Coming Soon To A US Street Corner Near You, Courtsey BHO And Eric Holder


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
CVS reported that its distribution centers would rapidly run out of stock of Adult Huggies each time the NYT or the WaPo would publish an article about George W Bush's rendition programs or the NSA's terrorist electronic surveillance programs, so great was the Liberal's angst and subsequent involuntary loss of control of their anal sphincters over George W Bush's supposedly harsh treatment of America's sworn foreign enemies
Eric Holders's pronouncement today that its perfectly alright for Barack Obama to unleash a salvo of Hellfire Missiles at any time on any American citizen on American soil he considers an enemy of the State and DHS's recent purchase of some 1700 armored personnel carriers should have generated a lot more angst among the Liberal Chattering classes, but as yet, nary a word or a quivering lip anywhere to be found.

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