Zone1 Coming to know God

My claim can only be analyzed in it's entirety. You can't parse out everything after manifestations and expect it to make sense.

Atheism proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts.

Which is why you can't understand why people pray or the purpose of prayer.
You're still refusing to provide an example of prayer that isn't for personal gain.

At least Meriweather has tried to be honest by claiming that it would be in trying fo find his god To which I replied that that would be personal gain.

To elaborate for him, it could be claimed to be personal enrichment of his life.

But that's up to him to elaborate further.
You're still refusing to provide an example of prayer that isn't for personal gain.

At least Meriweather has tried to be honest by claiming that it would be in trying fo find his god To which I replied that that would be personal gain.

To elaborate for him, it could be claimed to be personal enrichment of his life.

But that's up to him to elaborate further.
I just explained prayer to you. It made you uncomfortable.
Because God abhors wickedness and it must be destroyed. We should not entertain it, do businesses with it, nor condone it nor have any relationships with it.
God will stamp it out again permanently as we approach the soon coming end times. God cannot permit Evil to stand in His Presence and this is why The Unredeemed and Unrepentant must be separated from The Righteous Redeemed.
So he decided to start out by killing all the babies, and letting the rest live, right? Sure sounds like the act of a loving god.
Lastly and probably most important, I was taught that prayer should not be about what God can do for us. Prayer should be about us asking God what He wants us to do.
The key words in both cases is that god is supposedly going to do something for you. You can hint at what you want by asking him what he wants to do for you.

For example: God, would you like to cure my wife of Cancer?

But that's not true is it? Christians pray and ask god for favours. I'm asking for the exception?
I just explained prayer to you. It made you uncomfortable.
I'm not feeling any discomfort with this discussion. In fact, I'm finding that it's becoming productive. Meriweather remains in good spirit and the rest of you should too.
So he decided to start out by killing all the babies, and letting the rest live, right? Sure sounds like the act of a loving god.
The Hebrews sure thought God was a loving God. Your inability to properly read the bible has messed you up bad. It's skewed everything. You want to argue theology? Fine. But God is transcendent so the only evidence you will find is indirect evidence. Fortunately we have all of creation to study as it is the indirect evidence you are asking for. Unfortunately for you, your bias prevents you from analyzing the evidence.
So he decided to start out by killing all the babies, and letting the rest live, right? Sure sounds like the act of a loving god.
God let you live, didn't He, and you are a very wicked human being?
Consider yourself a survivor and blessed despite the fact you do not deserve it.

Yet, you have no problem letting humans kill 70 million African American and Hispanic Babies at the Hands of The Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps, do you.

If God sentences a wicked people say like The Amorites or Palestinians to Death, He has good reason, because they have become unredeemable through their own Free Will, and if they have children, The Parents being Utterly Wicked and Unredeemable will just spread their Evil to their Children and their Children will Spread their Evil into The World.

But I will do you one better than that. You Children of Hell believe in Depopulation, so what is it to you on how The Earth is Depopulated?
During The Tribulation The Wrath of God will reduce The Unrepentant Population of Earth by 75%.
You being an unbeliever and God Hater will see that day and experience The Tribulation.

Given your Dogma and Doctrine, You should give God a Standing Ovation.

Is this not the very creed The Left lives by?

"If they would rather die, they’d better do it, and decrease the surplus population"​

Yes He did, despite Man being Wicked and Undeserving which makes The Story of The Cross MORE COMPELLING, not less.
Everything God created is good, right? That includes man. God didn't create wickedness or wicked men. Wickedness doesn't exist. Wickedness is the absence of good; the negation of good.
The Hebrews sure thought God was a loving God. Your inability to properly read the bible has messed you up bad. It's skewed everything. You want to argue theology? Fine. But God is transcendent so the only evidence you will find is indirect evidence. Fortunately we have all of creation to study as it is the indirect evidence you are asking for. Unfortunately for you, your bias prevents you from analyzing the evidence.
Explain what was so loving about Passover. If he wanted to force the release of the jews, why did he kill their babies?
It's the simple description of an atheist.
It's true of all atheists.
Actually it's not even close. Atheism is disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

You couldn't have been more clumsy in how you defined atheism.
Explain what was so loving about Passover. If he wanted to force the release of the jews, why did he kill their babies?
I have no reason to convince you of anything. I just correct your silly statements and logic.
Your inability to properly read the bible has messed you up bad.
And then it's the Christian who takes the discussion down to the level of personal insults.

Perhaps now is the time for you to pray and ask for help to rise above that level?
And then it's the Christian who takes the discussion down to the level of personal insults.

Perhaps now is the time for you to pray and ask for help to rise above that level?
That was a statement of fact. It applies to you as well. Your bias is preventing you from seeing reality.

But setting that aside, how exactly was that a personal insult?

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