Coming Soon to a City Near You...

One thing I know for sure...I don't want that mindset here. We cannot become Europe.
Immigrants that refuse to acclimate to the culture of the area to which they immigrate should be sent back to their homeland.
Can you guess the name of this dirty, crowded, over-populated European city? See the answer on the bottom.
















It is Marseille, France's second largest city! ‘Non, c'est devenu la 1ère’
And do you know what is the second language spoken in Marseille?
It's French. The first is Arabic.
Give them Paradise and they will turn it to a garbage bin.
France is already gone.
Gaddafi once said in a speech that there was no need to invade Europe,
because in 20 years Europe would be Muslim.
It has been reported in the London Daily Mail (January 2014)
that 50% of all babies born in the UK in 2012 and 2013 were Muslim.

Is this what we want our cities to look like in 20 years?
If so, keep on listening to Obama and supporting his Muslim refugee program.

Why do you care what religion people choose to follow?
Can you guess the name of this dirty, crowded, over-populated European city? See the answer on the bottom.
















It is Marseille, France's second largest city! ‘Non, c'est devenu la 1ère’
And do you know what is the second language spoken in Marseille?
It's French. The first is Arabic.
Give them Paradise and they will turn it to a garbage bin.
France is already gone.
Gaddafi once said in a speech that there was no need to invade Europe,
because in 20 years Europe would be Muslim.
It has been reported in the London Daily Mail (January 2014)
that 50% of all babies born in the UK in 2012 and 2013 were Muslim.

Is this what we want our cities to look like in 20 years?
If so, keep on listening to Obama and supporting his Muslim refugee program.

Couldn't happen to nicer people. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

What's ironic about it is that there is probably a French blog somewhere where the French are discussing how Mexicans are taking over our country, living in a two bedroom home with twelve people, and changing our national language as well.

Why do you care what religion people choose to follow?
When a religion calls for the killing of all people who do not convert to it, that religion should be banned from the USA....until they change their belief to one of tolerance for all religions...AS IS INTENDED BY OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!

Just how stupid can the politically correct be?

Why do you care what religion people choose to follow?
When a religion calls for the killing of all people who do not convert to it, that religion should be banned from the USA....until they change their belief to one of tolerance for all religions...AS IS INTENDED BY OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!

Just how stupid can the politically correct be?

Oooohhh. I get it now. You care because you have a special, irrational hatred and bigotry toward this particular religion. I guess you can relate to those rabidly zealous anti-Christian types who make the same accusations about Christianity.

Why do you care what religion people choose to follow?
When a religion calls for the killing of all people who do not convert to it, that religion should be banned from the USA....until they change their belief to one of tolerance for all religions...AS IS INTENDED BY OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!

Just how stupid can the politically correct be?

Oooohhh. I get it now. You care because you have a special, irrational hatred and bigotry toward this particular religion. I guess you can relate to those rabidly zealous anti-Christian types who make the same accusations about Christianity.

When was the last time any Christian religion taught killing for the religion?

Why do you care what religion people choose to follow?
When a religion calls for the killing of all people who do not convert to it, that religion should be banned from the USA....until they change their belief to one of tolerance for all religions...AS IS INTENDED BY OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!

Just how stupid can the politically correct be?

Oooohhh. I get it now. You care because you have a special, irrational hatred and bigotry toward this particular religion. I guess you can relate to those rabidly zealous anti-Christian types who make the same accusations about Christianity.
Right or wrong, the criticism level does increase when you see what is being done to this world in the name of that religion. It is hostile towards ideas and people who do not agree with their ways and beliefs. But even that would be tolerable if it were not the constant indiscriminate murders of innocents in more nations than anyone can list.

For those who believe in God, most understand there is really only one God. There are not Hindu gods, Muslim gods, tribal gods, and Christian gods. Either we are all wrong or one is true. Christians (and Jews must be included) are certain their god is God. That is why we must reject Islam and its constant violent ways. There may be a half a billion good Muslims or more but there are hundreds of millions causing hate and constant violence to all their neighbors. I submit that is evidence there is something wrong at the core --- it is not of God.

Islam is the most obstinate as a guest to foreign countries. They have caused a lot of issues and concerns, most all the other cultures do not act that way.
Is it me, but I'm underwhelmed by the "disgusting" images.

Why do you care what religion people choose to follow?
When a religion calls for the killing of all people who do not convert to it, that religion should be banned from the USA....until they change their belief to one of tolerance for all religions...AS IS INTENDED BY OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!

Just how stupid can the politically correct be?

Oooohhh. I get it now. You care because you have a special, irrational hatred and bigotry toward this particular religion. I guess you can relate to those rabidly zealous anti-Christian types who make the same accusations about Christianity.
Apparently, you are no expert of any type.

That particular religion (The Radical Muslims) have a special (unique), irrational hatred and bigotry toward ALL OTHER RELIGIONS! The radical Muslims have commands in the Quran (from their 'prophet') to KILL all infidels (those who do not believe as they do).

I have no knowledge of any other religious group having this as part of their creed.

You are a either a fool or a disingenuous, uneducated buffoon. Why should I embrace any religion whose members are sworn to KILL ME? Why should I not want to see them killed first?

Try to put some real logic in your reply.
Here's another question for the so-called SwimExpert.

Your signature reads "As to the OP....I think we should limit ourselves to answers that agree with the constitution."

Our Constitution guarantees us the freedom to worship as we please or to not worship at all. The government shall not pass any laws that require worship of any sort or to deny the right to worship as we please.

The radical Muslims are in conflict with our Constitution. They want to FORCE ALL PEOPLE to follow their demented 'prophet's' commands (supposedly from God).

How do you justify defending radical Islam?

How do you justify attacking those who want to rid the world of radical Islam?

Take your time.

He that does not thank the guards is destined to die in his sleep at the hands of the enemy!

Why do you care what religion people choose to follow?
When a religion calls for the killing of all people who do not convert to it, that religion should be banned from the USA....until they change their belief to one of tolerance for all religions...AS IS INTENDED BY OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!

Just how stupid can the politically correct be?

Oooohhh. I get it now. You care because you have a special, irrational hatred and bigotry toward this particular religion. I guess you can relate to those rabidly zealous anti-Christian types who make the same accusations about Christianity.

When was the last time any Christian religion taught killing for the religion?


Why do you care what religion people choose to follow?
When a religion calls for the killing of all people who do not convert to it, that religion should be banned from the USA....until they change their belief to one of tolerance for all religions...AS IS INTENDED BY OUR CONSTITUTION!!!!

Just how stupid can the politically correct be?

Oooohhh. I get it now. You care because you have a special, irrational hatred and bigotry toward this particular religion. I guess you can relate to those rabidly zealous anti-Christian types who make the same accusations about Christianity.

When was the last time any Christian religion taught killing for the religion?

And this one guy is a leader of a Christian religion? I guess you didn't hear the laughter in the background as he was speaking.

So once again: When was the last time any Christian RELIGION taught killing people for the RELIGION! Not one kook, but the entire religion itself.

Nice try anyway. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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