Comey's memos were never classified to begin with

Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

2. Notes made by the director are considered work product and thus they are classified by their very nature. (see the employment agreement he signed when he was hired)

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position now by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Neither 1 nor 2 are the slightest bit true. There are no such "automatic" classification systems.
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.
Correct there is no automatic classification. There's inherited classification but that does not apply.

The president or vice president can classify or declassify any information but it must go through the standard process.

Meetings with the POTUS on official basis are classified, They are "born classified"


This is still not true.
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

2. Notes made by the director are considered work product and thus they are classified by their very nature. (see the employment agreement he signed when he was hired)

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position now by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Neither 1 nor 2 are the slightest bit true. There are no such "automatic" classification systems.
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.
Correct there is no automatic classification. There's inherited classification but that does not apply.

The president or vice president can classify or declassify any information but it must go through the standard process.

Meetings with the POTUS on official basis are classified, They are "born classified"

And that is the claim that none of you RWNJs can find a link to prove.
Comey is a clown. In the Hillary investigation he didn't even bother to record her interview and then destroyed all the evidence. Who does that? He also failed to issue warrants for her home and offices and gave deals to everyone involved. A complete white wash by him. But all of a sudden he is filling notebooks with notes about Trump. Sounds legit.
When your investigation involves close associates, and advisers to the president and could even lead to the president, you damn better take notes on any private meeting with the president if there is any discussion of the investigation.

Hopefully, there will be a recording of the meetings and phone calls but that seems doubtful. If there was any recording that refuted Comey's testimony, Trump would be tweeting day and night about. If it backs up Comey's testimony, it will never see the light of day. Comey tried to convey his beliefs as to what Trump was asking but without recordings, obstruction would require more evidence.
Clinton was a very close associate of the President. I believe heading the State Department qualifies as close. He failed to do so in the Clinton investigation. He went out of his way to avoid normal investigative techniques. No recording of her interview. Destroyed the evidence. No warrants. Gave deals to everyone involved. WTF?
Neither 1 nor 2 are the slightest bit true. There are no such "automatic" classification systems.
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.
Correct there is no automatic classification. There's inherited classification but that does not apply.

The president or vice president can classify or declassify any information but it must go through the standard process.

Meetings with the POTUS on official basis are classified, They are "born classified"

And that is the claim that none of you RWNJs can find a link to prove.
Security Classification of Information, volume 2 (Quist), Chapter Three
Comey is a clown. In the Hillary investigation he didn't even bother to record her interview and then destroyed all the evidence. Who does that? He also failed to issue warrants for her home and offices and gave deals to everyone involved. A complete white wash by him. But all of a sudden he is filling notebooks with notes about Trump. Sounds legit.
When your investigation involves close associates, and advisers to the president and could even lead to the president, you damn better take notes on any private meeting with the president if there is any discussion of the investigation.

Hopefully, there will be a recording of the meetings and phone calls but that seems doubtful. If there was any recording that refuted Comey's testimony, Trump would be tweeting day and night about. If it backs up Comey's testimony, it will never see the light of day. Comey tried to convey his beliefs as to what Trump was asking but without recordings, obstruction would require more evidence.
Clinton was a very close associate of the President. I believe heading the State Department qualifies as close. He failed to do so in the Clinton investigation. He went out of his way to avoid normal investigative techniques. No recording of her interview. Destroyed the evidence. No warrants. Gave deals to everyone involved. WTF?
This is another one that should be remanded to the Special Counsel for review given that Comey admitted interference by Lynch in his investigation..
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.
Correct there is no automatic classification. There's inherited classification but that does not apply.

The president or vice president can classify or declassify any information but it must go through the standard process.

Meetings with the POTUS on official basis are classified, They are "born classified"

And that is the claim that none of you RWNJs can find a link to prove.
Security Classification of Information, volume 2 (Quist), Chapter Three


Do you ever bother reading your own links before you post them?

If you had read your link, you'd know that the only information "born classified" is information regarding nuclear research.
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.
Correct there is no automatic classification. There's inherited classification but that does not apply.

The president or vice president can classify or declassify any information but it must go through the standard process.

Meetings with the POTUS on official basis are classified, They are "born classified"

And that is the claim that none of you RWNJs can find a link to prove.
Security Classification of Information, volume 2 (Quist), Chapter Three

So they were discussing nuclear energy?
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Speaking of screwed. What about the meeting Bill CLinton had with "I didn't have sex with that woman" The one who leaked notes of the meeting to her friend, who released them to the newspapers.

If what you said was true, Monica Lewinsky and Linda Trip would be in jail, and Bill Clinton would never have been impeached.

Wanna stick to a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret
Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth

Doesn't matter.

18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Plus he lied about the time line, he claimed he released the document after a Trump tweet about possible tapes, when in fact he did it the day before that tweet. He also said he did it in hopes of getting a special prosecutor, so he basically did it with a personal purpose, can you say revenge?

Did Comey's release of memos about his Trump meetings violate executive privilege?

So did Comey violate any law or privilege by releasing the memo recounting his conversations with Trump?

Probably not. Several lawyers said he was free to reveal the information.

These were unclassified notes made by Comey himself. I know of no legal bar to his releasing them to the press,” said Walter Dellinger, a former White House lawyer under President Clinton.

Lawyers pointed to the dozens of books written in which former White House aides described their times working with the president, including details about their confidential conversations. The 1st Amendment and its protection for the freedom of speech would probably stand in the way of any effort to block such a book, assuming it did not reveal classified information.
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Citizens United was about speech, the court said people could not be silenced 30 days before a primary or 60 days before a general election. It didn't matter if the speech was paid for collectively or by an individual.

Citizens united was about constitutional rights. That corporations enjoyed the same rights as individuals. Also see Hobby Lobby that continued to extend the constutional rights of persons to corporations.

1886 (County of Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad)
the court declared it was “well settled” that “corporations are persons within the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment
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Citizens United was about speech, the court said people could not be silenced 30 days before a primary or 60 days before a general election. It didn't matter if the speech was paid for collectively or by an individual.

Citizens united was about constitutional rights. That corporations enjoyed the same rights as individuals. Also see Hobby Lobby that continued to extend the constutional rights of persons to corporations.

1886 (County of Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad)
the court declared it was “well settled” that “corporations are persons within the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment

Feel free to run out and marry a corporation. I doubt you'll get a license.

Feel free to run out and marry a corporation. I doubt you'll get a license.


Interracial marriage - Wikipedia

It was formally declared legal in the United States in 1967 when theSupreme Court of the United States ruled in the case Loving v. Virginia that race-based restrictions on the set of individuals whom an individual is eligible to marry violate the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution.

Once again, feel free to run out and marry a corporation. Good luck with that.

We will have to see what happens.

Regardless of whether he is charged, Comey is a slimy political weasel. He speaks and the entire world needs to take a shower.......

So Comey is the bad guy ? Why? Did he not bring forth the truth today?
Anyone who dares speak negatively of Herr Trump is automatically branded a bad guy by the loony right.
I wouldn't know but
Anyway...really who cares... Why is everyone distracting to the fact that Trump can not be taken seriously , because he will not take direction from anyone and he does not know what he is doing.

Did you instead mean " distracting from?"
One more tidbit is that Comey reviewed his testimony with Mueller.. So Mueller was in a position to correct Comey, but he allowed him to reveal his distribution of classified materials. Makes me wonder if he is looking at charges against Comey...???


Or, just maybe, two career government lawyers understand the law better than you do.
Are you a government lawyer?
Which government?
Are you one of those Obama Administration plants?
You should read case law, yourself-
So, you are saying he can just release any private conversation without his knowledge?

  • ex·ec·u·tive priv·i·lege
    1. the privilege, claimed by the president for the executive branch of the US government, of withholding information in the public interest.
    More definitions, word origin and translations

Though he did not claim it-

Trump will not use executive privilege to block Comey testimony, White House says
But his releasing it through a third party before Trump decided against using it probably was illegal, since he didn't seek his permission.

Government computer, government time.
And because it was a private Conversation with POTUS it was also covered under Executive Privilege.


That's not how Executive privilege works.

As long as the released information doesn't include any classified material, yep.

Looking up the term in the dictionary isn't going to help you here. Try reading case law.
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Speaking of screwed. What about the meeting Bill CLinton had with "I didn't have sex with that woman" The one who leaked notes of the meeting to her friend, who released them to the newspapers.

If what you said was true, Monica Lewinsky and Linda Trip would be in jail, and Bill Clinton would never have been impeached.

Wanna stick to a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret
It wasn't a meeting. There were no official discussions. A meeting i which the white house chef discusses the menu of a state dinner isn't a meeting either. You are trying to equate conversations with official meetings.

In Comey's case, he and the president were alone meeting to discuss the business of the country. There was certainly an expectation of confidentiality.

The source of the leak wasn't an intern. It was the director of the FBI who is held to the very highest standard of secrecy. The DOJ has the charges now. Comey is in a pot of hot water.
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

2. Notes made by the director are considered work product and thus they are classified by their very nature. (see the employment agreement he signed when he was hired)

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position now by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Neither 1 nor 2 are the slightest bit true. There are no such "automatic" classification systems.
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.
Correct there is no automatic classification. There's inherited classification but that does not apply.

The president or vice president can classify or declassify any information but it must go through the standard process.

Meetings with the POTUS on official basis are classified, They are "born classified"
That's about the silliest statement I have seen in this thread. All Cabinet meetings are documented by a secretary unless classified information is discussed in which it is usually redacted from the minutes. The same is true of presidential budget meetings. What makes a meeting classified is the material being discussed, not who is discussing it.

The president can classify or declassify any information but the rules for classification still apply.

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