Coming Holocaust on european folks by lying western presstitutes and other warmongers


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It is clear so-called MSM 'Free Press' must be prohibited in any free country otherwise it has the risk to be destroyed in coming WWIII. There is no secret western countries have not 'Free Press', but lying propaganda fabrics who lead western folks to completely annihilation. No MSM presstitutes are necessary, because all of them have own agenda and work against interests of western white christian man. Presstitutes are more dangerous as cancer or poison, they not only kill the bodies but perverts souls of former free citizens of their countries.For example look the Anti-Putin London Murder Lie which brings Europa on the verge of nuclear Armageddon. An ugly old mad hag blame Putin without any proof and MS presstitutes air the lie non-stop 24/7 in numerous coverages and shows.
Prohibit MS presstitutes, establish government controlled Medias where only indigenous folks according their percent in country are allowed to work and world will became more secure.
Do not forget that only 5 Russian Saramats missiles can annihilate Europe for ever. BTW. Until today there were no one proof Kreml ( Putin ) have killed anyone except lies of MS presstitutes. Mossad officially assassinated 2,700 persons, no problem for presstitutes.


War is necessary! Poison! Russian whip.Putin is the murder on Skrypal.Pay your tax and shut up .There is no right to NATO - Propaganda

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ue...mass media is your enemy. They have two purposes...propaganda and diversion.

And annihilation of white christian civilization.

For example, when you read last time about white genocide in South Africa?
Western presstitutes which lies destroyed this former Great Country created by White Man are continuously keeping silence.
South Africa is a labor where methods of white genocide in USA and Europa are testing.

Western MS presstitutes are the biggest criminals after Satan.They caused WWI and WWII, provoke WWIII and perform White Genocide now

The globalist Agenda is to destroy white Christian culture. The MSM and “progressive left” are all in with Islamists, they are all traitors to humanity.

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