Coming To A Town Near You: Cops To Get Pot Breathalyzers To Rid The Streets Of Stoned Drivers

Probably since he was on the road. Auto accidents have been on a sharp rise here since legalizing weed and the State Patrol is looking for quicker ways to test pot smokers. I smell it a lot when I'm in the stores, I doubt they all took the bus. I heard a few days ago a UofW professor decided to invent a breathalyser for it and sounds confident he can do it.
I doubt that bud
Doesn't matter what you doubt. If people can smell pot on your breathe I'm sure a machine can measure it.

You're right, what I doubt and what you say doesnt matter. Only what you can prove. I'd like to see this sharp rise since legalization that you speak of, but I again...I DOUBT you have that information.
I heard it on the local news stations, out of Seattle. So you can't believe more stoned drivers would lead to more problems? LOL.
It's best to start from the assumption that all pothead claims are myths. I already knew pot makes drivers more dangerous and now more people are waking up to that fact starting with Seattle.

On a completely unrelated note, I hate the Seahawks.
Pot also makes you paranoid. I've seen young people crawling around WAY below the speed limit. One guy stopped on a major street for me to make my left. He inched forward for a few minutes until a city cop pulled up behind him. I made my left, laughing.

The Hawks are back in business! Look out y'all.
I have no issue with this whatsoever. You shouldn't be driving stoned in the first place. I would love to hear some of the reasons people would get pulled over: "Excuse me, sir? Did you know how much you were cheesing it back there?" lol

Liberals will oppose this of course.
One of the main obstacles of legalization has been the cops claiming they have no way to test for MJ while driving, now that they have their weapon, legalization should follow....

What is also needed is some information informing people who smoke pot about the duration of inhibition, and when they are "safe" to drive again.
You think potheads are going to remember how much they smoked and plug the numbers into their pot impairment app and make a judicious decision to call a cab?

Probably at about the same level as people who drink. I only smoke up when I am on vacation or camping, so driving is never an issue with me when I blaze up, but I would think most smokers would know better, especially now that they know there will be a test that can measure real-time THC concentrations in the blood, not just trace amounts indicating exposure sometime in the last 30 days or so.
Sorry, I can't relate. I've never done drugs in my life. Though I'm sure if I were in your position I would want a scientific formula for knowing I was obeying the law too.
You've never taken an aspirin, that is amazing...
As a Southern Conservative Christian, I am all for this. It's time to get rid of dangerous dope smoking drivers off the streets in America as we are drunk drivers. There should be absolute zero tolerance of drinking and stoned driving. Marijuana usage is the work of the devil and the only way to fight this evil is to combat it so innocent law abiding people can be saved. This new invention placed in the hands of police in cities near you can now be used to detect the devil in these drivers so they can be sent to jail and find salvation. May God bless them all.

Pot breathalyzer may be coming soon to police near you

And how do you spot a stoned driver? You WALK up to the driver's side and knock on the window. :)
As a Southern Conservative Christian, I am all for this. It's time to get rid of dangerous dope smoking drivers off the streets in America as we are drunk drivers. There should be absolute zero tolerance of drinking and stoned driving. Marijuana usage is the work of the devil and the only way to fight this evil is to combat it so innocent law abiding people can be saved. This new invention placed in the hands of police in cities near you can now be used to detect the devil in these drivers so they can be sent to jail and find salvation. May God bless them all.

Pot breathalyzer may be coming soon to police near you

Treating marijuana use like alcohol use?

All for it.

Common characteristics of the pot smoker while driving...

-relaxed and chill
-not likely to freak out on people
-calm and centered
-happy and at peace
-not likely to get pulled over for speeding or reckless behavior

Advocating impaired driving? That's smart. I'm sure the LEO that pulls you over will see things your way.​

I haven't smoked weed in like three years but when I did, I would ace my college tests even while stoned. I could do backflips stoned. I could climb, boulder, repel, and bellay while stoned out of my mind. I could fight stoned, workout stoned, perform all my Kempo techniques stoned, fire a weapon with extreme accuracy even while stoned, etc.

It's no surprise that even when I get stoned as hell I'm still way more badass than people like you lol.


Common characteristics of the pot smoker while driving...

-relaxed and chill
-not likely to freak out on people
-calm and centered
-happy and at peace
-not likely to get pulled over for speeding or reckless behavior

Advocating impaired driving? That's smart. I'm sure the LEO that pulls you over will see things your way.​

I haven't smoked weed in like three years but when I did, I would ace my college tests even while stoned. I could do backflips stoned. I could climb, boulder, repel, and bellay while stoned out of my mind. I could fight stoned, workout stoned, perform all my Kempo techniques stoned, fire a weapon with extreme accuracy even while stoned, etc.

It's no surprise that even when I get stoned as hell I'm still way more badass than people like you lol.

You hollowed out your brain then since you don't know me. The thing about pot is it's delusional. No one thinks they are smarter or better when they are drunk.

Common characteristics of the pot smoker while driving...

-relaxed and chill
-not likely to freak out on people
-calm and centered
-happy and at peace
-not likely to get pulled over for speeding or reckless behavior

Advocating impaired driving? That's smart. I'm sure the LEO that pulls you over will see things your way.​

I haven't smoked weed in like three years but when I did, I would ace my college tests even while stoned. I could do backflips stoned. I could climb, boulder, repel, and bellay while stoned out of my mind. I could fight stoned, workout stoned, perform all my Kempo techniques stoned, fire a weapon with extreme accuracy even while stoned, etc.

It's no surprise that even when I get stoned as hell I'm still way more badass than people like you lol.

You hollowed out your brain then since you don't know me. The thing about pot is it's delusional. No one thinks they are smarter or better when they are drunk.

I never said I was smarter or better while stoned, only that even when stoned I am still far more capable at many things than most people.

As a Southern Conservative Christian, I am all for this. It's time to get rid of dangerous dope smoking drivers off the streets in America as we are drunk drivers. There should be absolute zero tolerance of drinking and stoned driving. Marijuana usage is the work of the devil and the only way to fight this evil is to combat it so innocent law abiding people can be saved. This new invention placed in the hands of police in cities near you can now be used to detect the devil in these drivers so they can be sent to jail and find salvation. May God bless them all.

Pot breathalyzer may be coming soon to police near you
a Southern Conservative Christian

In other words, a maggot
I have no issue with this whatsoever. You shouldn't be driving stoned in the first place. I would love to hear some of the reasons people would get pulled over: "Excuse me, sir? Did you know how much you were cheesing it back there?" lol

Liberals will oppose this of course.
One of the main obstacles of legalization has been the cops claiming they have no way to test for MJ while driving, now that they have their weapon, legalization should follow....

What is also needed is some information informing people who smoke pot about the duration of inhibition, and when they are "safe" to drive again.
You think potheads are going to remember how much they smoked and plug the numbers into their pot impairment app and make a judicious decision to call a cab?

Probably at about the same level as people who drink. I only smoke up when I am on vacation or camping, so driving is never an issue with me when I blaze up, but I would think most smokers would know better, especially now that they know there will be a test that can measure real-time THC concentrations in the blood, not just trace amounts indicating exposure sometime in the last 30 days or so.
Sorry, I can't relate. I've never done drugs in my life. Though I'm sure if I were in your position I would want a scientific formula for knowing I was obeying the law too.
you have never smoked pot?....but yet in the pot threads you talk like you know all about then you must be another who thinks "Reefer Madness" is a documentary about pot....

Common characteristics of the pot smoker while driving...

-relaxed and chill
-not likely to freak out on people
-calm and centered
-happy and at peace
-not likely to get pulled over for speeding or reckless behavior

Advocating impaired driving? That's smart. I'm sure the LEO that pulls you over will see things your way.​

I haven't smoked weed in like three years but when I did, I would ace my college tests even while stoned. I could do backflips stoned. I could climb, boulder, repel, and bellay while stoned out of my mind. I could fight stoned, workout stoned, perform all my Kempo techniques stoned, fire a weapon with extreme accuracy even while stoned, etc.

It's no surprise that even when I get stoned as hell I'm still way more badass than people like you lol.

You hollowed out your brain then since you don't know me. The thing about pot is it's delusional. No one thinks they are smarter or better when they are drunk.
you are another who has never smoked pot....there is a big difference between being drunk as compared to being high....

Common characteristics of the pot smoker while driving...

-relaxed and chill
-not likely to freak out on people
-calm and centered
-happy and at peace
-not likely to get pulled over for speeding or reckless behavior

Advocating impaired driving? That's smart. I'm sure the LEO that pulls you over will see things your way.​

I haven't smoked weed in like three years but when I did, I would ace my college tests even while stoned. I could do backflips stoned. I could climb, boulder, repel, and bellay while stoned out of my mind. I could fight stoned, workout stoned, perform all my Kempo techniques stoned, fire a weapon with extreme accuracy even while stoned, etc.

It's no surprise that even when I get stoned as hell I'm still way more badass than people like you lol.

You hollowed out your brain then since you don't know me. The thing about pot is it's delusional. No one thinks they are smarter or better when they are drunk.

I never said I was smarter or better while stoned, only that even when stoned I am still far more capable at many things than most people.

Which means you think you're smarter, duh! This morning another report was aired on Newsy, California is close to a pot breathalyser. This device will be a great addition to road safety, regardless of the self serving claims of users.

Common characteristics of the pot smoker while driving...

-relaxed and chill
-not likely to freak out on people
-calm and centered
-happy and at peace
-not likely to get pulled over for speeding or reckless behavior

Advocating impaired driving? That's smart. I'm sure the LEO that pulls you over will see things your way.​

I haven't smoked weed in like three years but when I did, I would ace my college tests even while stoned. I could do backflips stoned. I could climb, boulder, repel, and bellay while stoned out of my mind. I could fight stoned, workout stoned, perform all my Kempo techniques stoned, fire a weapon with extreme accuracy even while stoned, etc.

It's no surprise that even when I get stoned as hell I'm still way more badass than people like you lol.

You hollowed out your brain then since you don't know me. The thing about pot is it's delusional. No one thinks they are smarter or better when they are drunk.
you are another who has never smoked pot....there is a big difference between being drunk as compared to being high....
You don't know what you are babbling about and deluded like every pot smoker I've ever known. That's what makes it worse than alcohol, drinkers sober up the next day, potheads get rewired.
I have no issue with this whatsoever. You shouldn't be driving stoned in the first place. I would love to hear some of the reasons people would get pulled over: "Excuse me, sir? Did you know how much you were cheesing it back there?" lol

One of the main obstacles of legalization has been the cops claiming they have no way to test for MJ while driving, now that they have their weapon, legalization should follow....

What is also needed is some information informing people who smoke pot about the duration of inhibition, and when they are "safe" to drive again.
You think potheads are going to remember how much they smoked and plug the numbers into their pot impairment app and make a judicious decision to call a cab?

Probably at about the same level as people who drink. I only smoke up when I am on vacation or camping, so driving is never an issue with me when I blaze up, but I would think most smokers would know better, especially now that they know there will be a test that can measure real-time THC concentrations in the blood, not just trace amounts indicating exposure sometime in the last 30 days or so.
Sorry, I can't relate. I've never done drugs in my life. Though I'm sure if I were in your position I would want a scientific formula for knowing I was obeying the law too.
you have never smoked pot?....but yet in the pot threads you talk like you know all about then you must be another who thinks "Reefer Madness" is a documentary about pot....
You're an idiot if you think I have to smoke pot in order to know anything about it.
What is also needed is some information informing people who smoke pot about the duration of inhibition, and when they are "safe" to drive again.
You think potheads are going to remember how much they smoked and plug the numbers into their pot impairment app and make a judicious decision to call a cab?

Probably at about the same level as people who drink. I only smoke up when I am on vacation or camping, so driving is never an issue with me when I blaze up, but I would think most smokers would know better, especially now that they know there will be a test that can measure real-time THC concentrations in the blood, not just trace amounts indicating exposure sometime in the last 30 days or so.
Sorry, I can't relate. I've never done drugs in my life. Though I'm sure if I were in your position I would want a scientific formula for knowing I was obeying the law too.
you have never smoked pot?....but yet in the pot threads you talk like you know all about then you must be another who thinks "Reefer Madness" is a documentary about pot....
You're an idiot if you think I have to smoke pot in order to know anything about it.
I thought i knew all about marriage, till I got married and was educated by being married....Now having kids,,,you have no idea what you will go through until you have kids and raise them............smoking pot, until you have smoked pot, you don't know what it's like...
You think potheads are going to remember how much they smoked and plug the numbers into their pot impairment app and make a judicious decision to call a cab?

Probably at about the same level as people who drink. I only smoke up when I am on vacation or camping, so driving is never an issue with me when I blaze up, but I would think most smokers would know better, especially now that they know there will be a test that can measure real-time THC concentrations in the blood, not just trace amounts indicating exposure sometime in the last 30 days or so.
Sorry, I can't relate. I've never done drugs in my life. Though I'm sure if I were in your position I would want a scientific formula for knowing I was obeying the law too.
you have never smoked pot?....but yet in the pot threads you talk like you know all about then you must be another who thinks "Reefer Madness" is a documentary about pot....
You're an idiot if you think I have to smoke pot in order to know anything about it.
I thought i knew all about marriage, till I got married and was educated by being married....Now having kids,,,you have no idea what you will go through until you have kids and raise them............smoking pot, until you have smoked pot, you don't know what it's like...
Bullshit. I just look at you stupid wankers high on the stuff and it tells me all I need to know.
Probably at about the same level as people who drink. I only smoke up when I am on vacation or camping, so driving is never an issue with me when I blaze up, but I would think most smokers would know better, especially now that they know there will be a test that can measure real-time THC concentrations in the blood, not just trace amounts indicating exposure sometime in the last 30 days or so.
Sorry, I can't relate. I've never done drugs in my life. Though I'm sure if I were in your position I would want a scientific formula for knowing I was obeying the law too.
you have never smoked pot?....but yet in the pot threads you talk like you know all about then you must be another who thinks "Reefer Madness" is a documentary about pot....
You're an idiot if you think I have to smoke pot in order to know anything about it.
I thought i knew all about marriage, till I got married and was educated by being married....Now having kids,,,you have no idea what you will go through until you have kids and raise them............smoking pot, until you have smoked pot, you don't know what it's like...
Bullshit. I just look at you stupid wankers high on the stuff and it tells me all I need to know.
You could say that if someone smoked all day every day...
As a Southern Conservative Christian, I am all for this. It's time to get rid of dangerous dope smoking drivers off the streets in America as we are drunk drivers. There should be absolute zero tolerance of drinking and stoned driving. Marijuana usage is the work of the devil and the only way to fight this evil is to combat it so innocent law abiding people can be saved. This new invention placed in the hands of police in cities near you can now be used to detect the devil in these drivers so they can be sent to jail and find salvation. May God bless them all.

Pot breathalyzer may be coming soon to police near you
Well now, that is all to the good. With the same penalties as DUI. Somehow, our civilization has survived 3000 years of alcohol, conservative estimate, I fully believe that we can survive at least that of pot usage. However, not on the job, not on the street, and, certainly, not in anyone with a firearm.

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