.
Admittedly no crime took place, other than the actual leaking.
Also, Comey said that Loretta Lynch pressured him into not only refusing to call it an investigation but also to refuse to send a recommendation up to the AG.
Apparently Comey has admitted to being in the middle of a conspiracy to coverup an espionage and to aid in the obstruction of justice.

I know what classified means. You haven't shown proof that all private discussions with the president are classified. Are you having trouble understanding that?
Maybe you should try reading other comments on this thread, Mkay?
I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.

Again, you make that claim, yet still no link to show all private conversations with the president are classified. Why not?
As long the information is not classified, anything the president says can be revealed. I'm pretty sure that the presidency asking for Comey's loyalty and to go easy on someone he's investigating has not been classified and it certainly could be evidence of a crime.
Not is classified but can be declassified at a later date. Comey didn't wait for the okay so he can be charged with a crime.
Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.

Again, you make that claim, yet still no link to show all private conversations with the president are classified. Why not?
Because obviously you don't know or care what classified means. You also don't seem to care about the proper handling of government documents.
Comey refused to indict Hillary for mishandling and destruction of classified documents.
Then he does the same thing himself....simply because he thinks that the false narrative coming from the media is some sort of protection.
The point of all of this is we've had a series of leaks to the press by unnamed sources. The press doesn't really feel they have to prove that any of them are genuine. Now we have the former FBI Director admitting under oath that he was the source of the latest leak.
You see nothing wrong with this.
Leaking private conversations with the president to the press in an attempt to damage his administration is a felony.
Admittedly no crime took place, other than the actual leaking.
Also, Comey said that Loretta Lynch pressured him into not only refusing to call it an investigation but also to refuse to send a recommendation up to the AG.
Apparently Comey has admitted to being in the middle of a conspiracy to coverup an espionage and to aid in the obstruction of justice.

I know what classified means. You haven't shown proof that all private discussions with the president are classified. Are you having trouble understanding that?
Maybe you should try reading other comments on this thread, Mkay?


Maybe you should try not believing everything you read on this messageboard.
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

2. Notes made by the director are considered work product and thus they are classified by their very nature. (see the employment agreement he signed when he was hired)

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position now by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Neither 1 nor 2 are the slightest bit true. There are no such "automatic" classification systems.
Obviously we have a difference of opinion.....and you aren't the keeper of knowledge here on USMB.
I suggest you take it to court and prove your point....or simply STFU.

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