Comey's memos were never classified to begin with

Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

2. Notes made by the director are considered work product and thus they are classified by their very nature. (see the employment agreement he signed when he was hired)

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position now by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Neither 1 nor 2 are the slightest bit true. There are no such "automatic" classification systems.
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.

It covers records....
18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or​
They are trying to say Comeys notes are not work product. This is wrong. They are work product and Comey had no intrinsic right to hold onto them after he left employment of the government.
Comey didn't "steal" any records. They're all still there, on the FBI email servers.

Not what I was saying.
He turned a copy of the over to a friend to have them published by the media.

Exactly. Which is why the law against stealing from the government doesn't apply.
Again...I wasn't saying it applied in this case.
It may have in Hillary's case, but not this one.

So then what in the fuck was your point?
Maybe you can try reading what I posted and stop reading more into it than I posted.
I simple stated what it covers.....that's the only fucking God Damned point I made.

So your point was entirely unrelated to this conversation?

Why bother saying it, then?
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.

It covers records....
18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or​

Comey didn't "steal" any records. They're all still there, on the FBI email servers.
His work product is not on the servers.. Thus theft..

What makes you say his "work product" is no longer on the FBI servers?
Comeys notes are not on the servers. Comey did not surrender them.

18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.

It covers records....
18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or​

Comey didn't "steal" any records. They're all still there, on the FBI email servers.
His work product is not on the servers.. Thus theft..

What makes you say his "work product" is no longer on the FBI servers?
Comeys notes are not on the servers. Comey did not surrender them.

Where are you getting this information from, exactly?

Comey is on record stating that he sent his memos to a number of his co-workers, as well as the Special Counsel.
Must have had a few wrong cross matches in there..

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information


Still nothing there about automatically classifying anything.

In fact, this is what it says about "Classified":

The term “classified information” means information which, at the time of a violation of this section, is, for reasons of national security, specifically designated by a United States Government Agency for limited or restricted dissemination or distribution;

Now, can you show me exactly where any United States Government Agency "specifically designated" any conversation with the President and everything the FBI director does at work "for limited or restricted dissemination or distribution"?
It addresses leaks.
You have a problem understanding this?

No, actually I'm confident that I understand it much better than you do.

It addresses disclosing classified information.

Since the information in Comey's memo wasn't classified, it doesn't apply.
Well, how exactly can you say that if you've never seen the memo in the first place?
You're just taking his word for it....but I wouldn't trust is his word for the price of a cup of coffee.

I see no reason not to take Comey at his word when he says that he specifically wrote the memos to be unclassified.
Well I see plenty of reasons not to because no sooner did the spineless little prick get fired, he ran directly to the press leaking some super secret memo.

Comey had issues with Trump from day-one.
I don't think his actions were beyond reproach and I think his motives were highly suspect considering the fact that he hid being pressured by Loretta Lynch from investigators.
We will have to see what happens.

Regardless of whether he is charged, Comey is a slimy political weasel. He speaks and the entire world needs to take a shower.......
Comey is well respected by the FBI and has the admiration of everyone in congress for his professionalism. " Slimey political weasel" fits the pussy grabber to a " T."
It covers records....
18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or​

Comey didn't "steal" any records. They're all still there, on the FBI email servers.
His work product is not on the servers.. Thus theft..

What makes you say his "work product" is no longer on the FBI servers?
Comeys notes are not on the servers. Comey did not surrender them.

Where are you getting this information from, exactly?

Comey is on record stating that he sent his memos to a number of his co-workers, as well as the Special Counsel.
These are all AFTER THE FACT. Memos were not stored as per-FBI protocols when they were made. This is kin to, I didn't take that candy bar... OH, you mean that candy bar in my pocket...

Now that he has shown his hand and the fact he has nothing on Trump, he is done.
Comey didn't "steal" any records. They're all still there, on the FBI email servers.
His work product is not on the servers.. Thus theft..

What makes you say his "work product" is no longer on the FBI servers?
Comeys notes are not on the servers. Comey did not surrender them.

Where are you getting this information from, exactly?

Comey is on record stating that he sent his memos to a number of his co-workers, as well as the Special Counsel.
These are all AFTER THE FACT. Memos were not stored as per-FBI protocols when they were made. This is kin to, I didn't take that candy bar... OH, you mean that candy bar in my pocket...

Now that he has shown his hand and the fact he has nothing on Trump, he is done.


Again, where are you getting all this "insider information" from?

How do you know whether or not the memos were "stored as per FBI protocols"?
Comey's memos were never classified to begin with

True. Legal experts have confirmed that fact. Comey can even write a book about it if he wishes. Those notes are his to do with as he wishes.

You guys are so dam pathetic.

Comeys notes are work product. Comey can not disclose any government information by his employment agreement. Thus they are classified.

Meetings with the president are "Born Classified".. Thus they are classified..

Disclosing information he did not own, but was classified is going to take him down.

Have fun with your pipe dreams of it being personal property.. It isn't.
He took them when they were govt property, according to regulations.

I wouldn't know but
Anyway...really who cares... Why is everyone distracting to the fact that Trump can not be taken seriously , because he will not take direction from anyone and he does not know what he is doing.

He's not doing collusion with Russia or obstruction of an investigation.
Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth

Irrelevant. The notes are Government Property which he stole and then leaked.

If the notes are govt property and we, the people are the govt ... aren't they public property?

You guys are so dam pathetic.

Comeys notes are work product. Comey can not disclose any government information by his employment agreement. Thus they are classified.

Meetings with the president are "Born Classified".. Thus they are classified..

Disclosing information he did not own, but was classified is going to take him down.

Have fun with your pipe dreams of it being personal property.. It isn't.

Both of the above highlighted statements are false.

Repeating false statements doesn't magically make them true.

You guys are so dam pathetic.

Comeys notes are work product. Comey can not disclose any government information by his employment agreement. Thus they are classified.

Meetings with the president are "Born Classified".. Thus they are classified..

Disclosing information he did not own, but was classified is going to take him down.

Have fun with your pipe dreams of it being personal property.. It isn't.

Both of the above highlighted statements are false.

Repeating false statements doesn't magically make them true.
enjoy your ignorance..

The FBI pre-employment agreement makes them work product. It clearly states that all information gleaned in the process of ones duties are confidential and classified.

Keep eating the crap your left wing friends are feeding you.

The white-house counsel is filing a complaint with the DOJ and the IG for the FBI in the morning. They are citing his pre-employment agreement to be violated and that the sharing of confidential/classified information through a third party.

Comey has buried himself..
Comey is a clown. In the Hillary investigation he didn't even bother to record her interview and then destroyed all the evidence. Who does that? He also failed to issue warrants for her home and offices and gave deals to everyone involved. A complete white wash by him. But all of a sudden he is filling notebooks with notes about Trump. Sounds legit.
When your investigation involves close associates, and advisers to the president and could even lead to the president, you damn better take notes on any private meeting with the president if there is any discussion of the investigation.

Hopefully, there will be a recording of the meetings and phone calls but that seems doubtful. If there was any recording that refuted Comey's testimony, Trump would be tweeting day and night about. If it backs up Comey's testimony, it will never see the light of day. Comey tried to convey his beliefs as to what Trump was asking but without recordings, obstruction would require more evidence.
Apparents according to Odium anytime a govt employee writes something it becomes classified. That would be true if it wasn't super bullshit.

Now they want to lock people up for sharing their own notes. Lol....maybe you can have Flynn chant lock her up and say that sweet line "If I did half of what she did I'd be in jail". Which he did and ironically got you whipped up into a creamy froth
Any private discussion with the president is automatically classified. The level is decided later. I would say this discussion was at the very least SECRET.

False but nice try.
I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.
Interesting take, mudwhistle. I like it.
Any private discussion with the president is automatically classified. The level is decided later. I would say this discussion was at the very least SECRET.

False but nice try.
I've held a TS-SCI clearance. I was also a registered Comsec Custodian. I've had way too much experience with this not to know how it works. Any discussion that is private with the president is Classified. You do understand what that means, don't you? The classification could be confidential, secret, or top secret. It all depends on the content of the discussion.

Your problem is you think Trump isn't allowed to keep anything secret from you motherfuckers.

Repeating the same thing doesn't make it true.
It's simple.....the only way Comey could legally relay information that was discussed in private with the president is if it was in his belief that a crime had been committed. Comey doesn't say that. He just said that he later took down notes thinking that Trump would lie about what was said. It was purely to protect his reputation. Problem with that is anything that they discussed could be classified by the president or declared executive privilege. Comey said that he took pains not to give away classified information but he leaked parts of his alleged discussion to the press. This is no different than somebody tapping his phone and giving to the press.....a felony.
Interesting take, mudwhistle. I like it.


Of course you "like it", it validates all of your preconceived opinions.

It's not based in reality, though.
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

2. Notes made by the director are considered work product and thus they are classified by their very nature. (see the employment agreement he signed when he was hired)

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position now by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Neither 1 nor 2 are the slightest bit true. There are no such "automatic" classification systems.
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.
Correct there is no automatic classification. There's inherited classification but that does not apply.

The president or vice president can classify or declassify any information but it must go through the standard process.
Let me type slowly for you..

1. Comey made notes about a meeting with the president of the united states. All of these meetings are considered Top Secret unless they are declassified by the POTUS/whitehouse chief of staff.

2. Notes made by the director are considered work product and thus they are classified by their very nature. (see the employment agreement he signed when he was hired)

3. Comey ADMITTED that he leaked these documents through a third party under oath..

Comey is now in a very precarious position now by leaking classified materials using a third party to a Ny Times reporter.

Comey is screwed...

Neither 1 nor 2 are the slightest bit true. There are no such "automatic" classification systems.
Actually there is..


I suggest you do some reading..


18 USC 641 outlaws stealing from the government.

It doesn't say a damn thing about automatically classifying anything at all.
Correct there is no automatic classification. There's inherited classification but that does not apply.

The president or vice president can classify or declassify any information but it must go through the standard process.

Meetings with the POTUS on official basis are classified, They are "born classified"

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