Comey's memos were never classified to begin with

Comey is a clown. In the Hillary investigation he didn't even bother to record her interview and then destroyed all the evidence. Who does that? He also failed to issue warrants for her home and offices and gave deals to everyone involved. A complete white wash by him. But all of a sudden he is filling notebooks with notes about Trump. Sounds legit.
When your investigation involves close associates, and advisers to the president and could even lead to the president, you damn better take notes on any private meeting with the president if there is any discussion of the investigation.

Hopefully, there will be a recording of the meetings and phone calls but that seems doubtful. If there was any recording that refuted Comey's testimony, Trump would be tweeting day and night about. If it backs up Comey's testimony, it will never see the light of day. Comey tried to convey his beliefs as to what Trump was asking but without recordings, obstruction would require more evidence.
Clinton was a very close associate of the President. I believe heading the State Department qualifies as close. He failed to do so in the Clinton investigation. He went out of his way to avoid normal investigative techniques. No recording of her interview. Destroyed the evidence. No warrants. Gave deals to everyone involved. WTF?
Obama did not record any private meetings with Clinton or anyone else. It was his policy. The only recordings made were public meetings or meetings with the press or interviewers. There were no charges and thus no warrants in Clinton email investigation because the FBI investigated and did not recommend charges.

The Clinton investigation was never a threat to Obama's agenda like it is to Trump. Obama was in his 2nd term so there was no election in his future and Republicans controlled congress so there was no chance of getting any of his agenda passed. Lastly, Clinton and Obama were never close. In fact, they disagreed on most policies.

I find it strange that Trump would not know whether there were recordings made of the meetings with Comey. Presidents usually have a policy about recordings. Also, why would he record a meeting in which he was going to ask the FBI director for favors in the investigations. That would be nuts.
Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth

Doesn't matter.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Plus he lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge?

Trump's Tweet was May 12th
The existence of the Comey memos was first reported on May 16th, 4 days after the Trump tweet on May 12th.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Comey memos - Wikipedia
Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth

Doesn't matter.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Plus he lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge?

Trump's Tweet was May 12th
The existence of the Comey memos was first reported on May 16th, 4 days after the Trump tweet on May 12th.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Comey memos - Wikipedia

You might want to read ahead a bit, all that has been covered already.

Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth

Doesn't matter.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Plus he lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge?

Trump's Tweet was May 12th
The existence of the Comey memos was first reported on May 16th, 4 days after the Trump tweet on May 12th.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Comey memos - Wikipedia

You might want to read ahead a bit, all that has been covered already.

You mean the part that was made up about Comey sharing his memos prior to Trump's 5.12 Tweet?
Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth

Doesn't matter.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Plus he lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge?

Trump's Tweet was May 12th
The existence of the Comey memos was first reported on May 16th, 4 days after the Trump tweet on May 12th.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Comey memos - Wikipedia

You might want to read ahead a bit, all that has been covered already.

You mean the part that was made up about Comey sharing his memos prior to Trump's 5.12 Tweet?


Comey's memos were never classified to begin with

Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth
Untrue. There were classified portions. The notes Comey showed to friend to be leaked to the press were unclassified.

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia
WARNER: I found it very interesting that, that in the memo that you wrote after this February 14th pull-aside, you made clear that you wrote that memo in a way that was unclassified. If you affirmatively made the decision to write a memo that was unclassified, was that because you felt at some point, the facts of that meeting would have to come clean and come clear, and actually be able to be cleared in a way that could be shared with the American people?

COMEY: Well, I remember thinking, this is a very disturbing development, really important to our work. I need to document it and preserve it in a way, and this committee gets this but sometimes when things are classified, it tangled them up.


COMEY: It's hard to share within an investigative team. You have to be careful how you handled it for good reason. If I write it such a way that doesn’t include anything of a classification, that would make it easier for to us discuss within the FBI and the government, and to hold onto it in a way that makes it accessible to us.

BLUNT: Were all your memos that you recorded on classified or other memos that might be yours as a private citizen?

COMEY: I'm not following the question.

BLUNT: You said you used classified —

COMEY: Not the classified documents. Unclassified. I don't have any of them anymore. I gave them to the special counsel. My view was that the content of those unclassified, memorialization of those conversations was my recollection recorded.
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Speaking of screwed. What about the meeting Bill CLinton had with "I didn't have sex with that woman" The one who leaked notes of the meeting to her friend, who released them to the newspapers.

If what you said was true, Monica Lewinsky and Linda Trip would be in jail, and Bill Clinton would never have been impeached.

Wanna stick to a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret
Clinton was having a special moment and it was NOT OFFICIAL DUTIES... They are wholly different.

Epic Fail

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