Coming To A Town Near You: Cops To Get Pot Breathalyzers To Rid The Streets Of Stoned Drivers

Common characteristics of the pot smoker while driving...

-relaxed and chill
-not likely to freak out on people
-calm and centered
-happy and at peace
-not likely to get pulled over for speeding or reckless behavior

Advocating impaired driving? That's smart. I'm sure the LEO that pulls you over will see things your way.​

I haven't smoked weed in like three years but when I did, I would ace my college tests even while stoned. I could do backflips stoned. I could climb, boulder, repel, and bellay while stoned out of my mind. I could fight stoned, workout stoned, perform all my Kempo techniques stoned, fire a weapon with extreme accuracy even while stoned, etc.

It's no surprise that even when I get stoned as hell I'm still way more badass than people like you lol.

You hollowed out your brain then since you don't know me. The thing about pot is it's delusional. No one thinks they are smarter or better when they are drunk.
you are another who has never smoked pot....there is a big difference between being drunk as compared to being high....
You don't know what you are babbling about and deluded like every pot smoker I've ever known. That's what makes it worse than alcohol, drinkers sober up the next day, potheads get rewired.
i dont know what im talking about and yet you make this stupid statement?..."drinkers sober up the next day, potheads get rewired".....what the fuck is "rewired"....are we talking speed or pot?..
What is also needed is some information informing people who smoke pot about the duration of inhibition, and when they are "safe" to drive again.
You think potheads are going to remember how much they smoked and plug the numbers into their pot impairment app and make a judicious decision to call a cab?

Probably at about the same level as people who drink. I only smoke up when I am on vacation or camping, so driving is never an issue with me when I blaze up, but I would think most smokers would know better, especially now that they know there will be a test that can measure real-time THC concentrations in the blood, not just trace amounts indicating exposure sometime in the last 30 days or so.
Sorry, I can't relate. I've never done drugs in my life. Though I'm sure if I were in your position I would want a scientific formula for knowing I was obeying the law too.
you have never smoked pot?....but yet in the pot threads you talk like you know all about then you must be another who thinks "Reefer Madness" is a documentary about pot....
You're an idiot if you think I have to smoke pot in order to know anything about it.
hey dumbass when you are talking about how people are when they do pot you would think the person may have at least some practical experience with the threads you are in you are telling dozens of people who have actually smoked the stuff that the way they say it is,is bullshit, because you read something about it...if you have never smoked the stuff,how the hell can you tell people you know what its like?..and dont tell me you dont do that,the threads you are in are still here...
You think potheads are going to remember how much they smoked and plug the numbers into their pot impairment app and make a judicious decision to call a cab?

Probably at about the same level as people who drink. I only smoke up when I am on vacation or camping, so driving is never an issue with me when I blaze up, but I would think most smokers would know better, especially now that they know there will be a test that can measure real-time THC concentrations in the blood, not just trace amounts indicating exposure sometime in the last 30 days or so.
Sorry, I can't relate. I've never done drugs in my life. Though I'm sure if I were in your position I would want a scientific formula for knowing I was obeying the law too.
you have never smoked pot?....but yet in the pot threads you talk like you know all about then you must be another who thinks "Reefer Madness" is a documentary about pot....
You're an idiot if you think I have to smoke pot in order to know anything about it.
I thought i knew all about marriage, till I got married and was educated by being married....Now having kids,,,you have no idea what you will go through until you have kids and raise them............smoking pot, until you have smoked pot, you don't know what it's like...
I disagree. Even if you are not the person creating the problems, everyone who is impacted by your choice of action ends up feeling the burn just as much...maybe even more should they not have the ability to stop you from doing what you are doing.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've never smoked a day in my life, but I did see a cousin that I used to have the day before she died of cancer...I don't need to smoke anything in order to know what smoking anything at all does to a person.
Probably at about the same level as people who drink. I only smoke up when I am on vacation or camping, so driving is never an issue with me when I blaze up, but I would think most smokers would know better, especially now that they know there will be a test that can measure real-time THC concentrations in the blood, not just trace amounts indicating exposure sometime in the last 30 days or so.
Sorry, I can't relate. I've never done drugs in my life. Though I'm sure if I were in your position I would want a scientific formula for knowing I was obeying the law too.
you have never smoked pot?....but yet in the pot threads you talk like you know all about then you must be another who thinks "Reefer Madness" is a documentary about pot....
You're an idiot if you think I have to smoke pot in order to know anything about it.
I thought i knew all about marriage, till I got married and was educated by being married....Now having kids,,,you have no idea what you will go through until you have kids and raise them............smoking pot, until you have smoked pot, you don't know what it's like...
I disagree. Even if you are not the person creating the problems, everyone who is impacted by your choice of action ends up feeling the burn just as much...maybe even more should they not have the ability to stop you from doing what you are doing.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've never smoked a day in my life, but I did see a cousin that I used to have the day before she died of cancer...I don't need to smoke anything in order to know what smoking anything at all does to a person.
There is nothing worse about pot, than drinking beer. Moderation is the key to all indulgences...Our fore fathers smoked weed yet led productive lives..I smoke pot and lead a productive life, my Mom smokes weed and lives a productive life in the upper middle class...My kids may smoke weed every six months if that much and they are not alcoholics or obese..I taught my kids that in every part of life like partying, eating, etc..Moderation is the key to control and happy living...
One more thing Missy.....Happy New Year and Merry Christmas you sweetheart...Like I said before..You remind me of two very special people I loved, but are not alive anymore..You are a joy to converse with...God bless you....

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