Coming out of closet?

nice backpedal. we went into the chamber and watched others at prayer.

why would i pray there, i'm not a muslim, fool.

School/Group Visits:
The Islamic Center of New England would be happy to schedule a tour of the Masjid for a class or group. The visit would include a tour of the Masjid, an introduction to Islam lecture, and observing Muslim prayer services. A question and answer session will follow

Visit Center: ICNE

Not a backpedaling at all.

Obama was removing his shoes and going in to pray.

Did they offer that privilege to you?

Not hardly.

Obama is considered to be a Muslim....because of his father. He is allowed to practice the faith but I doubt he does it regularly.

oooooh, i bet he'll be swapping spit with the sauds before we know it.

he's said he's not a muslim; if it makes your wienie hard to think otherwise, knock yourself out. i prefer reality.

Yes, forget about the don't like you won't believe it.

Sorry if that gets your panties in a bunch.
Threads like these just crystallize the fact that "conservatives" are intolerant bigots that only respect white Christians.

Good work, Americano!

Shit, I've been doing it wrong all along then.

Note to self: Be more bigoted, and only respect white Christians.
To state that Islam has always been quite intolerant is to overstate the case quite severely.

No. That is (and you are) flatly wrong.

To state that Islam has always been quite intolerant is to simply tell the truth.

That's what got you so confused, sunni.

I'm not sure how to even define "Islam" so that it may be examined in historical persective.

Most historians see the Ottoman Empire as the most historically relevant reference of what we think of as "Islam"......Frankly, I cannot imagine anyone believing the Ottomans were "Tolerant," but they did do a damn fine job for 400 years.

Until Europeans screwed it up.....:eusa_whistle:

Actually, Ottomans fell from the inside. And as I recall, they lasted over 500 years.

They were tolerant only to those who peacefully adopted their religion, and those who resisted were slaughtered. People from Balkan peninsula could tell you the best about it.
Leave it up to Democrats....the fucks that they are...putting the first Muslim President in the White House...right in the middle of the War on Terror.

Just shows you how much influence the media has on this country...because they couldn't have done it without their help.
Last edited:
Ame®icano;1800995 said:

Don't kill the messenger...


This is OUR President at a MOSQUE prayer session LAST WEEK AT THE WHITE HOUSE, on the site where the INAUGURATION is held every 4 years!

For Obama to continue as our president is an INSULT TO OUR FOUNDING FATHERS


Oh, yes, Obama prays all right

It doesn't look like a White house to me, but it does look like he's taking off the shoes before the prayer...

So what would it matter what superstitions he has?

I think it would before the election. Now he can openly say whatever he wants and people would ask the same question: Does it matter... anymore?
Ame®icano;1802505 said:
Ame®icano;1800995 said:

Don't kill the messenger...


Oh, yes, Obama prays all right

It doesn't look like a White house to me, but it does look like he's taking off the shoes before the prayer...

So what would it matter what superstitions he has?

I think it would before the election. Now he can openly say whatever he wants and people would ask the same question: Does it matter... anymore?

We can't impeach him for covering up his background.

We can't even impeach him for lying in every speech.

Abuse of power, bribing government officials, and the theft of the Treasury are impeachable offenses.
Last edited:
Ame®icano;1802505 said:
So what would it matter what superstitions he has?

I think it would before the election. Now he can openly say whatever he wants and people would ask the same question: Does it matter... anymore?

We can't impeach him for covering up his background.

We can't even impeach him for lying in every speech.

Personally his abuse of power and the theft of the Treasury are impeachable offenses.

Even if they are, there is no will in the Congress to do so. And if the is no shift in power in 2010, nothing will change for the next 7+ years.

No, he didn't.

Obama Cancels National Day of Prayer Service - Associated Content -

It wasn't just for Christians but he did cancel the National Day of Prayer.

No, he didn't.

(linked in your own source)

President Obama opted not to have a service in the White House this year.

"Prayer is something that the president does every day," explained White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, adding that Obama will sign a proclamation to recognize the day. "I think the president understands, in his own life and in his family's life, the role that prayer plays."

National Day of Prayer Task Force | Stories | Content | 2009 Prayer for the Nation

The National Day of Prayer wasn't cancelled. The events went on as planned. President Obama didn't host an event in the White House.

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is marking today's National Day of Prayer -- but not publicly.

The president has signed a proclamation about the day in private. There'll be no public ceremony involving prominent clerics, lawmakers or prayers, as there was when George W. Bush was in the White House.

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says it's not that Obama thinks the observance was getting politicized, as some critics charge. Aides say he's merely returning to the practice that prevailed before Bush took office -- of signing and issuing a proclamation.

National Day of Prayer Task Force | Media | Proclamation


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release May 7, 2009​




Throughout our Nation's history, Americans have come together in moments of great challenge and uncertainty to humble themselves in prayer. In 1775, as the Continental Congress began the task of forging a new Nation, colonists were asked to observe a day of quiet humiliation and prayer. Almost a century later, as the flames of the Civil War burned from north to south, President Lincoln and the Congress once again asked the American people to pray as the fate of their Nation hung in the balance.

It is in that spirit of unity and reflection that we once again designate the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer. Let us remember those who came before us, and let us each give thanks for the courage and compassion shown by so many in this country and around the world.

On this day of unity and prayer, let us also honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. We celebrate their commitment to uphold our highest ideals, and we recognize that it is because of them that we continue to live in a Nation where people of all faiths can worship or not worship according to the dictates of their conscience.

Let us also use this day to come together in a moment of peace and goodwill. Our world grows smaller by the day, and our varied beliefs can bring us together to feed the hungry and comfort the afflicted; to make peace where there is strife; and to lift up those who have fallen on hard times. As we observe this day of prayer, we remember the one law that binds all great religions together: the Golden Rule, and its call to love one another; to understand one another; and to treat with dignity and respect those with whom we share a brief moment on this Earth.

The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a "National Day of Prayer."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 7, 2009, as a National Day of Prayer. I call upon Americans to pray in thanksgiving for our freedoms and blessings and to ask for God's continued guidance, grace, and protection for this land that we love.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.

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No, he didn't.

Obama Cancels National Day of Prayer Service - Associated Content -

It wasn't just for Christians but he did cancel the National Day of Prayer.

No, he didn't.

(linked in your own source)

President Obama opted not to have a service in the White House this year.

"Prayer is something that the president does every day," explained White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, adding that Obama will sign a proclamation to recognize the day. "I think the president understands, in his own life and in his family's life, the role that prayer plays."

National Day of Prayer Task Force | Stories | Content | 2009 Prayer for the Nation

The National Day of Prayer wasn't cancelled. The events went on as planned. President Obama didn't host an event in the White House.

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is marking today's National Day of Prayer -- but not publicly.

The president has signed a proclamation about the day in private. There'll be no public ceremony involving prominent clerics, lawmakers or prayers, as there was when George W. Bush was in the White House.

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says it's not that Obama thinks the observance was getting politicized, as some critics charge. Aides say he's merely returning to the practice that prevailed before Bush took office -- of signing and issuing a proclamation.

National Day of Prayer Task Force | Media | Proclamation


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release May 7, 2009​




Throughout our Nation's history, Americans have come together in moments of great challenge and uncertainty to humble themselves in prayer. In 1775, as the Continental Congress began the task of forging a new Nation, colonists were asked to observe a day of quiet humiliation and prayer. Almost a century later, as the flames of the Civil War burned from north to south, President Lincoln and the Congress once again asked the American people to pray as the fate of their Nation hung in the balance.

It is in that spirit of unity and reflection that we once again designate the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer. Let us remember those who came before us, and let us each give thanks for the courage and compassion shown by so many in this country and around the world.

On this day of unity and prayer, let us also honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. We celebrate their commitment to uphold our highest ideals, and we recognize that it is because of them that we continue to live in a Nation where people of all faiths can worship or not worship according to the dictates of their conscience.

Let us also use this day to come together in a moment of peace and goodwill. Our world grows smaller by the day, and our varied beliefs can bring us together to feed the hungry and comfort the afflicted; to make peace where there is strife; and to lift up those who have fallen on hard times. As we observe this day of prayer, we remember the one law that binds all great religions together: the Golden Rule, and its call to love one another; to understand one another; and to treat with dignity and respect those with whom we share a brief moment on this Earth.

The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a "National Day of Prayer."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 7, 2009, as a National Day of Prayer. I call upon Americans to pray in thanksgiving for our freedoms and blessings and to ask for God's continued guidance, grace, and protection for this land that we love.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.


This will no longer be the case. President Obama, apparently listening to complaints by atheists and others who hold that holding a religious service, no matter how inclusive, constitutes an official endorsement of religion, has canceled the National Day of Prayer service.
Obama Cancels National Day of Prayer Service
This cancellation in turn has miffed evangelical Christians who see it as a slighting of religion.
But he chose not to get involved in prayer day.

He refused to observe it like Bush did before him.

And he claims he's a Christian.

Honestly I just think he's Muslim from birth...raised in an Atheist home with a communist upbringing.

He's one fucked up individual.
But he chose not to get involved in prayer day.

He refused to observe it like Bush did before him.

And he claims he's a Christian.

Honestly I just think he's Muslim from birth...raised in an Atheist home with a communist upbringing.

He's one fucked up individual.

not only that he has a lot of ass kissing to do.
Obama Cancels National Day of Prayer Service - Associated Content -

It wasn't just for Christians but he did cancel the National Day of Prayer.

No, he didn't.

(linked in your own source)

National Day of Prayer Task Force | Stories | Content | 2009 Prayer for the Nation

The National Day of Prayer wasn't cancelled. The events went on as planned. President Obama didn't host an event in the White House.

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is marking today's National Day of Prayer -- but not publicly.

The president has signed a proclamation about the day in private. There'll be no public ceremony involving prominent clerics, lawmakers or prayers, as there was when George W. Bush was in the White House.

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says it's not that Obama thinks the observance was getting politicized, as some critics charge. Aides say he's merely returning to the practice that prevailed before Bush took office -- of signing and issuing a proclamation.

National Day of Prayer Task Force | Media | Proclamation


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release May 7, 2009​




Throughout our Nation's history, Americans have come together in moments of great challenge and uncertainty to humble themselves in prayer. In 1775, as the Continental Congress began the task of forging a new Nation, colonists were asked to observe a day of quiet humiliation and prayer. Almost a century later, as the flames of the Civil War burned from north to south, President Lincoln and the Congress once again asked the American people to pray as the fate of their Nation hung in the balance.

It is in that spirit of unity and reflection that we once again designate the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer. Let us remember those who came before us, and let us each give thanks for the courage and compassion shown by so many in this country and around the world.

On this day of unity and prayer, let us also honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. We celebrate their commitment to uphold our highest ideals, and we recognize that it is because of them that we continue to live in a Nation where people of all faiths can worship or not worship according to the dictates of their conscience.

Let us also use this day to come together in a moment of peace and goodwill. Our world grows smaller by the day, and our varied beliefs can bring us together to feed the hungry and comfort the afflicted; to make peace where there is strife; and to lift up those who have fallen on hard times. As we observe this day of prayer, we remember the one law that binds all great religions together: the Golden Rule, and its call to love one another; to understand one another; and to treat with dignity and respect those with whom we share a brief moment on this Earth.

The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a "National Day of Prayer."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 7, 2009, as a National Day of Prayer. I call upon Americans to pray in thanksgiving for our freedoms and blessings and to ask for God's continued guidance, grace, and protection for this land that we love.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.


This will no longer be the case. President Obama, apparently listening to complaints by atheists and others who hold that holding a religious service, no matter how inclusive, constitutes an official endorsement of religion, has canceled the National Day of Prayer service.
Obama Cancels National Day of Prayer Service
This cancellation in turn has miffed evangelical Christians who see it as a slighting of religion.

He didn't cancel National Day of Prayer.
But he chose not to get involved in prayer day.

He refused to observe it like Bush did before him.

And he claims he's a Christian.

Honestly I just think he's Muslim from birth...raised in an Atheist home with a communist upbringing.

He's one fucked up individual.

He chose to observe it as Presidents had prior to GWBush.
But he chose not to get involved in prayer day.

He refused to observe it like Bush did before him.

And he claims he's a Christian.

Honestly I just think he's Muslim from birth...raised in an Atheist home with a communist upbringing.

He's one fucked up individual.

He chose to observe it as Presidents had prior to GWBush.
Even Reagan? :eek:
No, he didn't.

(linked in your own source)

National Day of Prayer Task Force | Stories | Content | 2009 Prayer for the Nation

The National Day of Prayer wasn't cancelled. The events went on as planned. President Obama didn't host an event in the White House.

National Day of Prayer Task Force | Media | Proclamation


Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release May 7, 2009​




Throughout our Nation's history, Americans have come together in moments of great challenge and uncertainty to humble themselves in prayer. In 1775, as the Continental Congress began the task of forging a new Nation, colonists were asked to observe a day of quiet humiliation and prayer. Almost a century later, as the flames of the Civil War burned from north to south, President Lincoln and the Congress once again asked the American people to pray as the fate of their Nation hung in the balance.

It is in that spirit of unity and reflection that we once again designate the first Thursday in May as the National Day of Prayer. Let us remember those who came before us, and let us each give thanks for the courage and compassion shown by so many in this country and around the world.

On this day of unity and prayer, let us also honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. We celebrate their commitment to uphold our highest ideals, and we recognize that it is because of them that we continue to live in a Nation where people of all faiths can worship or not worship according to the dictates of their conscience.

Let us also use this day to come together in a moment of peace and goodwill. Our world grows smaller by the day, and our varied beliefs can bring us together to feed the hungry and comfort the afflicted; to make peace where there is strife; and to lift up those who have fallen on hard times. As we observe this day of prayer, we remember the one law that binds all great religions together: the Golden Rule, and its call to love one another; to understand one another; and to treat with dignity and respect those with whom we share a brief moment on this Earth.

The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a "National Day of Prayer."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 7, 2009, as a National Day of Prayer. I call upon Americans to pray in thanksgiving for our freedoms and blessings and to ask for God's continued guidance, grace, and protection for this land that we love.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this seventh day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.


This will no longer be the case. President Obama, apparently listening to complaints by atheists and others who hold that holding a religious service, no matter how inclusive, constitutes an official endorsement of religion, has canceled the National Day of Prayer service.
Obama Cancels National Day of Prayer Service
This cancellation in turn has miffed evangelical Christians who see it as a slighting of religion.

He didn't cancel National Day of Prayer.

Yup,, he did.
Well, willow. If you wish to lie and be dishonest, and don't have the character to admit when you're wrong, that's your choice.
But he chose not to get involved in prayer day.

He refused to observe it like Bush did before him.

And he claims he's a Christian.

Honestly I just think he's Muslim from birth...raised in an Atheist home with a communist upbringing.

He's one fucked up individual.

He chose to observe it as Presidents had prior to GWBush.

Which ones? Clinton?

Don't make me laugh.
But he chose not to get involved in prayer day.

He refused to observe it like Bush did before him.

And he claims he's a Christian.

Honestly I just think he's Muslim from birth...raised in an Atheist home with a communist upbringing.

He's one fucked up individual.

He chose to observe it as Presidents had prior to GWBush.

Which ones? Clinton?

Don't make me laugh.
How do you think Thomas Jefferson and James Madison observed it?

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